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Monday 31 October 2022

5 Nutritious seeds for good health


seeds are vital group of foods that should become vital part of your daily diet. Vegetables and fruit seeds are highly nutritious. They are rich in fiber as well as great source of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It also contains healthy monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats. A handful of healthy seeds will satisfy your hunger while also providing several health benefits

. Adding seeds to your regular diet plan can help to reduce blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. So today we will talk about five nutritious seeds how to consume them best Way number One basil seeds basil seeds are also known as Sabja, having a calming effect on the body. These tiny seeds are loaded with nutrients. One tablespoon of basil seed will provide 15% of the reference daily intake that is RDI for calcium and 10% of daily recommended intake for magnesium and iron along with 25% of daily recommended intake of fibre. Sabja seeds are really beneficial for your gut health. The pectin in basil seeds as prebiotic effects. It helps increasing beneficial gut bacteria including anti inflammatory bacteria and that supports gut health. It also aids in blood sugar control by slowing down the conversion of carbohydrate to glucose. Basil seeds are hard to chew and therefore soak the seeds in water overnight and consume them in the body.

 You can eat directly these seeds or add them with your porridge. Have it is two teaspoonful every day. Second. Sunflower seeds Sunflower seeds is an effective remedy for men having prostate problems and ladies who suffer from uterus problems. Sunflower seeds are a rich source of vitamin e and selenium and this can help prevent chronic diseases. Having two teaspoonful of sunflower seeds every day will help with infertility all uterus issues, reproductive issues and weight loss. Sunflower seeds are also anti-inflammatory which in turn helps to keep your heart healthy. It also helps in keeping your blood pressure and sugar level in check. Number three Coriander seeds Coriander seeds helps entailing overall homeostatic level of our body. It has anti-inflammatory property which would help in lowering blood sugar level and blood pressure.

 The seed is usually used in culinary preparation. Drinking warm coriander water will help in overcoming bad breath, body odor, skin issues, detoxification of colon and liver. It helps in bloating and acidity. This coriander seeds water taken in the morning soaked overnight with little sugar really helps in overcoming Leukorrhea . White discharge problem in ladies to have a best benefit, try this one tablespoon of coriander boil with two to three glasses of water and let it cool overnight and then strain it and drink it in the morning. Fourth fennel seeds fennel seeds are fibre rich seeds. One tablespoonful of dried fennel seed that is souf which is approximately 6 grams, provides 2 grams of fibres in our body in our body. Sometimes certain bacteria they cause lots of gases which in turn creates food poisoning, stomach upset and many such problems.

 And all these problems would be settled by taking fennel seeds regularly. These seeds help relaxing muscles in stomach and intestine. All these seeds will help releasing constipation as well as acid. Reflux number five flex seed or flax seeds are high in Omega three fatty acids. One tablespoonful of powdered flax seeds contains about 1. 8 grams of Omega three fatty acids, which is essential for reducing stress, inflammation and promoting heart health. Flax seed also contain high fiber and protein. It helps to control blood pressure and prevent chronic ailments like cancer. Have about two tablespoonful of flax seed daily to have this make a powder in a blender and you can add in your breakfast with porages and other things at lunchtime.

 Also, you can add this on salad on vegetables and have it. You may also make nutritious rotis by mixing the powder of flax seeds with your flower seeds essentially provide the same advantage as oil, but in a far more physiologically effective panels. As oils are concentrated and they lose many nutrients in the processing. So now, whenever you feel like munching something in a day, seek out for these healthy and not any unhealthy products and enjoy your health. Energy  

how to clean your lungs | how to Lungs Detox at Home | Top 10 Best Drinks for Healthy Lungs

i think it's safe to say that we all want to breathe healthier and easier right the easier it is to breathe the better you'll feel which is why it's so important to take good care of your lungs 

many people don't realize it but our diet plays a role in the health of the respiratory system just like every other organ and system of the body our lungs need adequate nourishment as well that is why in this video we're going to talk about some of the best drinks and beverages that you can consider adding to your diet in order to give your lungs a detoxifying boost be sure to watch until the end because there's one that not too many people know about so if you're ready let's get into it just a quick reminder 

