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Thursday 29 December 2022

What does a mini heart attack feel?

What does a mini heart attack feel?

If you have a mini heart attack, it means that you have had a heart attack but the damage to your heart is not as severe as with a full-blown heart attack. A mini heart attack is also sometimes called a silent heart attack because many people don’t even know they’ve had one.

 mini heart attacks are caused by a blockage in one of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart. This blockage can be caused by a buildup of plaque, a blood clot, or other debris. A mini heart attack happens when the blockage is severe enough to reduce blood flow to the heart muscle but not enough to cause complete heart damage.

Symptoms of a mini heart attack can include:

-Chest pain or discomfort

that’s often mistaken for a heart attack

If you experience chest pain or discomfort that’s severe, lasts longer than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back, it could be a sign of a mini heart attack.

Also known as a silent heart attack, a mini heart attack may not cause the same dramatic symptoms as a full-blown heart attack. But don’t let the name fool you – a mini heart attack can still be serious and warrants immediate medical attention.

When to see a doctor

If you experience any chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, or nausea, it’s important to see a doctor right away. Even if you’re not sure it’s a heart attack, it’s always better to err on the side of caution.

-Shortness of breath

pain in the chest and left arm, lightheadedness, cold sweats, and nausea are all signs that you may be having a heart attack. While these symptoms may be caused by other conditions, it's important to get them checked out by a doctor as soon as possible to rule out a heart attack.

-Pain in

the center of your chest that lasts for more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back, is a sign of a heart attack, especially if it occurs with shortness of breath, or sweating, or nausea.

I think i had a heart attack and now i feel fine

I think I had a heart attack and now I feel fine. I was sitting at my desk when I suddenly felt a pain in my chest. It was so severe that I thought I was having a heart attack. I got up and walked around for a few minutes, but the pain didn't go away. I called my husband and he took me to the hospital. The doctors did some tests and said that I didn't have a heart attack, but they did find a blockage in one of my arteries. They put me on medication and told me to make some lifestyle changes. I'm so relieved that I'm not having a heart attack, but I'm also grateful that the doctors found the blockage before it became a serious problem.

Tuesday 27 December 2022

How to control diabetes

  diabetes is one of the rapidly growing global disease number of people having diabetes has grown from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. Diabetes is the major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart issues, stroke and lower limb amputation. Controlling the blood sugar level is primary task of diabetic patients. Sugar enters our blood stream from the food we consume and food control is the major factor in controlling the diabetes. Here are some excellent food which one must consume to manage the diabetes. Number one, green leafy Vegetables Green leafy vegetables are low in calories and are low in carbohydrates hence. 

They keep blood sugar level in balance. They are rich in fiber hence they help with absorption of sugar in right face. One must consume spinach methi leaves and drumstick leaves in their regular meals. Among all green leafy vegetables, drumstick leaves have proven to really reduce the diabetes. They are rich in ascorbic acid which leads to increase the insulin secretion in our body and so it reduces the sugar level. Second, whole grain substituting refined grain by whole grain can really help reducing the diabetes. Whole grain have lots of fibers and nutrients compared to refined grains. Again, the whole grains have a lesser Glycemic index, thus comparatively having less impact on blood sugar level. Whole grains like Brown rice, Raggi and rice and such things are excellent food to control the blood sugar. Ragi is excellent food among all millets. It reduces oxidative stress and inflammation which in turn helps in controlling diabetes. Third, food are Berry. Berries like strawberries, blueberries raspberries and blackberries. What we call as Jamon are specially excellent food. They have antioxidants that reduces oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is very common in diabetic patients. Again, berries are very good in vitamin C too which are known to keep blood sugar level in balance. Number four,

 Beans beans are low in Glycemic index and so it effectively reduces blood sugar level is the GI - Glycemic index of soya beans is 15 while kidney beans are 28 and chickpeas are 33. Beans are complex carbohydrates so the body digests them slower than any other carbohydrate diet. Eating beans would really help even in weight loss. And so blood sugar and cholesterol is reduced 5th the citrus fruit and citrus food to your daily diet. Oranges and lemons have amazing anti diabetic effects. Modern researchers believe that they have bioflavonoid. All this is available in Orange and lemon and this has anti diabetic effects. All these citrus fruits are excellent in vitamins and minerals without adding carbohydrate into your food. Vitamin C of all these citrus as food helps in controlling blood sugar level. Green leafy vegetable, whole grain berries, beans, and citrus foods. All these should be the major part of a diabetic person diet Moreover, you should also control yourself from consuming foods which can disturb your sugar level. Avoid food which has high Glycemic index like white rice, white bread, pumpkin, white potatoes, mega Preparation Refined sugar sugary drinks, sweet cakes and pastry biscuits and package snacks and packaged foods. Avoid consuming all these foods, 

which can spike your blood sugar rapidly. More importantly, keep eating every two hours. The major mistake many do is by skipping breakfast or having a very late breakfast. Make sure you eat something within one hour after you wake up. You can have a warm lemon juice with chia seeds first in the morning or add Amla powder with a pinch of turmeric in a warm water early in the morning. These morning drink can help to maintain your blood sugar level throughout the day. Keep your mind free from worries. Be flexible. Be humble. Diabetics are known to be perfectionist. They want everything so perfect that they are never satisfied with anybody else. Now you have to be caring. You have to be humble Other that other you be perfectionist. But expect nothing from other. So be very kind with others that would help you. Only Yoga believes that diabetes is one of the psychosomatic diseases. So the effect of mind on body is going to be obvious. When mind is not in a happy state, mind is full of worries and tension. Mind is full of anxiety. Then its effect is going to be there and person's diabetes can never be cured. Surrender all your challenge is to hire reality. Learn to accept people as they are. They are not as intelligent as you. So you do your part with best of your capacity. Be satisfied with your work, but accept others as they are. Don't try to impose your ideas of them. Try and live a very happy and peaceful life afterall it's your life. Diabetes is set in. But if you work on yourself, you'll be able to live your life very normally, happily and very successfully. So do your path well and live happily 

How To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux Permanently | Treat Acid Reflux Naturally | Relieve from Acidity


acid reflux is a symptom it is simply caused by excess production of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach normally your stomach produces hydrochloric acid to help digest and break down food now we must understand first of all that acidity occurs due to triggers such as acidic food alcohol dehydration and stress which cause excess production of acid today let us see a set of techniques that you can follow daily to get rid of acid reflux naturally and permanently first comes food this food aspect is very important when it comes to acid reflux after every meal suck on small piece of  jaggery maintains normal body temperature and cools the stomach drink 

