Saturday 17 December 2022

How to Control Hair Fall Naturally for Men and Women


The most common issue among youngsters today is Hair fall This happens for both men and women There's a reason why I specify the youngsters It's okay to loose hair after the age of 35 - 40 We have youngsters right from the age 18 facing hair fall these days What's the reason to face hair fall at a very young age How to control hair fall And the best hair fall control pack - This is what would be shared in this video You could be wondering who am I to say all this I'm almost 30 years old My hair still remains to be healthy I maintain it well I'm going to explain the remedies 

I do for hair fall and how I maintain my hair With no further delay, let's get into the video The first and the most common reason for hair fall among youngsters is Not washing your hair properly, Lack of proper hair wash will lead to hair fall You're to shampoo your hair at least 2 - 3 times a week If you hair is oily due to lack of proper hair wash Dandruff can easily capture your scalp Excessive dandruff may also lead to hair fall Second reason is NOT OILING your hair properly You may apply the pure Virgin coconut oil just an hour before you wash your hair This method can drastically bring down your hair fall 3rd reason is IMPROPER DIET Hair fall occurs when there's no proper nutrition in your diet 

Because our hair is made up of a protien structure called keratin Just imagine how important and impactful is the protein intake You'll have to consume food that rich in Vit A, C, D, E, B12 Let me also tell you what all you should eat One full egg daily Greens, Fish.. Berries - strawberry/blueberry Assorted nuts and seeds like Flax seeds and pumpkin seeds Avocado/butter fruit Sweet potato which is an excellent source of protein and fibers Beans, channa, Green vegetables like capsicum The most 2 important food for hair growth are 1 full Amla, just don't mind about the sourness as it's super healthy next is Curry leaves If you can't have it raw, make sure to have it when served with some food Don't throw them away as they're super healthy and super cheap Please don't waste curry leaves because of their taste 

It's so healthy Next reason is IMPROPER LIFESTYLE Proper sleeping routine and minimum of 8 hours of sleep You have to control, Smoking, drinking, fast food, junk food This is what I meant as Improper lifestyle If you could lead your lifestyle properly Not only your hair, even your body will feel energized You'd feel healthy Next reason is Lack of Water - Make sure to keep your body hydrated Please have at least 2 -3 liters of water And THE most common reason for hair fall in youngsters is There are so many reason how youngsters get stressed these days Even going to school and college is seen as a stress these days I enjoyed going to college I felt bad for declaring holidays Not that I'm a nerd but to chit chat with friends which is fun Many find it stressful these days Excessive stress leads to hormonal imbalance Which will collapse the actual function of your body These are the most common reasons for hair fall Please understand that you're facing hair fall due to one of the reasons that I listed Let me tell you the best hair pack that I personally use for my hair fall All it requires is just 2 ingredients and they are.. Amla and hibiscus Dry them under the sun, powder them.

 Or you can even find them online as Amla and hibiscus powder I usually buy from online that has good reviews and quality I've bought from the brand ' ELECIOUS ' Let me explain to you on how to apply this I shall also share the benefits of these Amla - Rich in VIT C and Anit-oxidants, I had asked you to eat an Amla everyday for a better hair growth Hibiscus is also filled with VIT C Hibiscus is also a natural conditioner Let me take a T.S of hibiscus and amla powder each I'm adding some water to it to bring it a shampoo - like consistency This consistency would do I'm going to apply this on my hair I'm going to leave it for an hour You may leave it for an hour if you're using once in a week 30 minutes is fine if you're using it twice a week I'm going to leave it for an hour as I apply it once in a week This is not only going to control your hair fall It controls dandruff and itchy scalp This works on premature grey hair too Even I have grey hair which is why I follow this pack Amla and hibiscus pack not only control hair fall, but scalp itchiness, dandruff, premature grey hairs and conditions the hair This pack will help you if you're young and have got grey hairs I'll show you how it looks after the application 

Now it feels/looks a little rough Not only on your hair but massage on your scalp too I hope you can see the dark black colour here Because it has dried It has dried and has turned black As said, this pack has a darkening effect too You will see your grey hairs turning black if you could use this regularly I've been applying this for 2 years now I started using this when I started facing grey hairs and hair fall This is has surely given me great results That's why, I suggest the same pack for you all Initially I used to buy amla and hibiscus powder, dry them, powder them. Since I found it time consuming I started buying online some quality products basis the reviews You may make the powder yourself or buy them online Link is put up in the description Let me wash my hair after an hour and show you the results I know that hair becomes very soft as if a conditioner was used I'll show you live It's been an hour since I applied this You can see the difference Hair has become really hard/dry and dark Let me wash my hair and show you the results I'm done washing my hair completely I washed it with just plain water to show you how soft it could make your hair It's tangle free and super soft As said, this pack makes your hair really soft

 It gives the feel of a conditioner I hope this hair fall control tips video was useful to you all Please follow all the methods that I had told you If you could follow all the steps that I had told earlier and use this pack as well You'll surely see amazing results I'm a live example and guarantee Because the moment I started facing hair fall I started following a well mannered life style with some hair packs like this and I feel good now Not only your hair, your overall health will improve Do check out these products and try them out. Description has the links I had bought them from Amazon and they do have good reviews You can buy them online or even buy the ingredients, dry them, powder them. That's how I was initially doing But I couldn't continue over a period of time The results are good even after using it for a longer time I feel my hair fall has reduced s That's why I suggested this hair pack for you 


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