we are not doctors this video is for informational purposes only of course the first drink that we have to mention is water more than 70 percent of the human body is made up of water which is why it's always important to stay hydrated this is especially true when it comes to helping 

your lungs function properly dehydration causes mucous and secretions in the lungs to thicken up which makes it more difficult to cough up for removal it's no coincidence that most respiratory infections occur during the winter months which just so happens to be the dry season this means that your body has to work overtime in order to maintain proper levels of hydration drinking around 3 liters of water per day 

can help ensure that your body is getting the hydration that it needs which can prevent thick unwanted mucus from building up in your airways the next drink that we need to discuss is green tea green tea is a healthy drink that has been around for centuries it's believed to have positive effects on the entire body including your metabolism and immune system one study specifically looked at how drinking green tea may benefit people with copd which is a chronic condition that affects the ability of the lungs to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide this study found that drinking green tea two or more times per day can reduce the risk of developing copd if you want to give it a try you can enjoy it either as a hot or a cold beverage keep in mind that it does contain caffeine so for me personally

 i often like to enjoy a cup as an afternoon pick-me-up next up on our list is turmeric tea turmeric is a bright yellow spice that is often found in indian cuisine it wasn't until recently that medical experts discovered its positive health benefits turmeric contains antioxidants that work to prevent fatty deposits from developing in the arteries it also contains anti-inflammatory properties which help prevent the arteries from hardening over time this improves the functionality of the heart and cardiovascular system which indirectly benefits the lungs as well and easy do-it-yourself turmeric tea mixture includes hot water turmeric lemon juice honey and black pepper enjoy it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for the best results another great mixture that you can consider is olive oil lemon and honey sipping on this majestic mixture with warm water is a classic home remedy that is widely used across the world it's useful in alleviating sore throat symptoms that are caused by repeated coughing studies show that honey reduces cough symptoms because of its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties lemon is a rich source of vitamin c that helps strengthen the immune system and when combined with honey can provide a detoxifying boost olive oil has antibacterial properties and also reduces inflammation which benefits not only the lungs 

but the entire body all you have to do to take advantage of these benefits is take a glass of warm water and mix it with one tablespoon each of fresh lemon juice olive oil and honey the next beverage that you can consider is green juice green juice is a beverage made of a mixture of healthy green vegetables that is touted for providing some amazing antioxidant benefits it's often loaded with concentrated forms of healthy vegetables such as kale spinach cucumber wheatgrass celery chard and mint these types of green vegetables are loaded with nutrients and components that may be beneficial for your lungs specifically they often contain chlorophyll which helps increase blood flow to the respiratory system they are also high in antioxidants that help ward all free radicals free radicals can cause genetic mutations which inhibits the proper functioning of every major organ including the lungs that is why incorporating green juice in your diet is good for not only your lungs 

but for your entire body another type of drink that can benefit the lungs is a blueberry smoothie blueberries may be small but they pack a mean punch when it comes to improving our overall health they are loaded with flavonoids and polyphenols which have antioxidant antibacterial antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects on all of the organs and systems of the body of course this includes the lungs as well you can easily search google or youtube to find some delicious and easy to make blueberry smoothie recipes in order to take advantage of the amazing benefits that they can provide and we couldn't have made this video without mentioning ginger shots the roots of a ginger plant are widely used for food and medicinal purposes around the world ginger has a strong odor that is useful for clearing the nasal airways studies show that ginger has bioactive components and antioxidants that reduce oxidative damage due to stress it also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relax the airways in the lungs and fight against fever that occurs during a lung infection you can add ginger to your diet by drinking it in the form of a juice or tea or you can consider drinking a ginger shot which is a small concentrated dose of ginger juice that makes it quick and easy to take in your dose for the day moving right along next up on our list is elderberry tea elderberry has become widely popular over recent years and is known for its antimicrobial antibacterial and antifungal properties this makes it great for boosting the immune system and treating colds infections and viruses elderberry also referred to as sambucus is most commonly consumed in the form of cough syrup with that said it can also be made into a tasty and nutritious tea as well again just do a quick search online and you can easily find a recipe to fit your needs next up is pomegranate juice this is actually one of the most nutritious beverages that can be purchased from your local supermarket pomegranates are loaded with antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and protect your cells from damage it's also been shown to boost your immune system which can help prevent lung and upper respiratory infections that is why we had to include it in our list and it's definitely a drink to consider for those who are looking to improve the health of their respiratory system this next beverage may be a bit controversial however we just have to let you know about the benefits of coffee this one seems a bit counterintuitive because the doctors of cardiac patients often recommend avoiding coffee due to the stimulative effects of caffeine with that said coffee is actually a vasodilator that helps improve blood flow throughout the circulatory system which could potentially benefit the lungs 

