Monday 12 December 2022

Bathing Mistakes You Must Avoid | Cleanse Your Body and Mind | Shower & Hygiene Routine


bathing is simple and beautiful process you will find it interesting that bathing the body is just over 200 years in other countries in India it has been around for thousands of years a yoga shastra has beautifully described this process and explained the importance of cleansing the body and mind with the elements of water however our modern lifestyle has distorted the beautiful process of bathing and people make some mistakes today we will see what these mistakes are one bathing with hot water a long hot bath feels very nice especially in winter but hot water removes your Skin's natural oil and can leave your skin dry and itchy it is best to use room temperature water for bathing in the case of those who are elderly or have some health issues slightly warm water may be used in ancient time people used to go to River to have their bath at the time of sunrise the flowing water in the river was always warm this flowing water had warmth of the earth and the person looked at the sun expresses gratitude prayer and pure thoughts in the mind water brings humility which we have not created water brings natural strength which we need so first take water in your hand and thank God for it but in present time most of us live far from River streams hence we should try to bathe in the water which is at room temperature the attitude has to be that you are harnessing divine's strength the second Vedic mistake people do is to apply soap all over the body

  some strong soaps can kill even good bacterias this may allow bad bacterias to grow harsh so soap also dries up your skin especially sensitive skills so use mild soap and only in certain areas when taking a bath we should concentrate on moving our hand on every part of our body and massaging it properly take a small towel wet it in water and rub it on the whole body this is the first step in the process of taking a bath these days there is a lot of air pollution that's why it becomes necessary to use soap generally water itself is enough for cleaning the skin but we can use a little mild soap and apply it in the armpit and the groin part it must also be applied to the field and in the areas where there is air for the other part of body just rubbing with water is important this rubbing must be done for the second phase of bath with soap for the third time it can be done only with plain water so our hands should go all over the body at least three times in the olden days people used to use fresh milk curd with little haldi or turmeric add a name in place of soap especially during winter when your skin tends to get dry each person will have to experiment what suits his or her skin since everybody's skin is different the third bathing mistake is watching air every day how often you should wash your hair depends upon personal Factor such as your hair texture hair condition your lifestyle or schedule and so on some people wash their hair every day or every time they take baths daily hair washing isn't necessary when you wash your hair too frequently you will remove the natural protective oil from your skull this leaves your scalp to produce more oil shampooing hair too often removes sebum from your hair sebum is the natural oil produced by your own self sebum helps to protect your 

hair strands from moisture loss washing it all away can lead to a tight dry scalp and coarse strands which are prone to breakage this may be a cause of excessive hair loss in South India where the weather tends to get too hot and humid some people apply a lot of coconut oil on the health to keep their body cool and wash it off every day it is essential to find what works best for your hair type and weather condition if you need to wash your hair frequently it's best to use plain water or a natural soap natural soap made with herbal ingredients the fourth wedding mistake is to stay in bathroom for too long a long shower removes the essential oil of your skin leading to inflammation and irritation these oils are natural moisturizer whose absence can cause skin to become dry peel crack or turn pale it is best to limit your bathing time less than 10 minutes this is enough time to cleanse and hydrate the skin without overdoing it take a bath twice a day if you want according to Indian tradition the time when you take a bath has a great significance it is best to watch yourself at sunrise and sunset to reach you within the mind and body fifth Vedic mistake is neglecting to clean the soles of your feet along with the rest of your body it is essential to clean the soles of your feet many people ignore them or forget to wash their feet completely actually it will your feet which gets both dirty and smelly you should wash your feet properly to clean and exfoliate them regularly washing the skin on your of it top side and bottom and sides with soap and water is an easy way to stop them from smelling use a food Scrapper or stone to remove the dead skin cells 

this will prevent calluses or hardened areas of skin that build up due to repeated friction sometimes people walk or play bare foots you should also wash your feet to avoid infection the sixth Vedic mistake is bathing immediately after eating food taking baths immediately after eating means you are disturbing your digestion one must ensure that every activity should be done on a specific time period and doing the same during odd hours can actually harm the body ayurveda believes that the fire element in our body gets activated when you eat food to help in the process of digest if you take a shower the body temperature goes down and the digestive process slows down since the body starts cooling down it has to work extra hard to maintain the standard temperature to help digestion it can also cause uneasiness and in digestion so it is best to wait for two hours after eating to take a shower it is even better to take a bath before eating as it leaves you feeling very much refreshed and enhances your digestive iron the seventh bathing mistake is bathing immediately after a workout it is important to cool down at least for 20 minutes 

after you workout do some gentle stretches and allow your body to come back to its resting state this helps in normalizing your heart rate and body temperature hydrate yourself with water or fruit juice when you stop sweating then you may take a bath if we do asanas regularly it is good to take a bath before yoga practice this will allow your body to become more flexible and to move into some challenging poses easily the first name in yoga is short that is cleansing at internal external and mental level these are the levels which we have to clean ourselves however much we clean ourselves externally if we have bad thoughts it's Toxic effect will definitely influence the mind it is very important to observe the internal as well as external cleanliness after having a bath a person should sit quietly at least for 10 minutes and not to do any activity you can do shavasana meditate sit peacefully and pray the ideal thing to do is to pray so that further internal cleansing can take place you also get a confidence that God is there with you and you feel that everything will be all right we should begin are they it's such a Feeling 


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