Wednesday 21 December 2022

How to detox your intestine (colon) through natural home remedies?

 food particles which you had eaten more than one year back? Faulty food habits, faulty lifestyle and indigestion can cause accumulation of food in your intersect. And these accumulated food can become toxin and would be responsible for many diseases in our system like skin problem, cancer, 

absorption and indigestion. And it is highly essential to detox your colon. Here are some easy ways to do it. Number one, shankhprakshalan This is one of the most effective kriya to clean the entire small intestine and large intestine So Let's do first the preparation. Early in the morning with empty stomach, you have to have a practically 10 glasses of boiled warm water and in that water put salt. The proportion of salt should be like a proportion of your tear. How salty your tear grass that much salty the water should be. And now take one or 2 long breaths. 

Start drinking this water practically three glasses of water you can drink and then do some body movement, some asanas to see that it really turns in the stomach can pass this down to small and large intestine. So now the list of asanas I would recommend few asana, but 1st, talasana stand straight. Raise your arms up inhale fully. Go on your toe. Stay there for some time and come back rotating your arms. This is six times full inhalation stretching and coming back in normal position. Second, like konasana, interlace your figure, stretch your arms up and then go to the side. So breathe in. Go to the side so you are bending on the side and pressing your abdomen from this side. Come back and do it on the other side. Do this six times again. Breathing in, breathing out. Breathing in, breathing out. So this is second asana. Third asana could be the vakrasana stand staright. Take your legs together here, stretch your arms straight and then twist. Go to the side. So here you are twisting your abdomen. So go to the side and come back. Go on the other side and come back. So while breathing out, you are going to the side while breathing in, you are coming back. Do the same on the other side. Do the same on the other side. So this also should be done 6 times 4th asana should be kattichakras where you are again twisting but looking as back as possible with one hand on your shoulder, another hand behind. So do these movements where really your spine, the middle vertebral column are getting twisted and so the abdomen. So this katti chakrasana. Also you should do six times, 5th variation is Triyaka bhujansana with little variant twisting variants. So lie down on your stomach, raise your head up while inhaling and then look back to see your big toe on one side and then on the other side. So this is how you are twisting your upper head from one side to another side by which you are twisting your stomach intestines and so on to do this, it's the beautiful practice. And finally sit in vajrasana position. It's like an abdominal compression and move one knee up and another knee pressing to the other side. So it is like bringing knees up and down with little pressure on each other. So this is something where you are squeezing your stmach and giving a pressure on your stomach. Sitting is beautiful. So try and do these simple asanas repeatedly in between. If you feel like passing out, you have a feeling that the motion is coming. Go and evacuate your bowel . Again, again drink water. But always remember that whenever you are drinking water you are drinking sip bicep, not just gulping it has to be slow and sip by sip. So drink water again, two glasses and again do all these asanas. Whenever you feel pressure that you want to pass out motion, you should immediately go and pass out motion. So this sort of activity should go on and on till, the water which comes out from your anus becomes absolutely clean water without any color. And this shows that your entire Elementary canal is totally clean, washed well and it is free from toxins. This shankhprakshalan you should do on a holiday where you don't have to rush to work, you will be feeling tired because it is something very different from your body. But body would definitely be detox. The food which you would be eating for two days would be nothing as but sufficient amount of fruit, sufficient amounts of boiled vegetables where vegetables don't have any spices, chili, masalas or anything. 

Onion, garlic. All these things should not be there non veg, which is out of question and lemon juice, butter milk, diluted, belt. These are the things which you should be eating for two days. Little little time that is four times in a day. But what is important is good rest. You should be lying down in Shavasana. You should be lying down in makrasana. You should sit and relax in this nispandbhava. You should be doing only these things for two days. Rest thoroughly well, sufficiently well. Then you will notice that from third day onward your energy would be boosting. You would be full of energy, positivity, enthusiasm and strength in food. Be very clear that don't eat any packeted food, any price of oily stuff, spicy stuff. Just avoid that. Be clean from within, fibrous from within. And that would be wonderful. At one point all of you should remember that when you do this shankhprakshalan , you should not force yourself in drinking too much water. Whatever is your body capacity, try to see that you drink only that. But if you feel uneasy, stop it. asanas also, whatever your capacity is, do that. If you feel fatigued the tired stop it. And this is how slowly, slowly with patience you should do this practice and this would give you very good result in some cases. The Constitution is so different that they may not pass stool only. Don't worry. Your body would be urinating and urinating, and body will take care of all these things. But cleanliness , that definitely will happen in one or 2 days. We will notice that everything is clear and fine. This Shankhprakshalan practice should not be done so repeatedly maximum once in a month. But I would say when you feel after 3, 4 months that you have with eating wrong food very often, or your body has lots of toxins, then you do it according to your requirement, but not regularly in any case. Well, those who have very severe ulcer problem when acidity has gone so bad that it is creating ulcer problems should not do this. Those who have heart problems should never try this out. Second technique to clean your entire intestine. is fibrous food. 