coffee also provides anti-inflammatory effects and essential minerals that can help fight off infections with that said if your doctor says not to consume coffee caffeine or any of the other beverages that were mentioned in this video you should definitely take their advice because they know more about your individual condition real quick guys do me a huge favor and hit the like button it really helps support the channel and i greatly greatly appreciate it and while you're down there go ahead and click the subscribe button as well because we have a ton of other videos on our channel that i think you will enjoy i hope you like the information that was shared in this video and hopefully you're now one step closer to protecting your lungs and taking better care of your respiratory system again this video is for informational purposes only and you should always speak to your doctor first before making adjustments to your diet or regimen if you want to dive even deeper into this topic we do have a full guide on our website i'll drop a link to it right below this post down in the description thank you so much for watching all the way to the end have a blessed day and as always release my friend, subscribe my YouTube channel


Eat One Apple a Day, See What Happens to Your Body

 Apples are known worldwide as a relatively cheap and readily available, delicious fruit. There’s hardly any person on the planet who’s never tasted it fresh or in the form of juice. And apple pies are a pretty common desert, usually even gracing both formal and informal celebrations with their presence, right? But does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? This saying has been around for years and years, but does everybody benefit from eating apples? And are there any conditions under which it’s better to stay away from this fruit completely? To finally answer your questions, here are 10 facts about eating apples that everyone should be aware of to stay their healthiest. 10. A Pantry of Vitamins In a Single Fruit. It’s true that every apple contains a whole variety of vitamins. Let’s say, you ate 1 medium sized apple. You’ve consumed about 95 calories, by the way. 

Along with the feeling of fullness for your stomach, you get about 4 grams of Vitamin C, and a huge daily intake of useful microelements, like Manganese, Potassium and Copper, along with vitamins A, E, B1, B2 and B6. It’s also one of the most easily digestible sources of iron. Apples are used not only for the prevention of colds, but also for the treatment of severe ailments, like malignant tumors. A sufficient amount of potassium helps stabilize blood pressure, but calcium is needed to strengthen tooth enamel and bone tissue. Looks like a whole pharmacy in one single and tasty fruit, huh! 9. Eat Apples to Strengthen Your Brain. Many studies have shown that eating apples regularly improves brain activity. These fruits contain a special antioxidant, which prevents cell destruction and inflammation. Apple juice promotes the formation of an important neurotransmitter that significantly improves memory. A 2008 study published in the Journal of Food Science showed that apples contribute to the prevention of Alzheimer's. Isn’t that amazing!? 8. Heart & Blood & Vessels. Scientists have already proved that eating apples daily

 reduces the risk of strokes and thrombosis, as it normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. They’ve compared the effect of consuming about one apple per day with taking special medicines, called statins, which lower cholesterol level, but have some side effects. Experts estimate that apples are almost as effective in reducing mortality from heart disease as medications. In addition, eating apples prevents the formation of gallstones. Stones are cholesterol residues that are “petrified,” and the fiber from apples helps to normalize cholesterol levels.

 Thanks to this, the cardiovascular system also heals. In one large study, eating an apple a day was associated with a 28% reduction in the risk of type 2 diabetes. Even if you only eat a few apples a week, there’ll be a similar protective effect. 7. Stomach Health With An Apple A Day. It’s said that apples can help in curing gastritis, especially the green varieties. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the apples, then peel and grate them. Eat the grated apples early in the morning. Since you can’t eat anything for four hours before and after the apples, prepare to have breakfast around 11 o’clock. In the first month, you eat apples in this form daily. In the second month - three times a week; and in the third month - once a week. But all this should be combined with the prescribed diet, that is, to exclude spicy and salty foods, fats, coffee, strong tea, and freshly baked bread. Well okay, if I must! You should ask your doctor about this method to make sure you have all the necessary information. 6. Eating Apples Equals Losing Weight. The fiber contained in green apples takes a long time to be absorbed, making you feel fuller, longer. Unlike artificial diet powders and supplements, apples are almost totally hypoallergenic, and hence you reduce the risk of a bad skin reaction on such a diet.

