Tuesday 27 December 2022

How To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux Permanently | Treat Acid Reflux Naturally | Relieve from Acidity


acid reflux is a symptom it is simply caused by excess production of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach normally your stomach produces hydrochloric acid to help digest and break down food now we must understand first of all that acidity occurs due to triggers such as acidic food alcohol dehydration and stress which cause excess production of acid today let us see a set of techniques that you can follow daily to get rid of acid reflux naturally and permanently first comes food this food aspect is very important when it comes to acid reflux after every meal suck on small piece of  jaggery maintains normal body temperature and cools the stomach drink 

1 cup of cold cow's milk or almond milk if you have a severe acid reflux milk helps to neutralize acid because its character is alkaline coconut water buttermilk bananas and apples are also good to soothe your stomach I would give you a drink recipe that is useful to reduce acid reflux symptoms so coriander seeds in water take 50 mL of this water soak barely about 4 hours in water and take 100 ml of this water take one small cucumber one inch Ginger one tablespoon lemon juice and few mint leaves blend all these ingredients together and garnish it with lemon slice and mint leaves you can have this drink either mid morning or half an hour after meal whenever you have acid reflux person must eat sensibly and avoid all that food which does not agree with your system second follow proper eating habits remember to drink water half an hour before food and one hour after food drink warm water before going to sleep and as soon as you wake up stay upright after meals and take a gentle walk to improve your digest avoid lying down immediately after having food do you have as a part of your morning hygiene routine this is the practice 

where you clean the root of your tongue by rubbing it with your thumb it contracts the stubborn and helps in a good elimination third technique pranayama have a very soothing effect Cooling in our system and should be practiced in the morning as well as in the evening that is one pranayama called as Chandra bhedan pradayam the Chandra Veda pradhayam is associated with the coolness of the Moon it regulates the flow of bile and induces calmness another pranayam called as C3 pranayam which is involves breathing in from mouth with the help of a tube formed by curling the tongue it heals ailments of the abdomen and removes excess heat accumulated in the system sitkari pranayam is there which also involves breathing in from mouth with a clenched teeth formation this pranayama is also Cooling and reduces mental tension next let us see some Asana which you can practice right in the morning which stimulates bowel movements it is very necessary to remove the waste materials and toxins from the system first for the agustasan in lying down variation it provides inside abdominal compression and stimulates the digestive system releases the acid reflux in the stomach by improving digestion and blood flow to the abdominal reasoning another Asana is makrasana it neutralizes acid in the stomach it is always best to do this Asana afedar before you really sit to eat your food it is important to relax in shavasana because it releases muscular and nervous tension it releases stress and invigorates your body and mind if if you suffer from chronic acidity all these asanas can also be done right into your bed the moment you wake up in the morning fifth journaling is also a very useful technique in a journal or in a diary make a record of the food

 which you have eaten all day activities you did or thoughts you entertain that triggered acid reflux in this way you will notice the pattern in your habits with a little introspection you will realize what to keep and what to let go in your life one more thing every day write few reasons why you are so grateful in your life it could be a blessings of good family any talents or skills you may have even a strong working faith in God or in higher reality this will keep you away from stress and negativity which is also a major cause of acidity because there is a strong and direct connection between body and mind you know know you can actually convince yourself into healthy states of body and mind so make the right choices remember what to keep what to let go and set yourself free from acid reflux symptoms permanently 


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