Wednesday 14 December 2022

Easy Home Remedies for Dry & Cracked Heels


In any weather – summer, winter, rain we know ways to protect our skin but usually your feet become dry and the heels crack. It maybe because of standing for long hours, or walking barefoot, or wearing ill-fitting shoes or even using harsh soaps. All this can cause heels to become dry and develop cracks. This can turn dangerous later as these cracks can even bleed. Fortunately you can take care of your heels. If these cracks are caused due to a medical condition or surgery then do not use the home remedies. If it is not cuased due to surgery or medical condition, some home remedies can be used to treat cracked heels. I will tell you three things you can do 

1. Take warm water in a tub and soak your legs in it. This is the easiest method used at home. In a tub of warm water, dip your feet for 10 to 20 minutes. Gently rub a pumice stone or loofah to remove the dead skin. Gently dry with a cloth. Then apply petroleum jelly or thick layer of moisturiser. This will help soften the skin and remove dead skin. 2. Honey and Aloe Vera are excellent. Honey is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory. Aloe vera is good for skin. Honey and Aloe Vera can be mixed. In a bowl, take equal portion of honey and aloe vera. 

Mix them and keep it aside. First wash your feet properly with soap and water. Apply a thick layer of the mixture on the affected area. Leave it for about five minutes. Wash with normal temperature water. Then apply a cream or oil. 3. Coconut oil, especially virgin coconut oil is excellent anti-inflammatory. It helps soften and improves the skin. Wash your feet with water before going to bed and then pat them dry gently. Take some coconut oil in between your palms and gently massage it over the affected area. Then go to bed. The foot absorbs the oil. This helps to get rid of impurities and moisturise the foot. You can even apply a thick layer of oil on your feet and then wear cotton socks over it. Sleep with the socks on and the next day you won't have to wash your feet. 


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