Thursday 15 December 2022

how to Natural Way to Enlarge Your Breast at Home


Majority of women, they are very sensitive about their breast size and they very often feel inferior, feel unhappy about the look about the appearance.Sometimes the clothes which they wear,they feel it doesn’t appeal them,they don’t look good enough,so today we are going to talk about how to increase breast size to its optimal shape. 

1) Food-milk. Milk contains levels of reproductive hormones similar to the human body which are all good for fertility and increasing the breast size, they also stimulate blood flow in the breast, apart from milk, there are other dairy options such as curd, paneer and cheese which you should include in your diet. For those you have dairy aversion or they are following veganism, for them the other choice is soya milk, almond milk and coconut milk as another choice. 

2) Next Fenugreek seeds-fenugreek is a traditional seed,recommended in weight loss,it is even good in lactating mothers to stimulate good milk production. Interestingly fenugreek works wonders, soak a tablespoom spoon of fenugreek in water overnight and then drink that water along with fenugreek seeds,that would be wonderful,you may chew it or you may not chew it that doesn’t matter,this will help you to have a fuller cup size if consumed regularly. Fenugreek contains Phytoestrogens and that helps in the growth of breast. Next option could be Soya-Soya contains Phytoestrogens, a hormone very much useful for breast growth, soya also contains Isoflavones which fights against free radicals and cancer cells which grows in the breast tissues.Among the group of cancer, breast cancer is quiet common among ladies and here the soya helps to control this. 3) Nuts and seeds-its always helpful to have a handful of nuts and seeds in your daily diet, preferably breakfast, which are soaked overnight and taken,that would be wonderful.

 Nuts and seeds have minerals and vitamins it keeps your brain and heart healthy and they also have a good amount of good fat and protein in them and this helps to promote breast growth. Some of the nuts and seeds to have are walnuts,cashews,peanuts and pecans. Seeds like sunflower seeds,pumpkin seeds and flax seeds are really helpful,they help in stimulating and balancing estrogen level in body. Next among the food would be Green leafy vegetables-these super foods are rich in nutrients,they not only just help to maintain optimum weight,but they help in maintaining the breast size,this is because they have phytoestrogens, this helps to balance the female hormone estrogen naturally.These foods should be focused to help increase in the breast size,but the other food should not be ignored, next method is massaging. Massaging the muscles on the breast should really help in maintaining the tone of the breast and the massage could be done with any of the moisturizer or any natural oil.Preferably almond lavender tea tree and coconut oil.All these oils have skin friendly propertis.Let me give you some recipes for paste and oil for breast. 1) Red lentil paste-that is masoor dal. Lentils are rich source of estrogens, that can stimulate breast development. To use this ayurvedic remedy, soak this masoor in water for few hours and now grind it to a fine paste, apply this paste on your breast and leave it for an hour or till it becomes really dry and then youcan totally wash it out, no need to massage this paste, along with augmenting breast, it can create firmness in the breast. 2) Fennel seed souf and almond oil-this contains flavonoids,it stimulates the growth of breast tissues,to benefit from this heat almond oil and add fennel seeds in that when it is hot,once the seeds turns red,strain the oil and allow it to cool,now massage this oil on the breasts and leave it for half an hour.Ideally you should massage your breast with oil everyday. 

3) Fenugreek breast mask-this is one of the effective treatment for the breasts enlargement. The phythoestrogen present in methi or fenugreek increases the prolactin level in a womans body,additionally fenugreek also influences the memory gland and this encourages the breast tissues to expand.Make a paste of fenugreek powder and water and then massage this paste onto your breasts,leave it for 15-20 mins ,rinse it with warm water and then moisturize your breast with some good moisturizer. And now understand asanas and pranayamas . 

2) Clavicular breathing – Put your hand on your shoulder actually and fingers in the front and thumb behind and while inhaling take your chest upwards with shoulder moved upwards and stretched your arms behind and while exhaling,bring your arms relax them bring your shoulders and then bring your chest inwards so this chest movement upward and forward would be wonderful to develop clavicular muscles. 

3) Abdominal breathing or diaghramic breathing where you lie down on your back, bring your legs closer to your bottom knees upwards and then keep one arm on your stomach and then while inhaling bring your abdomen muscles little up, while breathing out bring them downwards so this movement of stomach up and down would really help in developing the diaghramic muscles . 

4) Bhastrika-where you sit in any of the meditative pose and keep your one arm on your stomach and breathe in and breathe out fast, pushing your stomach in while breathing out strongly so while breathing out you being your abdomen in breathing in you can do silently,so it would be this is the way and do it like this for 30 rounds and that also would work wonders. 

This bhastrika pranayama should be done only on empty stomach so early in the morning before eating anything, rest of the pranayamas could be done anytime during the day, not immediately after food but 2 hours after food, so do these things regularly and benefit. These pranayamas will not only increase just the lung capacity but also tone the muscles of your rib cage.Understand don’t compare yourself with others,every human body is by itself beautiful and it has its own plus and minus incase you want to find fault but afterall what really impresses is the health of body and the positive state of mind which you have,you should learn to enjoy what you have first and wherever you want to do something go ahead and do something about it but don’t bring negativity into it don’t try and feel that you are less then anybody,try and see that you enjoy your body see that your body functions well and give you a good health,learn to accept yourself fully, how you feel is going to reflect on your body and mind so always feel happy and positive cheerful satisfied with your life and that would work wonders. Take charge of yourself 


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