 However, it’s important to remember here that nutritionists don’t recommend eating apples after 4 P.M. They’ve proved that in this case, your body simply won’t have enough time to digest all the nutrients from the apple. By the way, these fruits contribute to gas formation, so don’t forget to take this into account while trying an apple diet. 5. Eat Apples For Better Digesting. Due to the fiber and pectin contained in apples, these fruits can help fight virtually any digestion problem. They normalize the intestinal microflora and help promote the good type of bacteria in our gut. And due to the content of vitamins in apples such as carotene, iron, manganese, potassium and calcium, they’re recommended for intestinal infections. But still, these apples can provoke a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. So, if you have some troubles with gastritis or a duodenal ulcer, you’d better choose baked apples instead of raw ones. No worries - during cooking, they don’t lose too many nutrients. 4. Beauty and Health With An Apple A Day. Due to the pectin that’s in each apple, consuming these fruits on a daily basis will help improve complexion, and prolong youthfulness and freshness of the skin. By the way, apples contain an anti-aging compound. The baked apples have the same great benefits as raw apples, so you can have some variety in your diet.

 Not only can you eat apples, but you can also apply them on your hair and skin in the form of beauty-masks. Try to put thin slices of apples on the skin under the eyes to get rid of edema and dark circles. 3. Apples Help Strengthen The Immune System. Everyone knows what stress can do to a person: bad mood, low productivity, inner health problems and much more. But guess what? Apples can help here, too. Due to the antioxidant quercetin, which is found mainly in red apples, these fruits can strengthen the immune system, and help the body cope with stress. They also help to cleanse the liver in these situations. 2. Eat Apples Daily But Know the limits Despite all the beneficial properties of apples, they shouldn’t be consumed without limits. 

Apples contain carbohydrates, which our body processes into glucose. If you lead an active lifestyle, play sports or visit gym at least 2 times a week, then it’ll be beneficial for you. But if you have a sedentary job and an inactive life, apples can do harm by causing spikes in blood sugar. That’s why it’s better to avoid eating more than 3 medium sized apples per day. In this case, you’ll get useful substances, but not harm the body or add too many extra calories. 1. Apple – Culinary Miracle. Of course, it’s better to eat any fruit in an uncooked way, right. But to diversify your daily ratio, and keep consuming all the vital microelements that apples contain, you can make juice or smoothies, bake pies, or make deserts. You could even make chips out of them! People in Italy eat briquette with apples, and in India they cook apple chutney. Just search the web and you’ll find a whole bunch of tasty things that are easy to cook. Do you know some nice recipes yourself?

 Don’t be greedy, share them in the comments section below! And here’s a few more interesting things about apples for you: They consist of 85% water, which means that these fruits are vital for hydration and energizing. It’s better to eat an apple about 20 minutes before the main meal. That’ll help to take the edge off your hunger and, hence, you’ll consume fewer calories while eating. It doesn’t matter whether you choose a red apple or a green one.

 All in all, every type of this fruit is beneficial. Just try not to peel them, ‘cause a bunch of the nutrients I’ve already mentioned are contained in the skin. As you can judge by yourself, an apple a day may not totally keep the doctor away, but it’ll help! Remember that with every single juicy crunch you take. Hey, Brightsiders! Why don’t we have a tiny challenge here? Let’s eat a couple of apples a day during, say, one month and then share our thoughts and feelings about it. 

Top 8 Health Benefits of Black Pepper | Helps in Weight Loss, Skin Care, Cancer & More.


