Saturday 17 December 2022

How do walnuts help mental health?


give you a handful of walnuts and say they were good for you. These brown and crunchy nuts are more than just a topping for your cookies. Walnuts provide a ton of nutrients like healthy fats, vitamins, fiber and minerals. In today’s video, we’ll be discussing the science-backed benefits of walnuts. From being a rich source of omega-3s to antioxidant properties, to reducing cancer risk and controlling weight, we’ll be talking about all of these AND more… Super source of Omega-3s Omega-3s are extremely important, as they’re loaded with powerful health benefits. Some of these benefits include their ability to fight depression and anxiety, autoimmune disease, asthma and mental illness. You’ll be surprised to learn that walnuts contain remarkably higher omega-3 fat than any other nut! The type of omega-3 fat present in walnuts is called alpha-linolenic acid or ALA. It’s an essential fat which needs to be supplied through your diet. A study suggests that, for each gram of ALA you eat per day, your risk of dying from heart disease decreases by 10%. Another report suggests that, for the people who consumed a few ounces of walnuts daily, there was an improvement in their omega-3 fatty acid intake. Plus, an increase in lean body mass and body water. For a healthy snack, pair walnuts with fruits, or top them on your yogurt! What foods do you eat to get your omega-3s? Which is your favorite food so far? Share your preferences in the comments below!

 Rich in antioxidants You may have heard a lot of talk about antioxidants! They protect your body from illnesses like cancer and heart disease. The antioxidant activity of walnuts comes from vitamin E, melatonin and plant compounds called polyphenols. When compared to other nuts, walnuts show higher antioxidant activity. A study suggests that eating a walnut-rich meal can prevent damage of “bad” LDL cholesterol caused by free radicals, also known as oxidative damage. Oxidised LDL can build up in your arteries, slowly blocking blood flow. Supports a healthy digestive system A healthy gut is the way to overall good health! Presence of ‘good’ bacteria in your intestines builds a healthy gut. The food that you eat majorly influences the types of bacteria inside you. Eating walnuts can be one way to support your gut. In a study, it was found that adults who ate almost an ounce of walnuts for eight weeks, had an increase in ‘good’ bacteria. This is compared to the period of not eating walnuts. Helps control your weight You might be thinking that walnuts are dense in calories. How will they aid in weight loss? Studies now show that the energy absorbed from walnuts is 21% less than expected! What if I said that eating walnuts can actually help you resist tempting foods? This includes burgers and ice cream! Hard to believe, right? In a study, it was observed that people who drank walnut smoothies once a day for 5 days, had decreased appetite and hunger. Scientists say that the resistance towards tempting food can be because of an increased activation in a region of the brain. 

 Reduces risk of some cancers We’re all scared of cancer! Well walnuts might be effective in lowering the risk of certain cancers like breast, prostate and colorectal. Walnuts are loaded with polyphenols which are converted to compounds by bacteria in our gut. They have anti-inflammatory properties, which can extend protection against colorectal cancer. Wait, there’s more! The compounds may help decrease your risk of hormone-related cancers, especially breast and prostate cancers. This is because they consist of hormone-like properties and can block receptors in your body. Another study was performed on women with breast lumps. These women consumed about two ounces of walnuts per day for 2-3 weeks, prior to surgery. Biopsy samples before and after showed a change in the tumor. This showed that walnuts could suppress cancer growth and improve survival rates. Prepare walnut pesto with extra virgin olive oil, garlic, basil, salt and pepper. Either toss pasta or zucchini spirals in walnut pesto, and enjoy this healthy meal! To learn more about prevention of cancer, you might want to watch our video on 12 cancer causing foods you shouldn’t eat.

 Decrease inflammation Inflammation is the main cause of many diseases. The polyphenols present in walnuts can help fight it. As mentioned earlier, ‘good’ bacteria convert polyphenols into compounds which protect against inflammation. But hang on, there’s more! Walnuts also contain nutrients like magnesium, omega-3’s and amino acids, which also help bring down inflammation. Lower blood pressure Did you know that high blood pressure is the main risk factor for heart disease and stroke? Eating walnuts can help lower it. Studies show that mediterranean diets rich in nuts decrease blood pressure significantly. Remember to eat unsalted and dry roasted walnuts if you suffer from high blood pressure! Benefit brain health A walnut looks like a tiny brain! The outer hard shell resembles our skull, which is the protective covering of the brain. The wrinkles and folds on the nut are also similar to our brains. Walnuts also have two segments just like the human brain’s right and left hemispheres. Truly, nature's wonder! Walnuts are packed with unsaturated fats, vitamin E and polyphenols. These offer considerable benefits for both brain health and function. They reduce oxidative stress in the brain. Omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts help to improve brain signaling. A study shows that eating walnuts results in better memory, increased mental flexibility and faster processing speed in older adults. Other nutrients like vitamin E and folate may also contribute to neuroprotection and memory function.

 No wonder walnuts are known as ‘brain food’ ! Supports healthy aging As you age, physical activity decreases, which is essential for independence and mobility. Walnuts provide a bunch of nutrients like healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, plant compounds and fibers that may improve physical functioning during old age. Add walnuts to smoothies, or oats at breakfast, or sprinkle them on lentil soup for lunch! Improve male fertility In a time when food is delivered to your doorstep with the click of a button, burgers and fries are so tempting. Most of you don’t want to make an effort to prepare a meal from scratch. It’s just the bitter truth. Most of this outside food is highly processed, and contains refined sugar and grains. These unhealthy meals can cause reduced sperm function. Don’t worry, walnuts to the rescue again! Health benefits of walnuts include supporting male reproductive health. Eating walnuts may help manage sperm health and male fertility. A study found that healthy young men who incorporated 2 ounces of walnuts for three weeks, had improved sperm quantity. 

Add walnuts to your stir fry, or throw them into some tacos! Manages type-2 diabetes As we discussed earlier, the benefits of walnuts in weight control are linked to lowering the risk of type-2 diabetes. A study found that consuming walnut oil can decrease fasting blood sugar by 8%. Next time, whenever you crave something sweet, try eating walnuts dipped in melted dark chocolate, or mix them into energy balls! Improves blood fats Increased levels of ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol and triglycerides pose a major risk of cardiovascular disease. Regular intake of walnuts can decrease cholesterol levels. In a published study, adults who ate almost 2 ounces of walnuts daily for eight weeks showed 5% decrease in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Remember, walnuts are great for your health, but moderation is the key. Walnuts prove to be a versatile nut with amazing health benefits, and its ability to blend with any food item. Knowing the benefits of nuts can encourage you to incorporate them in your diet. 



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