Thursday 8 December 2022

how to reduce Burn Your Belly Fat with this One Food | How to Quickly Reduce Belly Fat? | Lose Belly Fat Faster


I have observed that many people come to learn yoga for weight reduction and specifically to reduce belly fat now you see yoga is not just acids at yoga is like a complete package deal which also encourages person to look closely at certain lifestyle aspects such as diet mind management lifestyle management Etc today let us Focus only on one food that can help you reduce belly fat effectively this one food works wonders when it comes to belly reduction it is easily available and adding this in your day-to-day diet will promote rapid weight reduction this one food is cinnamon cinnamon as advantage over other fat reducing food because of its multiple benefits on one hand it suppresses appetite regulates blood sugar level lowers cholesterol and speeds of metabolism to burn belly fat on the other hand it has compounds which are anti-inflammatory antibacterials anti-fungal antioxidants and anti-cancer agent so you see a humble cinnamon is actually a Wonder spice which is good for your overall health now I'll tell you about how you could consume cinnamon in three different ways first cinnamon water cinnamon water can be made by using cinnamon stick or cinnamon powder 

boil 1 liter of water and add 2 1 inch stick or 2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder allow it to simmer for 10 minutes strain and drink it throughout the day either walk or at room temperature for weight loss it is good to drink this one cup of water you can drink this in the morning on an empty stomach too second cinnamon tea add one and a half cup of boiling water add 2 1 inch stick of cinnamon simmer for 10 minutes then add a piece of 1 inch Ginger to it and boil it Ginger may help boost the metabolism as well as helps protect against high blood sugar and blood cholesterol while boiling add 1 4 teaspoon of Google powder or one tablet of Google Google is a plant resin that helps in a reduction of bad cholesterol and helps in birthing of excess body fat also add 1 4 teaspoon of Garcinia or mangosteen powder and boil it after boiling transfer this concoction to a cup and then add a pinch of turmeric turmeric has curcumin which is one of the active compound that decreases weight and BMI drink this tea before going to bed actually for one month 

and you will be able to see visible difference third cinnamon as food slavery adding a pinch of cinnamon powder to our cooking baking salads seeds or puddings gives them a delicious warm and sweet flavor this is also favorite spice of many people around the world so use this wonderfully useful spice daily if you are aiming to lose belly fat it is observed that those who have excess fat deposit in the waistline are also prone to Heart ailments even stroke diabetes and Asthma this is because when the fat starts depositing on the belly the internal organs cannot function properly hence it is extremely important to get rid of fat deposit at the belly region before it is too late apart from using cinnamon in three effective ways as explained today one also needs to pay close attention to diet having sufficient sleep become physically active and make a healthy lifestyle choices 


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