1 cup of cold cow's milk or almond milk if you have a severe acid reflux milk helps to neutralize acid because its character is alkaline coconut water buttermilk bananas and apples are also good to soothe your stomach I would give you a drink recipe that is useful to reduce acid reflux symptoms so coriander seeds in water take 50 mL of this water soak barely about 4 hours in water and take 100 ml of this water take one small cucumber one inch Ginger one tablespoon lemon juice and few mint leaves blend all these ingredients together and garnish it with lemon slice and mint leaves you can have this drink either mid morning or half an hour after meal whenever you have acid reflux person must eat sensibly and avoid all that food which does not agree with your system second follow proper eating habits remember to drink water half an hour before food and one hour after food drink warm water before going to sleep and as soon as you wake up stay upright after meals and take a gentle walk to improve your digest avoid lying down immediately after having food do you have as a part of your morning hygiene routine this is the practice 

where you clean the root of your tongue by rubbing it with your thumb it contracts the stubborn and helps in a good elimination third technique pranayama have a very soothing effect Cooling in our system and should be practiced in the morning as well as in the evening that is one pranayama called as Chandra bhedan pradayam the Chandra Veda pradhayam is associated with the coolness of the Moon it regulates the flow of bile and induces calmness another pranayam called as C3 pranayam which is involves breathing in from mouth with the help of a tube formed by curling the tongue it heals ailments of the abdomen and removes excess heat accumulated in the system sitkari pranayam is there which also involves breathing in from mouth with a clenched teeth formation this pranayama is also Cooling and reduces mental tension next let us see some Asana which you can practice right in the morning which stimulates bowel movements it is very necessary to remove the waste materials and toxins from the system first for the agustasan in lying down variation it provides inside abdominal compression and stimulates the digestive system releases the acid reflux in the stomach by improving digestion and blood flow to the abdominal reasoning another Asana is makrasana it neutralizes acid in the stomach it is always best to do this Asana afedar before you really sit to eat your food it is important to relax in shavasana because it releases muscular and nervous tension it releases stress and invigorates your body and mind if if you suffer from chronic acidity all these asanas can also be done right into your bed the moment you wake up in the morning fifth journaling is also a very useful technique in a journal or in a diary make a record of the food

 which you have eaten all day activities you did or thoughts you entertain that triggered acid reflux in this way you will notice the pattern in your habits with a little introspection you will realize what to keep and what to let go in your life one more thing every day write few reasons why you are so grateful in your life it could be a blessings of good family any talents or skills you may have even a strong working faith in God or in higher reality this will keep you away from stress and negativity which is also a major cause of acidity because there is a strong and direct connection between body and mind you know know you can actually convince yourself into healthy states of body and mind so make the right choices remember what to keep what to let go and set yourself free from acid reflux symptoms permanently 

Monday 26 December 2022

How to stop hair loss and regrow Hair naturally

Have you noticed a bunch of your hair strands on your pillow, or in your shower drain lately? Have you started to notice that your hairline is receding? The average adult has about 150 thousand hair strands, and loses up to 100 of them a day. So don’t be alarmed yet. Losing your hair though, especially at an early age, can not only affect your physical health, but your mental health as well. Excessive hair loss can be a serious problem if not paid attention to. You can become a victim of hair loss due to a number of reasons such as stress, hereditary factors, medical conditions, hair treatments and even the wrong hair products that don’t suit your hair type. Let’s talk about 10 tips to regrow your hair naturally. Onion Juice This might sound a bit weird, but using onion juice is a sure-fire method to boosting hair growth and promoting hair regrowth. Onion is rich in sulfur, which nourishes and regenerates your hair follicles. A recent study indicated that applying onion juice to your scalp can help your hair regrow. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of Onions help to prevent and treat scalp infections. A healthier scalp means less hair loss! Onion Juice is pretty easy to make. Just blend 2 onions, then filter the juice using a cheesecloth making sure no onion chunks are left

. Give your scalp a good massage with the onion juice in circular motions. Let it sit for an hour and rinse it off with a mild shampoo to get rid of the pungent smell. Try this once a week for the best results! Stress Re

duction High stress levels push a large number of hair follicles into a resting phase. Within a few months, the affected hair might fall out suddenly while you’re simply combing or washing. Severe stress can also cause the body's immune system to attack the hair follicles, leading to hair loss. You can reduce stress through meditation, deep breathing, and regular exercise. Set up a routine where you reduce or eliminate stress causing agents from your lifestyle. Less stress equals less hair loss! Coconut Milk You’ve probably heard about coconut oil being good for hair but coconut milk is even better. It is completely natural and loaded with vitamins like niacin and folate which improve the circulation of blood in your scalp. Coconut milk also contains vitamin E as well as fats that help fight damage to your hair while deeply conditioning it. For application, take some coconut milk and heat it until slightly warm. Start by massaging the milk into your scalp for about 15 minutes. Once your scalp is covered, work it through your hair from the roots to the tips and leave it on for an additional 45 minutes.

 Then wash it out with regular shampoo. You can do this once a week. Eggs They can smell bad, I know. But eggs can do wonders for your hair regrowth since they’re packed with proteins, minerals, and B-complex vitamins that help curb hair loss and strengthen your roots. They also help stimulate new hair growth, adding volume and thickening your hair. Don’t worry, you don’t have to crack an egg over your head for this. Just whisk a few eggs and olive oil in a bowl until the white and yolk are combined. Apply the beaten egg to your hair using a brush. Ensure that your hair is completely covered in the mixture. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and wash your hair with cool water. Hot water will cook the egg, making the smell impossible to get rid of. Don’t say we didn’t warn you! Aloe Vera There are numerous benefits of Aloe Vera for skin and body. However, you might not know that Aloe Vera also works to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. It contains proteolytic enzymes which naturally stimulate hair growth. Due to its antifungal properties, it’s very effective against dandruff and also helps curb hair loss it may cause. It’s also super easy to use, just cut the leaf open and extract the gooey gel present inside.

 Apply this gel directly on your scalp and hair. Let it sit for about an hour and then rinse. Apply 2-3 times a week for best results. Amla Indian Gooseberry or Amla is a tree native to India. It is known to contain essential fatty acids, which strengthen hair follicles, preventing them from breaking. It also contains potent antioxidants, which improve blood circulation around the scalp stimulating hair growth. You can use Amla in the form of oil, powder or juice, but the easiest way for your hair is with Amla oil which you can get online. Make sure you use the kind that’s 100% pure. Just warm up the oil and apply on your hair twice a week! Head Massage A rather unconventional but effective way to let hair regrow naturally is to give your head a nice massage. Any movement on your scalp is good because it helps stimulate it. This increases the blood supply to the scalp, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth. Studies have shown that with a 4 minute scalp massage once a day for several weeks, there was a significant increase in the progression of the hair cycle. If you have fine thin hair, then do it gently, very very gently,

 like you are handling a delicate thread. If you have never done a hair massage or are scared that you might break more hair, just tap your scalp with your fingers or stroke your hair and it should be good enough. You can also use various oils like coconut, almond and sesame in the massage as well. Lemon Juice Lemon juice is a time tested solution for all hair and scalp problems. Being a rich source of various nutrients like vitamin C, B ,antioxidants and folic acid – it is a power-packed natural remedy for hair growth. Lemon juice has been known to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp promoting hair regrowth. Simply mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 2 teaspoons of coconut or olive oil and apply this mixture evenly on your head. Wait for 1 hour and then wash your hair with mild shampoo. Repeat this once every week to maximize hair growth. Apple Cider Vinegar Apart from its many other uses, Apple Cider Vinegar is beneficial for hair growth. It has properties which help it ward off bacteria and maintain balanced pH levels to stimulate hair growth. It gently exfoliates the scalp as well.. It’s fairly easy to use. 

Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo, then mix Apple Cider Vinegar with water and after washing your hair, use a cup of this ACV solution as the final rinse. Use this every time you wash your hair and see the magic unfold! Garlic Garlic and hair might not sound like a match made in heaven. But believe us, it is indeed. Raw garlic is high in vitamins B-6 and C, manganese, and selenium — all of which promote healthy hair. In addition it has antimicrobial and antifungal properties which help kill bacteria and promote hair growth. A study found that participants who applied garlic gel to bald spots on the scalp had improved their hair regrowth. If you want to avoid over-complicated recipes without all the bells and whistles, just cut a clove of garlic in two and rub it directly onto the scalp. This no-fuss method is the easiest out there, and it only takes a matter of minutes. Keep in mind that raw garlic can have a burning effect, and overuse can lead to skin sensitivity and irritation. Apply it on a patch of skin to check for itching. It’s always good to be cautious! Is your hair falling out? Do you intend to try one of these tips? 

