when you snore, you wouldn't be aware because you are in your sound sleep. You are enjoying your lovely sleep, but people around you would definitely be aware of people around you would be disturbed because of that. Their sleep would be affected because of that. I have seen different people explain how they are tortured because of snoring of their partner. Some snore very softly. Suddenly they become loud and against soft. That just gives us a shock to others. Some store very, very loudly, so loudly that you feel that your ears are going to break because you are sleeping near. And if this snoring is definitely going to affect other so now we should be sincere about it. We should respect others. We should take care of others. We can't be so selfish that I am getting my good sleep, so I have no problem. Don't do that. We should be caring compassionate for others. It would be very difficult for others if they don't sleep, then the problems during day starts people get dull, angry, very irritable, and so on. So help others and see to it that you do something about your snoring. Here are some easy ways in which you can control your snoring or overcome this completely. First, sleep on your side. Sleeping on your back straight.
Sometimes in sleep causes tongue to go backward, which blocks the nasal passage partially. And so person starts snoring the best position to sleep is sleeping on the side. When you sleep on the side automatically, nasal passages are open and they allow an air flow to function perfectly. And so always remember that you sleep on the sides, left side or right side, but always sleep on the sides. Everybody should see to it that during day Whenever possible, person should be doing shavasana. When you relax in shavasana, you are trying to see that your stress level is reduced and when your stress level is reduced, you sleep very well at night, everybody should begin to sleep on the left side. On the left side, the digestion becomes so better that your absorption assimilation is very good. The Gastrointestinal pressure is released and so you begin your sleep by sleeping on the left side. Second point, Elevating your head on bed. When you are sleeping on the left side, take a pillow to keep your head little above so that your head is elevated and your face is looking little down. That is the best position to see that you don't snore in this. In this position, the Airways are always open, so try and see how much elevation should help you so that you don't get a strain in your neck. It's case of Cervical Spondylitis, avoid elevation or put little half an inch of Towel folded well and manage it like that. Third point, Aroma Therapy Using oils like eucalyptus oil or lavender oil while taking baths or otherwise in the bed. Maybe smelling them would really help keeping the nasal passage free from congestion. These oils naturally decrease the inflammation in the nasal passage, whereby keep the nasal passage open and clear. These oils have the congestion property. Fourth point, Avoid taking sedatives before bed. Stopping sedative use before bed will ease your snoring. Understand, taking sedatives for sleeping should be as far as possible avoided. Yoga has a technique to offer. When you go to bed, try and do alternate breathing. Breathe in from right side a small breath two second and breathe out from left side. Breathe in from left side. Breathe out from right side. Go on doing this automatically nasal passages become clear, and then you lay down and in lying down again you do what is called as diaphragmatic breathing that is, breathe in your stomach moves little up. Breathe out your stomach moves little down. Go to the side again. Diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe in stomach moves up. Breathe out. stomach goes down till you really feel sleepy.
But these techniques work. Wonders, and you start sleeping naturally without the support of sedative. Getting enough sleep is essential otherwise its going to worsen the condition. Fifth point, decongesting your nasal passages and muscles. A fat around neck can be a problem that is causing story Losing weight, especially around the neck, is very important. There are some asanas to decongest your Airways. Next stretch is to make your Neck Muscles strong and flexible. Simha Mudra Lion Pose opening in your mouth and taking tongue out. That would be wonderful. Jal Neti, which will keep your Airways very healthy and open.
3. These Asanas open the shoulder and neck area, thus helps reducing fat around and help in an easy flow of breathing. Pranayama three and Pranayama four that is clavicular breathing and diaphragmatic breathing helps to increase the vital capacity of lungs. People suffering from Snoring issue may also feel the change in breathing as well as sleeping patterns. And all these Pranayama help with the same. Understand how to do Clavicula breathing here, you keep your palm over here in this position at the shoulder level, your elbows parallel at the shoulder level and breathe in and bring your chest up so that the clavicular muscles are full and they are in use. Breathe out and come down clavicular muscles we hardly use unless we are gasping corporate. We don't use these muscles. We should be training these muscles and so breathe in. Bring your chest up, shoulder up and behind. Breathe out. Bring it down. Very good exercise. Everybody should do. \
Second Pranayama is diaphragmatic breathing and here you can do it very well. If you lie down, lie down on your back, bring your legs closer to your body, your knee upwards and then one hand on your stomach while breathing in, your stomach moves little up and while breathing out, the stomach goes little down. Go on doing this very comfortably, very easily. This is such a Pranayama which helps person to breathe fully. Your volume of air would increase and so your respiration would be much superior and so the Snoring would be taken care of. Besides these practices, appropriate sattvic diet is recommended. Person has to lose his weight and so the diet has to be accordingly, person should see that person is regulating in his dietary habits, eating little little four times, eating only hungry and seeing to it that excess food which can be after satiating your hunger could be avoided. Always automatically person will reduce his weight. The reason is very clear, extra weight can always increase the chronic conditions of all other diseases too. Now understand the foods to avoid, Avoid foods that are mucus producing in nature. A congestion due to mucus leads to snoring. Dairy foods, non vegetarian food, processed food soya foods and sugary foods could be avoided. Consuming alcohol increases Snoring because it interferes with your breathing and so please avoid alcohol. Otherwise you will snore much much more. Alcohol has several other health hazards, and it is, in any case, tamasic in nature. It makes your nervous system dull lethargic toxic. And the whole body is in that condition which is open for any disease to set it.
Then what to eat instead? Onion is a rich source of antioxidant. It's like an inflammatory. It really helps in reducing cuffs and mucus and helps in a better breathing. The property of onion is decongestant. Green tea also is same. It is great thing to take as it also has the congestion property honey and lemon. Adding honey to the lemon juice works as a beautiful decongestant. Turmeric like onion, which is anti-inflammatory. Even turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is a great space to be added to your diet to help combat snoring, so follow all these disciplines. Sleep pattern has to be monitored and sleeping on the left side in the beginning. At night you may turn to the right side but begin with left side and that would help having a better sleep. All this should help you and you could avoid snoring and bring joy and happiness in your life and the lives of people who are being along with you. All those things which we have discuss till now has to be followed very sincerely to avoid snoring. The diet part also should be a whole sum, antioxidant rich diet, a diet which has salad, lentils, millet and legumes. These things should be included to overcome the body fat. Just be mindful and implement all these steps and have a noiseless sleep.
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