Tuesday 1 November 2022

Health Tips || Right time to have dinner

A healthy diet, means a healthy you. But is eating healthy food enough? The best approach to get the most out of your food depends not only what you eat, but also when you eat. Eating at a right time has a maximum benefit, it promotes digestion, balanced weight and reduces gastrointestinal problems such as acidity and constipation. So what is the best time to eat? Today We will discuss a right time to have dinner depending upon various factors. First - Time, between dinner and sleep There should be at least a gap of two hours, between dinner and bedtime.

 Dinner should be eaten by 7 p.m ideally. An early dinner allows the body to digest the food efficiently, when we sleep the healing process in our body starts, but if we eat late at night, there isn't enough time for body to digest the food and it spends that sleeping time digesting the food rather than repairing the body. So have an early and light dinner. Second – Before Sunset Traditionally our ancestors, had dinner before sunset. Not just because there was no electricity, but there was a scientific reason behind it Melatoninn level in our body rises as it gets darker. This would prepare us to relax and sleep, hence, it is difficult for the body to digest the food in the same rate as it doesn't either day light when the Melatonin levels are low and the body is energetic and active.

But in today's hectic lifestyle, it is difficult to eat dinner that early. So at least aim to have dinner by 7 p.m. or 2 hours before bedtime. Third - Link to Lifestyle At times, we get so much caught up in our work that we don't have a time to follow our eating and sleeping routines. If you are having a late dinner, go for something, which is very very light, soup, salad or a glass of milk, is the right option, you will get acidity or stomach ache if you continue to eat something heavy. It will also affect your sleep because body finds it tough to digest that food at such an late hour. Fourth one - Mood matters It is important to eat at right time, but it is also important that to eat with a right mind set

. The best time you eat is when you are stress-free, you have finished your work and then you don't have to think it while you are eating. Enjoy your meals instead allowing your mind to get occupied with unnecessary thoughts. Since this can affect how your body processes the food so depending on our busy life. The best time is to eat food, two hours before your sleep or preferably 7 p.m. Make a meal schedule and follow it.

 To get the most nutrition you must pay attention to numerous factors such as the food, you consume the time you eat, your mood while eating, the quantity you eat and so on. So if you want to stay fit, keep all these things in mind, this will help you in being healthy and also prevent issues such as weight gain, acid reflux, constipation and much more. Take care eat at the right time in the right manner with happy positive state of mind and you will really enjoy good health. 


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