How do berries help your brain?


There’s nothing quite like eating a juicy, delicious bowl of blueberries on a warm summer day. Not only are they tasty, but they’re also packed with a variety of good-for-you nutrients. While you can say the same thing about most fruits and vegetables, blueberries are having a moment. Even through ever-changing nutrition science and trends that come and go, blueberries continue to be viewed as a powerhouse. 

Some say they're the secret to glowing skin, others label them a superfood. But just how good can one tiny berry be for you? Well, keep watching today’s video, where we will tell you about all the health benefits of Blueberries. From promoting healthy aging, helping muscle recovery, preventing acne, helping fight cancer to supporting digestion and more, watch till the end to learn about all of them. Improves Brain Health: Blueberries and your brain health are a match made in heaven. Antioxidants present in them can be the ticket to keeping your mind sharp and healthy. One study evaluated the effects of eating blueberry on human brain function by having participants follow a diet supplemented with it daily for 90 days.

 Researchers found that people showed significantly fewer errors in tests used to assess verbal memory and task switching compared to those who took a placebo. In another study, researchers found that older adults with cognitive impairment had increased brain activity in certain parts of the brain while on a blueberry supplemented diet. You can add it to your diet by sprinkling onto your oatmeal, adding them to your smoothie, or even dipping them in yogurt. Have you ever gotten into an embarrassing situation because of your forgetful memory? Tell us what it was down below in the comments section! Promotes Healthy Aging:

 A diet rich in blueberries can help stave off age-related disease and cognitive decline, along with many other chronic illnesses. This is because they are jam-packed with antioxidants that protect against the oxidative cell damage that naturally occurs with age. They also protect against chronic sun exposure, environmental toxins and stress. One recent study, compared people who were given a daily drink with 11 grams wild blueberry powder to those who got an antioxidant-extract drink supplemented with fiber. After a month, the people who got the wild blueberries had better blood flow and their immune response got more of a boost. Another review found that in children who were given a blueberry supplement, there were consistent improvements in memory and executive function, which relates to the ability to control behavior. Older adults and adults with mild cognitive impairments receiving blueberry supplements experienced these benefits as well as improved motor function, including coordination and dexterity. Betters Heart Health: Heart disease remains the top killer of both men and women in the US, and blueberries may offer some potent protection. Due to their ability to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, blueberries protect against artery hardening, a condition that ups the risk of heart attack and stroke. One study in men with metabolic syndrome compared the effects of eating one cup of blueberries per day to a placebo over the course of six months.

 The blueberry eaters experienced sustained improvements in artery function, including reduced stiffness, as well as positive changes in cholesterol profiles. The results led scientists to conclude that blueberries should be included in dietary strategies to reduce heart disease risk. Helps muscle recovery: The wear and tear put on muscles during exercise triggers exercise-induced muscle damage, or EIMD. The effect can result in increased muscle soreness, reduced muscle force, and hindered athletic performance. However, what athletes eat before or after exercise can potentially offset EIMD. In one study, athletes ate either a blueberry smoothie or a placebo drink of a similar antioxidant capacity five and 10 hours before, and then immediately, 12, and 36 hours after EIMD, which was induced by strenuous strength training. Researchers found a faster rate of muscle strength recovery in the blueberry intervention group. It proved that blueberry consumption triggers adaptive events in the body that accelerate muscle repair. Lowers Blood Pressure: Incorporating a cup of blueberries per day can significantly help with high blood pressure. A study found that participants who ate that amount for eight weeks saw a 5 to 6 percent drop in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. This may be likely due to the vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and phytonutrients naturally found in blueberries. A cup per day is the perfect amount to sprinkle generously over a bowl of cottage cheese or Greek yogurt with some chopped nuts as a healthy breakfast. Brightens Mood: No, it’s not just because eating blueberries in the sunshine makes you happy, although that doesn’t hurt. Blueberries are thought to be a natural mood enhancer, and there's research to back it up. A study linked eating blueberries to improved positive mood in children and adults, possibly due to their flavonoid content. The positive effect occurred after two hours of eating them. So eat up at breakfast and you may feel yourself perk up by lunch. Good for your gut: Blueberries are rich in gut-healthy fibre.

 They can alleviate and protect against intestinal inflammations as well as ulcerative colitis, according to research. It was found that the protective effect is even better if they are eaten with probiotics. Recommendations are 30 grams of fibre per day and one serving of 80 grams of blueberries contains around 2 grams. Prevents And Cures Acne: For those with skin that is prone to acne, blueberries can help you achieve blemish-free skin. They have a high concentration of salicylates, a salt of the salicylic acid, which is widely used in topical acne treatment products. Its ability to remove dead skin, open clogged pores, and act against bacteria makes it a very effective treatment for acne. You can make a facepack for most effective results. Mix mashed blueberries with a few drops of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey. Apply it on the affected areas. Keep the pack on for about 20 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water. Helps Fight Cancer: Blueberries have a wide variety of nutrients, some of which have been proven to reduce the risk of cancer. This is due to the high antioxidant content which prevents damage by free radicals to your body. Studies on mice have shown that they can lower the risk of breast cancer and may be effective against more aggressive forms of breast cancer. Researchers believe that two cups of blueberries should be adequate to obtain similar results in humans. Polyphenols in blueberries have been directly associated with the reduction in risk of colon cancer. One of the top causes of cancer are eating the wrong type of foods. To know which ones we are talking about, watch this video titled “Top 5 Cancer Causing Foods You Should Avoid” Now back to the proven health benefits of blueberries. Amps Up Weight Loss: Take a look at the blueberry nutrition profile, and you’ll quickly see why this nutrient-packed berry is great if you’re looking to lose weight fast.

 It’s low in calories but provides a whopping 4 grams of fiber per cup, fulfilling up to 14 percent of your daily fiber needs with just one serving. Fiber moves slowly through your digestive tract, promoting satiety and keeping you feeling fuller for longer to aid in weight loss. Reduces Inflammation: Although inflammation is a normal immune response that helps protect your body from illness and injury, chronic inflammation is at the root of most diseases. In fact, it is thought to contribute to a wide range of conditions, including cancer, autoimmune conditions, heart disease and even depression. Thanks to its high antioxidant content, blueberries have been shown to have a significant anti-inflammatory effect in the body. A study found that the polyphenols found in blueberries helped reduce the activity of several markers of inflammation. Supports Digestion: With 4 grams of fiber in each cup, including a serving or two of blueberries can help you meet your fiber needs while also promoting regularity and healthy digestion. When you eat fiber, it travels through the gastrointestinal tract undigested, adding bulk to the stool to keep you regular. In fact, a study found that increasing your intake of dietary fiber could help increase stool frequency in those with constipation. Strengthens Your Bones: Blueberries are rich in vitamin K, providing about 24 micrograms of the vitamin per one-quarter cup. 