Today I am going to talk about the king of spice and several benefits which we derived from spice, although this spice is a tiny black coloured corn, it possess is a strong hot and a spicy flavour - yes you must have guessed that I am talking about Black Pepper  It is very common and widely used in Indian house, so let’s learn about the powerful health advantage of this spice as well as its uses and applications 

1 PREVENTS SKIN DAMAGE AND WRINKLES - Piperine a strong plant compound found in this Black Pepper has a high antioxidant quality that helps to fight free radical damage to your cell this helps in prevention of inflammation and premature ageing it also contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects that helps in the treatment of acne and skin infection try this excellent scrub take a teaspoon of black pepper powder add 1 teaspoon full of olive oil to it, mix it well apply it all over the face, massage it gently in round movements, then after 15 minutes wash your face with warm water, and then splash with cold water, this simple home-made scrap will exfoliate the dead skin and stimulate blood circulation causing more oxygen to the surface of your face and this will give you a healthy and glowing complexion but remember that black pepper is a hot spice, so do a patch test and then try and apply and use it all over

 2 DETOXIFIES YOUR BODY - as the spice is hot or Rajasic in nature, it creates heat in the body, it helps you to get rid of toxins either through perspiration or urination, sweating and frequently urinating is a good sign that your body is functioning well, but as I said it is Rajasic in nature, so this wonderful spice should be taken in moderation, only a pinch of black pepper powder or 4 to 5 kernel is sufficient to add to your detox drink or meal 

3 HELPS IN LOSING WEIGHT - Black Pepper is a wonderful spice to use if you’re trying to reduce weight, black pepper is high in phytonutrients which helps in the breakdown of fat cells and boost metabolism, freshly crushed black pepper powder could be sprinkled on your food plate or salad, you can as well add it to your meals or breakfast, when you eat fresh pepper and start sweating, this is your body‘s way of getting rid of excess water and toxin, so include this spice in your diet, to boost your weight loss 

4. REGULATE BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL - Black Pepper possess anti-diabetic property, piperine an active compound in Black Pepper may help improve blood sugar metabolism in your body, the regular consumption of Black Pepper significantly improves insulin sensitivity in your body, diabetes usually drink neem leaf juice which is highly beneficial for their condition but this drink is really bitter adding a pinch of black pepper powder in neem juice cannot only enhance this but also helps in management of diabetes 

5 PREVENTS CANCER - the active compound of black pepper that is piperine may have anticancer potential it can help suppress cancer cell replication in breast, prostate, and colon cancer, when consumed with turmeric it has double the power, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, flavonoid, carotene and other oxidants included in the spice helps in the removal of damaging free radicals and protects the body from cancer and other disease the best way to get most advantage from the pepper is to eat freshly ground pepper instead of cooking with food 

6 ALLEVIATES DEPRESSION - chewing raw black pepper, release mood inducing chemicals into the brain, keeping your mind calm and soothing all day take only two or four peppercorns and chew them when you feel low and that would help you to boost your mood Black Pepper can also help bring functioning it helps in the release of symptoms associated with degenerative neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson disease 

7 TREAT COUGH & COLD - Black Pepper is a powerful spice to treat respiratory problems, respiratory problems like cough, cold, sneezing, and so on, mostly in Indian homes, whenever someone catches cold we keep them warm milk with a pinch of turmeric and pinch of black pepper and this gives instant relief from the cold, also Black Pepper Kada or concoction is very useful in treating cold as well as eliminating chest congestion which is often caused due to pollution or some viral infection so take a vessel and pour a glass of water, to this add 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper corn, quarter inch crushed ginger a pinch of turmeric and a tiny bark of cinnamon stick boil all the ingredients well keep and strain, then add a spoonful of honey, drink this warm to cure your cold and cough 

8 AIDS DIGESTION - the piperine compound helps in digestion and stimulates stomach it causes it to secrete more hydrochloric acid which helps in the digestion of proteins, adding a pinch of pepper in your food will help it to digest fast it may also help nutrients absorption and its prebiotic activities will help in the regulation of gut bacteria and improve gastrointestinal health but understand one thing, if a person is suffering from piles, person should not take black pepper so these are some of the powerful health benefits of black pepper they have varieties of natural therapeutic properties that could be used to treat or prevent several ailments, so as you have understood the benefits of black paper use this, as and when required and remain healthy and fit 