Fibrous food is something which people ignore because they have to choose. This takes time and so they want to ignore it. But understand, these fibres Act like a scrub brush which brushes away all the unwanted things from the intestine, and hence it helps in preventing constipation and colon cancer. Try to add more vegetables and fruits in your diet because they are very rich in fibres. All these things like salads, which we can eat regularly. It could be cucumber. It could be tomato. It could be carrot, should be eaten regularly. Cut small slices and with little lemon peeling on that and little salt touch. You can really eat these things. It is very good. Second plate of fruit must be one meal of your day. As far as possible, it could be either just breakfast or it could be evening snack. a full plate of fruits like Apple, papaya, banana, mosambi, santara, depending upon the season. The other fruit should be taken very regularly. It could be in the evening at snack time. Just fruits and lemon juice. That would be your best snack time. Or sometimes some people may have it in the morning or between two meals, say by 10 to 11 you can have a plate of roof separately, but use this and that would help in good fibre into your system. Third, the detox substance is lemon juice. Studies show that vitamin C is highly effective, in cleaning colon. So have a glass of warm water with lemon. Squeeze it early in the morning. understand one thing very clearly that hydration is very important for the health of colon. So make sure that you drink enough water throughout the day. Proper hydration works wonders. But remember, you should always drink water when you are thirsty. We should drink water ship by ship and not gulp it. Sit and drink water. But water should be given importance in your day to day activity. Half a hour before your food. 

Remember and drink a glass of water and one hour after your food. Also remember and drink one glass of water and which means you must have a glassful of some liquid in the morning. Herbal drink in the afternoon, Buttermilk in the evening, lemon juice again and at night a big Bowl of soup. And first thing in the morning, again a lemon juice. You start your day with that your body would be naturally hydrated and it would help removing all the toxin from your system. 4th Probiotic like curd or undoubtedly is the best food for your gut health. The Lactobacillus enzyme prevent all such problems like flatulent, indigestion and all other digestive issues, and it helps in proper bowel movement proper absorption, assimilation, and thereby health in clearing your intestine. 5th point mandukasana this is one of such an asana when you give intraabdominal compression very, very effectively.

 There are three variations in these three variations. First variation is keep your palm over your navel , another about that palm. And then breathe in, stretch your body, breathe out and bend forward to try to touch your head to the ground. So here the hand is pressing inward and you are staying in that position for some time, and you are coming back. You are giving four abdominal pressure. Second, bring your hands in this position where the fingertips are touching each other, last two fingers downward and the thumb on the upper area So you are holding your stomach strongly. And then you are bending forward is the same position, staying there for some times and coming up. And the third variation is you clench your wrists if it's below, Navel on both the sides and then press it strongly on your summer. And while that bending forward, change that position for sometimes where you are really very fresh down and coming up. Relax. So these are the variation of Mandukasana. And this would really help in cleansing your abdomen.

 Your small intestine, as well as your large intestine to great extents, colon and hygiene would be maintained very perfectly. Remember, your gut health largely determines your overall health only when you have proper digestion, proper absorption, and proper elimination. Then your body is going to absorb all the nutrients very perfectly. And because of that, you will be strong and healthy. But when these things don't happen properly, that deposited toxin are going to create havoc in your health. Right Some kid problem to hair fall down to blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes, asthma to many other disease, joint pain, to name any disease, it would create that toxins. Unhygienic condition is going to create unhygienic atmosphere in our body. And so see to it that we follow all these instructions which we have given you right now. Follow it systematically and see that you are clean internally. Mind has to remain clean in any case. And this will happen when you will be full of energy full of positivity. And that is possible with all these techniques. So try and see that you stay clean internally. Have a clean thought. have a clean feeling and have a positive energy with you. So take charge of yourself. Stay healthy 


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