This amount equates to 20 to 26 percent of the recommended daily value for it. Vitamin K helps your blood clot properly and plays a crucial role in your bone health. Furthermore, it helps your body use calcium to build bones. Maintains Optimum Blood Sugar Levels: Blueberries are highly recommended for people who suffer from insulin resistance and diabetes. They help regulate blood sugar and control obesity. Blueberries have a low glycemic index value. In other words, it takes a longer time for your body to digest and absorb them. Because o f this, they cause a smaller and slower rise in your blood sugar levels. They don’t cause your insulin or blood sugar levels to spike. They also make you feel full for a longer period of time. While Blueberries are great, eating them alone would not benefit your health so much. You have to eat other good foods, in order to maximize their advantages for your body. You can know more about them by: Finding out the Healthiest High-Fiber Foods You Should Be Eating Or Learning about The Foods That Can Help You Live Longer 

Sunday 25 December 2022

How to Boost Your Metabolism Naturally? 9 Tips to Improve Your Metabolism


during metabolism body changes food and drink into energy the calories which is acquired from food and drink mixes with oxygen to make the energy the body needs the number of calories the body at rest uses to do activities such as breathing cell Rejuvenation digestion is known as basal metabolic Rays called as BMR low metabolism or BMR causes symptoms such as weight gain constipation depression and fatigue among other things today let us see some easy and natural ways to boost the metabolism first agnisar is a kriya which stimulates all the naris at the naval Center it enhances metabolism and activates digestive fire so here stand or sit erect Hands by the side here rapidly and forcibly put your stomach in and relax continue this movement begin with 10 to 20 such movements and then increase them and then reach up to 50 times in a day avoid this kriya if you have a hypertension cardiac 

problems hernia or if you have a tendency to get angry easily second Surya mudra Surya mudra activates the heat within the body to boost metabolism and thus AIDS in weight loss sit comfortably on your mats with your spine strengths close your eyes and place your hands Palm facing upwards bend your ring finger so that the tip of the figure touches the base of the thumb place your thumb on the folded ring finger keep the rest of the fingers straight hold the mudra for about 10 minutes while breathing normally gently relax your fingers and slowly open your eyes since Surya mudra Ingles the fire elements in your body you may practice this mudra for a longer duration up to 20 minutes basically in the winter to generate more heat earth increases the gastric fire and improves appetite it also helps in promoting metabolism and improves digestion sit straight from the waist upwards eyes can be kept closed take in a deep breath and breathe out forcibly through your nose without any strain immediately 

breathe in with the same Force inhale and exhale forcibly deeply and thoroughly here use diaphragmatic vessels with Vigor the abdominal moves up during inhalation while the diaphragm descends the converse happens while exhaling the above movement should be slightly exaggerated a strong nasal sound will accompany with such a breathing the process should be rhythmic and under control maintaining the speed as per capacity do 10 Cycles to complete one round of bastrika pranaya practice three rounds per session with pause in between rounds first pranayam should be practiced only only on an empty stomach that too after evacuation in the morning fourth paschimota Sun this forward bendigasana improves metabolism weak digestion and sluggish liver sick on a mat with legs fully stretched keep the spine erect and beside the Body Farm facing down raise both the arms beside the chest hold it at the elbows parallel to the ground and here Palm facing downwards and inhale normally while exhaling Bend forward to stretch your hands to hold your big toe gently pull the elbows down to touch the ground and bend your head to touch your forehead to the knee rest the forehead in in between the space of the knee and maintain the posture here breathing normally in the final position now raise the head let go of the toe gently straighten the back and bring the hands to the side breathing should be 

normal slow and rhythmic fifth Ginger and fruits ginger has been used to elevate metabolism and digestion related issues since ancient time here I am giving you one traditional recipe with ginger it is combined with honey wash 100 grams fresh ginger and remove the skin cut it into small sizes and soak these with Ani in the glass bottle with a wide opening seal the bottle mouth with a fine cotton cloth and keep this in Sun for 15 days eat two pieces of this honey infused Ginger every day in the morning as well as in the evening to prevent all these stomach issues fruits such as watermelon and other melon varieties enhances metabolism watermelon also helps weight loss because it contains Arginine and amino acids that is capable of reducing body fats try to eat your fruits fresh and whole rather than juices juicing takes away the fiber contents other fruits such as blueberries strawberries apricots and avocados also boost your metabolism six get up walk and do some little little activities if you have a sedentary 

lifestyle or if you work from home make it a habit to get up from your desk or your workplace every happy time and just take a walk around your house or do simple stretches you may do little course around the house such as hand washing delicate clothes hanging them out to dry folding laundries sweeping the floor cleaning up a drawer arranging your books fixing a quick meal and so on such tasks will refresh your body as well as buying and your output at work would be more active and creative seventh walk in fresh air and play some outdoor games every day at least for 20 minutes go out in fresh air and have a nice walk you can play even some outdoor games the air element is refreshing and does wonders for the health of your body and mind by eliminating all kinds of sluggishness walking and playing

 will activate the organs these organs in your abdomen and that's why they will function more efficiently in fact any activity of your body will help you to improve your metabolism anytime so make it a point to keep moving to keep walking doing some work actively whole day it's relaxation with this pandava this could be done after meals this simple technique teaches us the life goes by just like the sounds which are there around us sit on the bed leading against the wall with feet apart and outstretched do not slouch let the hips be close to the wall so that the spine remains naturally erects the hands rest on the thighs The Palms and figures are loose and facing upwards close your eyes and passively listen to The Sounds around you the sounds will come and fade away do not allow yourself to get dwelled into any particular sound 

but Let It Go as it fades away once that goes away fix up on any other sound which is there in the surrounding if there are no sounds you can focus on some light instrumental music but no words as words tend to develop emotions in your mind do not get affected by any outside sounds in any way sit with this weather for 5 to 15 minutes to improve digestion and ensure metabolism relaxation instead of lying down after means ninth get involved in Seva or volunteering some good work taking active part in community activities Social Work volunteering and offering Seva brings a great sense of satisfaction these kinds of selfless activities usually bring out your passion and creativity they also activate the happy hormones in the brain and not only improve the metabolism it also imparts a disease-free body and mind so today we have seen different ways of enhancing your metabolism choose them all or try a few of them and see the difference in your body and mind if you notice any positive changes then make this a habit in your life foreign

How can I exfoliate my skin? Affordable products

exfoliation can be done using many different ways. For example, you can use a manual scrub, a scrubbing brush, a cream or a gel, or just a bath. Some of the best ways to exfoliate your skin are using a manual scrub, using a scrubbing brush, using a cream or gel, shower or bathing.

There are a lot of affordable ways to exfoliate your skin. You can use a scrub, a foaming face wash, a facial scrub, a peeling gel, a moisturizer, or a cream. Some people prefer to use a scrub because it is gentle and it helps to remove the dead skin cells and the oils that can accumulate on the skin. You can also use a foaming face wash to remove the dirt, the oils, and the makeup that can accumulate on the skin. Facial scrubs are also gentle and they help to remove the dead skin cells and the oils that can accumulate on the skin. Peeling gels are also gentle and

There are a lot of great affordable skin care products on the market today. I have compiled a list of my favorite affordable skin care products that I think are worth trying.

1. CeraVe Moisturizing Cream: This moisturizing cream is a cult favorite for a reason. It is affordable, effective, and suitable for all skin types.

is perfect for those who want a light and refreshing feeling all day long.

CeraVe Moisturizing Cream is a light moisturizing cream that will leave you feeling refreshed all day long. CeraVe moisturizes the skin while leaving it feeling hydrated and smooth.

2. La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo: This acne-fighting spot treatment is a great option for those with oily and acne-prone skin.

La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo is a 50+ sunscreen that is perfect for those with oily skin. It has a light feel and is easy to apply, making it a great choice for those who want a sunscreen that is effective and easy to use. The sunscreen also has a long lasting effect, meaning it will last through the day.

3. Eucerin Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Cream: This anti-wrinkle cream is a great option for those with dry and sensitive skin.

cream is a great choice for those looking for an effective and affordable solution. It is a light, white cream that is easy to apply and has a long shelf life. Plus, it is effective and won't cause any irritation. The cream has been proven to be effective in treating wrinkles and age spots.

Eucerin Q10 is a light, white cream that is easy to apply and has a long shelf life. Plus, it is effective and won't cause any irritation. The cream has

4. Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel: This water gel is a great option for those with normal to oily skin.

found on Neutrogena can be a great way to keep your skin hydrated and looking healthy.

