Sunday 25 December 2022

How to Boost Your Metabolism Naturally? 9 Tips to Improve Your Metabolism


during metabolism body changes food and drink into energy the calories which is acquired from food and drink mixes with oxygen to make the energy the body needs the number of calories the body at rest uses to do activities such as breathing cell Rejuvenation digestion is known as basal metabolic Rays called as BMR low metabolism or BMR causes symptoms such as weight gain constipation depression and fatigue among other things today let us see some easy and natural ways to boost the metabolism first agnisar is a kriya which stimulates all the naris at the naval Center it enhances metabolism and activates digestive fire so here stand or sit erect Hands by the side here rapidly and forcibly put your stomach in and relax continue this movement begin with 10 to 20 such movements and then increase them and then reach up to 50 times in a day avoid this kriya if you have a hypertension cardiac 

problems hernia or if you have a tendency to get angry easily second Surya mudra Surya mudra activates the heat within the body to boost metabolism and thus AIDS in weight loss sit comfortably on your mats with your spine strengths close your eyes and place your hands Palm facing upwards bend your ring finger so that the tip of the figure touches the base of the thumb place your thumb on the folded ring finger keep the rest of the fingers straight hold the mudra for about 10 minutes while breathing normally gently relax your fingers and slowly open your eyes since Surya mudra Ingles the fire elements in your body you may practice this mudra for a longer duration up to 20 minutes basically in the winter to generate more heat earth increases the gastric fire and improves appetite it also helps in promoting metabolism and improves digestion sit straight from the waist upwards eyes can be kept closed take in a deep breath and breathe out forcibly through your nose without any strain immediately 

breathe in with the same Force inhale and exhale forcibly deeply and thoroughly here use diaphragmatic vessels with Vigor the abdominal moves up during inhalation while the diaphragm descends the converse happens while exhaling the above movement should be slightly exaggerated a strong nasal sound will accompany with such a breathing the process should be rhythmic and under control maintaining the speed as per capacity do 10 Cycles to complete one round of bastrika pranaya practice three rounds per session with pause in between rounds first pranayam should be practiced only only on an empty stomach that too after evacuation in the morning fourth paschimota Sun this forward bendigasana improves metabolism weak digestion and sluggish liver sick on a mat with legs fully stretched keep the spine erect and beside the Body Farm facing down raise both the arms beside the chest hold it at the elbows parallel to the ground and here Palm facing downwards and inhale normally while exhaling Bend forward to stretch your hands to hold your big toe gently pull the elbows down to touch the ground and bend your head to touch your forehead to the knee rest the forehead in in between the space of the knee and maintain the posture here breathing normally in the final position now raise the head let go of the toe gently straighten the back and bring the hands to the side breathing should be 

normal slow and rhythmic fifth Ginger and fruits ginger has been used to elevate metabolism and digestion related issues since ancient time here I am giving you one traditional recipe with ginger it is combined with honey wash 100 grams fresh ginger and remove the skin cut it into small sizes and soak these with Ani in the glass bottle with a wide opening seal the bottle mouth with a fine cotton cloth and keep this in Sun for 15 days eat two pieces of this honey infused Ginger every day in the morning as well as in the evening to prevent all these stomach issues fruits such as watermelon and other melon varieties enhances metabolism watermelon also helps weight loss because it contains Arginine and amino acids that is capable of reducing body fats try to eat your fruits fresh and whole rather than juices juicing takes away the fiber contents other fruits such as blueberries strawberries apricots and avocados also boost your metabolism six get up walk and do some little little activities if you have a sedentary 

lifestyle or if you work from home make it a habit to get up from your desk or your workplace every happy time and just take a walk around your house or do simple stretches you may do little course around the house such as hand washing delicate clothes hanging them out to dry folding laundries sweeping the floor cleaning up a drawer arranging your books fixing a quick meal and so on such tasks will refresh your body as well as buying and your output at work would be more active and creative seventh walk in fresh air and play some outdoor games every day at least for 20 minutes go out in fresh air and have a nice walk you can play even some outdoor games the air element is refreshing and does wonders for the health of your body and mind by eliminating all kinds of sluggishness walking and playing

 will activate the organs these organs in your abdomen and that's why they will function more efficiently in fact any activity of your body will help you to improve your metabolism anytime so make it a point to keep moving to keep walking doing some work actively whole day it's relaxation with this pandava this could be done after meals this simple technique teaches us the life goes by just like the sounds which are there around us sit on the bed leading against the wall with feet apart and outstretched do not slouch let the hips be close to the wall so that the spine remains naturally erects the hands rest on the thighs The Palms and figures are loose and facing upwards close your eyes and passively listen to The Sounds around you the sounds will come and fade away do not allow yourself to get dwelled into any particular sound 

but Let It Go as it fades away once that goes away fix up on any other sound which is there in the surrounding if there are no sounds you can focus on some light instrumental music but no words as words tend to develop emotions in your mind do not get affected by any outside sounds in any way sit with this weather for 5 to 15 minutes to improve digestion and ensure metabolism relaxation instead of lying down after means ninth get involved in Seva or volunteering some good work taking active part in community activities Social Work volunteering and offering Seva brings a great sense of satisfaction these kinds of selfless activities usually bring out your passion and creativity they also activate the happy hormones in the brain and not only improve the metabolism it also imparts a disease-free body and mind so today we have seen different ways of enhancing your metabolism choose them all or try a few of them and see the difference in your body and mind if you notice any positive changes then make this a habit in your life foreign


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