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel is a great way to keep your skin hydrated and looking healthy. This water gel has a variety of ingredients that will help to hydrate and looking healthy. The water gel is also vegan and gluten free. It is also a great way to keep your skin hydrated when you don't have any water to drink.

5. Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer: This daily moisturizer is a great option for those with dry skin.

Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer is the perfect way to keep your skin looking and feeling radiant and healthy! It features a light, non-greasy formula that helps keep your skin hydrated and healthy, while providing a long-lasting, natural glow. Plus, it comes in a handy, travel-friendly container! read more

Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer is the perfect way to keep your skin looking and feeling radiant and healthy! It features a light

Saturday 24 December 2022

What vegetable are good for the body?


There’s no doubt salads are good for your health. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, or increase your fruits and veggies, salads are the way to go. In today’s video, we’ll be talking about what happens to your body when you eat salad every day. Salads give you a healthy gut, and help regular bowel movements. But can it give you stronger bones? What about preventing cancer? We’re talking about all of these AND more... 1. You will have a healthy gut and bowel movements All the fruits, veggies, and leafy greens you have in salad are a rich source of fiber. This fiber helps regulate your bowel movements, and aids in relieving symptoms related to constipation. It also reduces your risk of getting a bowel disease. Salads offer you both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber feeds the good bacteria in your gut, which improves your digestion.

Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, binds with stool to increase its bulk. The result is smoother easier bowel movements. If you have high blood cholesterol levels, salad will help here as well. That’s because fiber reduces the levels of bad LDL cholesterol in your blood. This means you have a reduced risk of getting a heart disease. It also helps regulate your blood sugar levels. Studies have shown eating the required amount of fiber helps prevent cancers such as colorectal, breast and throat, among others. It also prevents a recurrence of these cancers. Maybe you can start with a delicious salad option. Kale carotene salad can be an ideal option. All you need is shredded carrots, chopped kale leaves, and half a cup of roasted walnuts. Rinsed kidney beans, blueberries, and pomegranate come next. Mix them together in a salad bowl. For dressing, mix in a little Dijon mustard, chopped cilantro and basil. Don’t forget a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Now you have a delicious salad ready to eat. What’s your favorite salad? Do you like veggies or fruits in it? 

. 2. You’ll Get Nutrients We all know including vegetables and fruits in our diet is necessary for the proper nutrients. A salad might sound boring. But it’s the easiest way to get all the minerals and vitamins your body needs. It also helps increase your intake of antioxidants as well. The pigments in plants are rich in carotenoids, including vitamin A and all other forms like beta-carotene, lutein and lycopene. And why am I telling you about all of these? Because they’re super awesome nutrients your body needs to thrive! Each one of them keeps your body disease free. When choosing which leafy vegetables to add in your salad, you can go for super greens such as kale, spinach and to get the maximum nutrients. If you want a change from similar kinds of leafy vegetables, you can include mizuna. Along with leafy vegetables, you can also add tomatoes, carrots, strawberries, blueberries and pomegranates. Studies have shown that a diet rich in leafy vegetables and fruits can decrease the risk of lung cancer. The nutrition value of the salad also reduces your blood pressure and any digestive issues. 

3. You’ll manage your weight Salads are a great way to lose weight, or at least keep it under control. All the vegetables and fruits in your salad are rich in fiber. They keep your stomach full as the fiber digests. This way, you won’t feel hunger cravings between meals. You’ll also end up eating fewer calories with each meal you do have. One study showed having a small salad before a meal reduced calories by as much as 7%. If participants had a larger portion, the calories dropped by 12%. So it’s always better to start your meal with a salad. This way, you eat less and control your weight. 

4. You’ll get lots of healthy fats Along with other ingredients, you should add some raw or roasted seeds from foods like pumpkin, sesame, sunflower and others. Two tablespoons helps increase the amount of good fats you eat. You can also add avocado pieces in your salad to increase healthy fats. Experts say adding avocados helps your body absorb antioxidants by as much as eight times, compared with those who didn’t eat the fruit. Avocado-eaters also saw as much as 13-times the increase in another antioxidant. Both these types help fight cancer. When you eat foods rich in healthy fats, you feel full longer, as they satisfy your stomach. Another way to take healthy fats is to include olive oil. You can add it to your salad as dressing. But be careful. Do not overload your salad with dressing. This can give you heartburn. A study of people 60 and older found that a diet rich in olive oil and raw veggies increased the number of years they were expected to live. 

5. You’ll have strong bones It might sound weird because until now, we’ve only heard about milk and dairy products being good for your bones. Don’t underestimate the power of fruits and veggies! If your bones seem brittle and are prone to injury, it’s because of a low level of vitamin K. This is especially true for women. For healthy bones, you need to meet your body’s daily intake of vitamin K. A cup of spinach will give you as much as 170% of the K your body needs. Similarly, a cup of watercress and radicchio (ra-deek-ee-oh) will give you 100 to 120%. Before we continue, here’s another video you might like. Watch and learn more about each and every vitamin your body needs to thrive. 6. You will see better Want healthy eyes? Eat more salad. You might get a little gassy, but you’ll have crystal clear vision. I’m kidding. But if you include more carrot and less cruciferous veggies, your vision will definitely be sharper. This is due to more Vitamin A. 

Vision is one of your most important senses. You need to take care of your eyes to prevent them from age-related issues. The carotenoids in leafy vegetables such as spinach and red lettuce help improve your vision. They help your eyes adjust to low light, as well as brightness. These carotenoids filter out high intensity light, and form a defence against free radicals that damage your cells. 7. You’ll have a healthy heart There are many nutrients in salads which help protect your heart. Romaine lettuce has two key heart-protecting ingredients. These are folate and fiber. Studies have shown that adding folate to your daily diet can reduce the chances of a stroke. It also helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Seafood lovers are about to start jumping for joy. Things like salmon are rich in omega fatty acids, which are great for your heart. But what’s seafood doing under salads? Well you’ve clearly never eaten salmon salad. Besides omega 3 fatty acids, you also get antioxidants like vitamin E and C. For salmon salad, you’ll need 1 lbs of canned and drained wild salmon, diced cucumber, and celery. 

Mix them all in a bowl. Throw in a bunch of collard leaves and red onions. Pour in a little juice and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. There you have your heart-healthy salad ready to eat! 8. Your brain will get younger We all want to look and feel young. Salads might actually help us do that! If you want to keep your mind sharp, eat salad every day. Eating leafy greens regularly improves your memory and prevents age-related brain decline. One study among nearly 1,000 elderly people showed eating salad daily improved their memory by as much as 11 years. That’s a significant improvement, especially as you begin to age. Even eating half a cup of salad reduced the rate at which their brain’s cognitive ability went down. 9. You will live longer Eating only one or two won’t give you all the nutrients you need for a long, healthy life. This is why eating a salad is important. You end up eating different kinds of veggies and fruits. These will give you all the essential nutrients you need. One study showed eating leafy vegetables reduced your chances of heart disease. Considering your risk of cardiovascular disease increases as you grow older, eating salads is definitely a great choice to keep your heart healthy. 

Research has shown eating 10 portions per day reduced the chances of heart disease by as much as 24%, stroke by 33, cardiovascular disease by 28, and total cancer by 13. That covers a lot of diseases that typically affect you as you grow older, so eating your leafy greens will help you stay healthy. Eating veggies and fruits every day is a great decision that affects your health positively. But that’s not all. You need to know a bit more about them before you hop on the health train. For instance, there are fruits and veggies you should eat more than others. 

Why Healthcare is a Right, Not a Privilege


There are many different aspects to healthcare, and it can be hard to keep up with everything. Here are five things you should know about healthcare in the United States:

1. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

There is a lot of debate in the United States about whether healthcare is a right or a privilege. Those who believe it is a right argue that everyone should have access to basic medical care, regardless of their ability to pay. They point to other countries where universal healthcare is the norm, and argue that it is both morally and economically the best way to provide healthcare to everyone. Those who believe healthcare is a privilege argue that it is a service that should be earned, and that people should have to pay for it. They argue that providing free healthcare to everyone would be too expensive, and that it would be unfair to those who have worked hard to earn their healthcare.

So, what do you think? Is healthcare a right or a privilege?

2. Healthcare should be affordable for everyone.

It's no secret that healthcare costs can be expensive. Whether you're paying for insurance, out-of-pocket expenses, or prescription drugs, the costs can quickly add up. This can be a real burden for families, especially if someone in the family has a chronic illness or condition that requires ongoing treatment.

There has been a lot of talk lately about making healthcare more affordable for everyone. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, there are some steps that can be taken to help make healthcare more affordable for everyone.

One way to make healthcare more affordable is to increase competition in the marketplace. When there are more options for consumers to choose from, prices tend to go down. This is why it's important to have a variety of insurance providers and plans to choose from.

Another way to make healthcare more affordable is to improve efficiency within the healthcare system. When providers and facilities are able to work more efficiently, it can help to lower costs for everyone.

3. Healthcare should be high-quality.

It is no secret that the cost of healthcare in the United States is high. In fact, according to a report from the Commonwealth Fund, the cost of healthcare in the US is the highest among developed countries. This is despite the fact that the US spends more on healthcare than any other country.

There are many reasons why healthcare costs are so high in the US. One reason is that the US has an aging population. As people live longer, they require more medical care. Another reason is that the US has a higher prevalence of chronic diseases than other developed countries. This means that more people in the US are using healthcare services and taking prescription medications.

Finally, the US healthcare system is complex and fragmented. This fragmentation leads to higher administrative costs and a lack of coordination between different providers.

The good news is that there are ways to make healthcare more affordable. One way is to improve the efficiency of the healthcare system. This can be done by reducing administrative costs and increasing coordination

4. Healthcare should be accessible to everyone.

There is a lot of debate in our country about healthcare and who should have access to it. I believe that healthcare should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their income or social status. I think it is a basic human right to be able to see a doctor when you are sick and to have access to quality healthcare.

There are some who argue that healthcare is a privilege and not a right, and that it should only be available to those who can afford it. But I believe that healthcare is something that we all need and deserve. No one should have to choose between getting the medical care they need and putting food on the table.

There are many ways to make healthcare more accessible to everyone. We could provide free or low-cost clinics in every community. We could also expand Medicaid so that more people are eligible for coverage. And we could create a public option for health insurance, so that everyone has the option of affordable coverage.

Making healthcare accessible to everyone is the right thing

5. Healthcare should be continuous and coordinated.

There is no question that healthcare should be continuous and coordinated in order to be effective. However, there are often gaps in care that can result in sub-optimal outcomes for patients. This is why it is so important for healthcare providers to work together to ensure that patients receive the care they need, when they need it.

One way to help improve continuity of care is through the use of electronic health records (EHRs). EHRs can help share important patient information between providers, which can make it easier to coordinate care. Additionally, patients can use EHRs to access their own health information and make appointments with providers.

Another way to help improve continuity of care is by developing care plans that are specific to each patient’s needs. Care plans can help ensure that all of a patient’s providers are on the same page, and they can help remind providers of what needs to be done.

Finally, it is important to educate patients on the importance of

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Friday 23 December 2022

What time sunlight is good for vitamin D?


do you ever wonder why your parents would always tell you to stop holding up inside the house and go play outside it's not because they wanted some peace and quiet for a change okay let's be real it probably was however spending some time outside on a bright and sunny day can actually benefit your physical and mental health in a number of ways you might not have been aware of so as it turns out your parents may have been doing you a favor after all but before we get into that here's  with the weather  

now then let's get into some of the ways in which sunlight can benefit both your body and your mind number one sunlight improves your mood are you an early-morning riser or a regular night owl as it turns out both sunlight and darkness can have a tangible effect on your mood by promoting the release of certain chemicals and hormones in your brain when your body is exposed to Sun lay your brain begins to increase the production of serotonin in addition to helping your body with digestion and the healing of wounds serotonin also has a noticeable effect on your mood reducing feelings of depression and anxiety as well as helping you feel calm and focused by contrast once the Sun Goes Down and things get dark your brain starts to produce another hormone called melatonin which helps you get to sleep as you might have guessed it's 

important to make sure your brain is making the right amounts of both hormones at the right times in order to make sure that your body is always working at peak performance if you're not getting enough sunlight exposure in the day your brain will produce less serotonin than usual and this can have a drastic effect on your mood according to health line low levels of serotonin can increase your risk of developing major depression with a seasonal pattern this condition formerly known as seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that is usually triggered by the changing of the seasons if you've ever heard anyone used the phrase seasonal depression this is most likely what they were referring to symptoms for this form of depression typically take root starting in October or November and lasts until the end of March or April in other words be sure to make the most of the bright summer days while you still can or else you might be in for a very unpleasant depressing winter number two sunlight increases vitamin D serotonin isn't the only thing your body makes when it gets exposed to sunlight when exposed to the sun's ultraviolet B radiation your skin begins to create what's known as 

vitamin D vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which provides your body with a number of essential benefits from helping your immune system to assisting with weight loss according to some research vitamin D is also an important component your body uses to build strong bones people who suffer from a vitamin D deficiency are at a higher risk of developing bone related diseases such as rickets osteoporosis and osteomalacia in case you needed more convincing a healthy dose of vitamin D has also been shown to reduce the risk of other conditions and illnesses such as multiple sclerosis heart disease and depression number three sunlight can prevent cancer this one might sound like a bit of a paradox at first after all isn't overexposure to the Sun one of the leading causes of skin cancer well that is very true a healthy amount of sunlight can actually be useful in preventing certain types of cancers I guess it's true what they say everything in moderation specifically receiving a healthy amount of sunlight can reduce the risk of cancers such as colon pancreatic ovarian and prostate cancer as well as Hodgkin's lymphoma which affects your white blood cells number four sunlight fights off the flu it sneaks up on us every year before you know it BAM it's cold and flu season again in addition to washing your hands and staying up to date on vaccines 

you can also potentially fight off the flu bug by soaking up a few extra rays of sunshine according to a working paper distributed by the National Bureau of Economic Research places that receive higher amounts of sunlight might also be at a potentially lower risk when it comes to influenza outbreaks according to the lead author of the paper dr. David's luskey research indicates that there does appear to be a correlation between high levels of sunlight and lowered levels of the influenza virus the reason behind this it looks like our good friend vitamin D is coming to the rescue once again in a 2017 article published in the British Medical Journal researchers reported on the results of a study which aimed to prove the link between vitamin D and flu prevention participants were given either a daily or weekly vitamin D supplement while the research showed a modest amount of success the actual effectiveness of the supplement varied from person to person participants who started out with low vitamin D levels but took the supplement were found to have their odds of contracting a respiratory tract infection such as influenza halved while participants who had higher baseline levels of vitamin D in their systems naturally experienced little change regardless evidence of this study seems to point towards vitamin D being an effective way to fight against the flu number 

5 other benefits of sunlight in addition to all the health benefits we've already mentioned in this video there are still tons of other ways in which a healthy amount of sunlight can have a positive effect on our bodies according to the World Health Organization the ultraviolet radiation provided by the Sun can help with the healing and treatment of many different kinds of conditions that affect your skin in particular doctors have recommended UV radiation as a method of treatment for skin conditions such as psoriasis szema jaundice and even acne if that's not enough for research has also revealed that sunlight can potentially be an effective form of treatment for a number of other medical conditions as well including rheumatoid arthritis thyroiditis systemic lupus erythematosus and inflammatory bowel disease however it's worth mentioning that studies into sunlight to treat these conditions are still largely inconclusive and more research is required before anyone can be completely certain of its effectiveness it's also important to note that UV radiation may not be the ideal treatment method for everyone be sure to speak with your doctor or dermatologist in order to determine whether or not this method of treatment is right for your particular condition remember to protect yourself from accidentally soaking up too much Sun by applying sunscreen and make sure to only stay out in the Sun for reasonable stretches of time with that in mind hopefully this video has convinced you to spend less time cooped up in your bedroom or office and to get out and reap all the benefits that our planets closest star 

Thursday 22 December 2022

What happens when you drink moringa juice everyday?


The health benefits of Moringa powder, also known as drumstick or mallungay. Moringa powder is made from the dried leaves of the moringa oleifera, a drought resistant tree native to warm climates such as India. This has been used as a natural medicine for thousands of years, and is known as "the miracle tree". You can purchase organic moringa powder from health food stores, and take between 1-2 teaspoons per day to help heal diseases and infections in the body. In today's video we will be exploring 21 facts and benefits of moringa powder, and how you can use this to boost your overall health. Just a quick reminder, this video is for educational purposes only, so do speak to a doctor if you have any medical concerns. 1. Reducing Inflammation The first benefit of moringa is its ability to reduce inflammation Moringa powder contains 46 types of antioxidants, and a wide range of anti-inflammatory compounds making it one of the most powerful super foods in the world. 

This helps to lower inflammation and swelling throughout the body, especially for those with joint pain, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. 2. Liver Cleansing The powerful antioxidants in moringa help to cleanse the liver and help to remove fatty deposits and scar tissue. This can improve liver function, keep your blood free of toxins and boost overall health. 3. Hair Growth Moringa powder is also rich in minerals, such as zinc, plant based iron, copper, beta carotene and B-vitamins. These act as cofactors in the body to help grow long, strong and healthy strands of hair. They also help to protect against hair loss with age. 4. Thyroid Health Moringa powder also helps your liver to make certain thyroid hormones, to prevent hypo/hyperthyroidism, hot flashes, excessive sweating and irregular heartbeat. This helps to keep your body temperature under control and your hormones in balance. 5. Muscle Health Moringa contains all 9 essential amino acids needed to build strong, healthy muscles. Moringa powder is excellent to consume before exercise, as it boosts stamina and energy levels.

 It contains 7x more potassium than bananas, 4x more calcium than milk, and 36x more magnesium than eggs. These electrolyte minerals help your cells to produce stable energy, maintain healthy muscle mass, and prevent cramps. 6. Blood Sugars Taking moringa powder daily in a smoothie, capsule or glass of water can help to regulate blood sugar levels. This reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If your finding this information useful, please tap the like, subscribe and turn all notifications on to stay updated with nutrition tips. 7. Anti-Aging Some refer to this as the "elixir of life" as it contains high concentrations of zeatin. This is a plant hormone which has been linked to slowing down the aging process of the body. As this plant is rich in antioxidants, these too play a role in keeping your skin youthful and healthy, by improving your antioxidant network and destroying free radicals in the blood. 8. Improving Breast Milk When breast feeding a child, it's important to make sure that you are getting lots of nutrients in your diet to make rich breast milk. Being nutrient rich, moringa makes a good supplement for nursing mothers. 9. Stomach Ulcers It was also concluded that moringa oleifera leaves and powders can help to heal gastric ulcers, and also prevent them from occurring. This is likely due to the chlorophyll,  which is very healing to the digestive system. 

10. PCOS Women who suffer with facial hair, deeper voice and irregular periods may have a hormonal imbalance and a condition called PCOS. Moringa is one of the best supplements to help reduce androgen hormones to overcome this condition. 

11. Blood Builder Chlorophyll, plant based iron and antioxidants in moringa powder can also help your body to build robust, healthy red blood cells. These carry oxygen and nutrients to all of the organs and tissues throughout your body, keeping you strong and healthy, and preventing anaemia. 

12. Blood Pressure This powder can also help to regulate your blood pressure. By taking stress off the liver, the antioxidants within help to relax the blood vessels and arteries, for better blood flow to and from the heart. It also lowers the risk of heart attacks and plaque in the arteries because it contains over 46 types of antioxidants. 13. Weight Loss By lowering insulin resistance, the nutrients in moringa help your body to tap into its fat stores for energy, and reduce hunger levels. This naturally helps you to lose weight, especially when following a low carb diet such as keto. 

14. Brain Health A healthy brain is important if you want to stay sharp as you get older. The amino acids help to build hormones and neurotransmitters in your brain that support better memory, concentration and learning ability. 

15. UV Protection Harsh exposure to UV from the sunshine can be damaging to the skin if you stay out too long. However the antioxidants within moringa powder help to protect against skin cancer and premature aging. 

16. Fights Infections Due to its antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties, moringa powder can also help to fight off infections in the body, and boost your immune system naturally. 

17. Lung Health Moringa is also very useful for those with asthma, as it helps to improve breathing and airflow. It does this by improving oxygenation of the blood, allowing nutrients to travel freely through your body. 

18. Eye Health The antioxidants in moringa also help to protect the blood vessels connected to your eyes. This lowers the risk of vision loss and macular degeneration with age, and helps protect the nerves within the eye. 19. How To Consume To consume moringa, simply mix 2 teaspoons of the organic powder in a glass of water and drink. Some of the nutrients are fat soluble, so it's best to drink this after eating a meal that contains a fat like olive oil, cheese or butter. This will help your body absorb more nutrients from the moringa. Do not add hot water to moringa, because it may kill off some of the enzymes within that help your body absorb some of the antioxidants. 20. Other Moringa Uses Other parts of the moringa tree are also used in traditional medicine, including the bark, seeds, pods, root, sap, flowers and oil. The oil in particular can be used topically on the skin and scalp to prevent dandruff, irritation and to heal various skin problems. 

21. Side Effects Moringa is generally considered safe as it has been used for thousands of years. However if you are taking medications, be sure to consult with your doctor as it can interact with thyroid medication, high blood pressure medication, diabetes medications amongst others. As you can see moringa powder is undoubtably one of the best super food powders available and is relatively inexpensive. To learn more about superfoods like this, tap here. I wish you great health, wealth and happiness. 

Wednesday 21 December 2022

How to detox your intestine (colon) through natural home remedies?

 food particles which you had eaten more than one year back? Faulty food habits, faulty lifestyle and indigestion can cause accumulation of food in your intersect. And these accumulated food can become toxin and would be responsible for many diseases in our system like skin problem, cancer, 

absorption and indigestion. And it is highly essential to detox your colon. Here are some easy ways to do it. Number one, shankhprakshalan This is one of the most effective kriya to clean the entire small intestine and large intestine So Let's do first the preparation. Early in the morning with empty stomach, you have to have a practically 10 glasses of boiled warm water and in that water put salt. The proportion of salt should be like a proportion of your tear. How salty your tear grass that much salty the water should be. And now take one or 2 long breaths. 

Start drinking this water practically three glasses of water you can drink and then do some body movement, some asanas to see that it really turns in the stomach can pass this down to small and large intestine. So now the list of asanas I would recommend few asana, but 1st, talasana stand straight. Raise your arms up inhale fully. Go on your toe. Stay there for some time and come back rotating your arms. This is six times full inhalation stretching and coming back in normal position. Second, like konasana, interlace your figure, stretch your arms up and then go to the side. So breathe in. Go to the side so you are bending on the side and pressing your abdomen from this side. Come back and do it on the other side. Do this six times again. Breathing in, breathing out. Breathing in, breathing out. So this is second asana. Third asana could be the vakrasana stand staright. Take your legs together here, stretch your arms straight and then twist. Go to the side. So here you are twisting your abdomen. So go to the side and come back. Go on the other side and come back. So while breathing out, you are going to the side while breathing in, you are coming back. Do the same on the other side. Do the same on the other side. So this also should be done 6 times 4th asana should be kattichakras where you are again twisting but looking as back as possible with one hand on your shoulder, another hand behind. So do these movements where really your spine, the middle vertebral column are getting twisted and so the abdomen. So this katti chakrasana. Also you should do six times, 5th variation is Triyaka bhujansana with little variant twisting variants. So lie down on your stomach, raise your head up while inhaling and then look back to see your big toe on one side and then on the other side. So this is how you are twisting your upper head from one side to another side by which you are twisting your stomach intestines and so on to do this, it's the beautiful practice. And finally sit in vajrasana position. It's like an abdominal compression and move one knee up and another knee pressing to the other side. So it is like bringing knees up and down with little pressure on each other. So this is something where you are squeezing your stmach and giving a pressure on your stomach. Sitting is beautiful. So try and do these simple asanas repeatedly in between. If you feel like passing out, you have a feeling that the motion is coming. Go and evacuate your bowel . Again, again drink water. But always remember that whenever you are drinking water you are drinking sip bicep, not just gulping it has to be slow and sip by sip. So drink water again, two glasses and again do all these asanas. Whenever you feel pressure that you want to pass out motion, you should immediately go and pass out motion. So this sort of activity should go on and on till, the water which comes out from your anus becomes absolutely clean water without any color. And this shows that your entire Elementary canal is totally clean, washed well and it is free from toxins. This shankhprakshalan you should do on a holiday where you don't have to rush to work, you will be feeling tired because it is something very different from your body. But body would definitely be detox. The food which you would be eating for two days would be nothing as but sufficient amount of fruit, sufficient amounts of boiled vegetables where vegetables don't have any spices, chili, masalas or anything. 

Onion, garlic. All these things should not be there non veg, which is out of question and lemon juice, butter milk, diluted, belt. These are the things which you should be eating for two days. Little little time that is four times in a day. But what is important is good rest. You should be lying down in Shavasana. You should be lying down in makrasana. You should sit and relax in this nispandbhava. You should be doing only these things for two days. Rest thoroughly well, sufficiently well. Then you will notice that from third day onward your energy would be boosting. You would be full of energy, positivity, enthusiasm and strength in food. Be very clear that don't eat any packeted food, any price of oily stuff, spicy stuff. Just avoid that. Be clean from within, fibrous from within. And that would be wonderful. At one point all of you should remember that when you do this shankhprakshalan , you should not force yourself in drinking too much water. Whatever is your body capacity, try to see that you drink only that. But if you feel uneasy, stop it. asanas also, whatever your capacity is, do that. If you feel fatigued the tired stop it. And this is how slowly, slowly with patience you should do this practice and this would give you very good result in some cases. The Constitution is so different that they may not pass stool only. Don't worry. Your body would be urinating and urinating, and body will take care of all these things. But cleanliness , that definitely will happen in one or 2 days. We will notice that everything is clear and fine. This Shankhprakshalan practice should not be done so repeatedly maximum once in a month. But I would say when you feel after 3, 4 months that you have with eating wrong food very often, or your body has lots of toxins, then you do it according to your requirement, but not regularly in any case. Well, those who have very severe ulcer problem when acidity has gone so bad that it is creating ulcer problems should not do this. Those who have heart problems should never try this out. Second technique to clean your entire intestine. is fibrous food. 

Fibrous food is something which people ignore because they have to choose. This takes time and so they want to ignore it. But understand, these fibres Act like a scrub brush which brushes away all the unwanted things from the intestine, and hence it helps in preventing constipation and colon cancer. Try to add more vegetables and fruits in your diet because they are very rich in fibres. All these things like salads, which we can eat regularly. It could be cucumber. It could be tomato. It could be carrot, should be eaten regularly. Cut small slices and with little lemon peeling on that and little salt touch. You can really eat these things. It is very good. Second plate of fruit must be one meal of your day. As far as possible, it could be either just breakfast or it could be evening snack. a full plate of fruits like Apple, papaya, banana, mosambi, santara, depending upon the season. The other fruit should be taken very regularly. It could be in the evening at snack time. Just fruits and lemon juice. That would be your best snack time. Or sometimes some people may have it in the morning or between two meals, say by 10 to 11 you can have a plate of roof separately, but use this and that would help in good fibre into your system. Third, the detox substance is lemon juice. Studies show that vitamin C is highly effective, in cleaning colon. So have a glass of warm water with lemon. Squeeze it early in the morning. understand one thing very clearly that hydration is very important for the health of colon. So make sure that you drink enough water throughout the day. Proper hydration works wonders. But remember, you should always drink water when you are thirsty. We should drink water ship by ship and not gulp it. Sit and drink water. But water should be given importance in your day to day activity. Half a hour before your food. 

Remember and drink a glass of water and one hour after your food. Also remember and drink one glass of water and which means you must have a glassful of some liquid in the morning. Herbal drink in the afternoon, Buttermilk in the evening, lemon juice again and at night a big Bowl of soup. And first thing in the morning, again a lemon juice. You start your day with that your body would be naturally hydrated and it would help removing all the toxin from your system. 4th Probiotic like curd or undoubtedly is the best food for your gut health. The Lactobacillus enzyme prevent all such problems like flatulent, indigestion and all other digestive issues, and it helps in proper bowel movement proper absorption, assimilation, and thereby health in clearing your intestine. 5th point mandukasana this is one of such an asana when you give intraabdominal compression very, very effectively.

 There are three variations in these three variations. First variation is keep your palm over your navel , another about that palm. And then breathe in, stretch your body, breathe out and bend forward to try to touch your head to the ground. So here the hand is pressing inward and you are staying in that position for some time, and you are coming back. You are giving four abdominal pressure. Second, bring your hands in this position where the fingertips are touching each other, last two fingers downward and the thumb on the upper area So you are holding your stomach strongly. And then you are bending forward is the same position, staying there for some times and coming up. And the third variation is you clench your wrists if it's below, Navel on both the sides and then press it strongly on your summer. And while that bending forward, change that position for sometimes where you are really very fresh down and coming up. Relax. So these are the variation of Mandukasana. And this would really help in cleansing your abdomen.

 Your small intestine, as well as your large intestine to great extents, colon and hygiene would be maintained very perfectly. Remember, your gut health largely determines your overall health only when you have proper digestion, proper absorption, and proper elimination. Then your body is going to absorb all the nutrients very perfectly. And because of that, you will be strong and healthy. But when these things don't happen properly, that deposited toxin are going to create havoc in your health. Right Some kid problem to hair fall down to blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes, asthma to many other disease, joint pain, to name any disease, it would create that toxins. Unhygienic condition is going to create unhygienic atmosphere in our body. And so see to it that we follow all these instructions which we have given you right now. Follow it systematically and see that you are clean internally. Mind has to remain clean in any case. And this will happen when you will be full of energy full of positivity. And that is possible with all these techniques. So try and see that you stay clean internally. Have a clean thought. have a clean feeling and have a positive energy with you. So take charge of yourself. Stay healthy