Moringa Superfood| Weight Loss | Drumstick Leaves | Natural Detox Food


drumstick tree leaves or Moringa leaves which have been traditionally consumed in  as a humble substitute are now also known as the super food around the world I have seen people from Villages eating Moringa leaves every day without even knowing anything about their numerous benefits the high nutrition content of these leaves is beneficial for those suffering from malnutrition the benefits of consuming are many for now let us focus on some of these first your immunity increases with Moringa because the leaves are loaded with vitamin C and help your body effectively fight the infection the leaves are excellent antioxidant and have iron as well as Vitamin A which makes your immune system function efficiently second daily consumption of Moringa leaves is advised for those who are suffering from diabetes because these leaves are rich in ascorbic acid which increases secretion of insulin in the body and lowers blood sugar third moriga leaves are believed to reduce the cholesterol level and also help in controlling body weight they can reduce stubborn belly fat and they are capable of converting fats into energy Moringa leaves an abundant vitamin D

 which makes digestion easy and converts food into energy instead of conserving it in the form of fat fourth Moringa leaves contain amino acids which builds cells and helps activating hair follicles and therefore reduce hair loss this leaves also have vitamin A and robots air growth fifth moriga leaves are rich in protein calcium iron and other vitamins which allows your body to build muscle mass and to heal faster if you have injuries they are good for keeping your bones and Joint healthy Moringa leaves wash away toxins from your body and have been used in traditional medicines for this purpose too one Innovative use of Moringa leaf powder is to use as and soap

 because of its antibacterial properties they are also available in the form of Moringa powder tea bags tablets and capsules and the best thing is Moringa leaves or powder can be eaten at any time of the day maybe with full stomach or even at this stomach those who take Moringa in the morning will be able to keep a very good energy level throughout the a day if taken inside it provides your body the essential nutrients required to heal faster and grow healthier if you are lucky to have a boring guard tree in your garden or Farm you can choose to directly take fresh leaves from the tree and chew it raw or you can add them to Fresh juices

 these soups curries Das and salads according to ayurveda Moringa or drumstick leaves can be consumed as a normal food and at the same time provide extraordinary health benefits if you haven't eaten these leaves already then include boringa leaves in your daily diet to stock up essential nutrients and vitamins and welcome good health 

Sunday 30 October 2022

Unbelievable Beauty Secrets of Aloe Vera

 We’re all aware of what a life-saving ingredient aloe vera is and it can be used all over your body inside and out to benefit you in many ways! You can buy it stored in a bottle or extract it fresh from a leaf by cutting it open and scooping the gel out! Most cosmetic moisturisers today are filled with the goodness of aloe because of its ability to boost skin moisture. If you have oily skin, go the DIY way, mix 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with some rose water to make your own moisturiser. 

Aloe vera offers better hydration for a longer period and creates a protective layer around your skin, keeping your skin soft and supple. Mix together vegetable glycerin, 2 vitamin E capsules and some aloe vera gel to make your own anti-ageing mask. Everyone loves a good facial mist, especially one that makes your skin glow. Just cut up a cucumber and blend it before placing it in a muslin cloth and squeeze out all the juice. Add to it a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and ⅓ cup of distilled water. The cooling effect of cucumber and soothes the skin while the aloe vera hydrates and cleanses your skin. Acne can ruin your day like nothing else but this magic ingredient will definitely come to your rescue. Remove the tea leaves from a tea bag and soak them in a teaspoon of hot water. Add in some aloe vera gel and apply it to the affected areas. 

The soothing properties in aloe vera reduce inflamed skin and help treat blemishes and scars. What if we told you that you can make your own hand sanitizer that isn’t just effective but also smells amazing? Simply mix 1 cup of aloe vera gel, 1 tablespoon of witch hazel, ¼ teaspoon of vitamin E oil and 8-10 drops of lavender and peppermint essential oil. Aloe Vera hydrates and nourishes the skin while creating a protective layer around the skin, leaving them soft and clean. We women,

 face with stretch marks at some point in our lives but did you know that the compounds in aloe vera help repair skin and generate the growth of new cells? When applied topically, aloe vera can lighten stretch marks and shrink warts, healing as well as softening your skin. If Aloe vera leaves your skin gorgeous and glowy, imagine what it can do to your hair. Add 2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice to a cup of water, add in 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin, 1 tablespoon of apricot oil, 2 teaspoons of vitamin E oil and 2 teaspoons of sesame oil. Spray this mixture on your scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes before washing it off.

 Aloe Vera conditions and nourishes the scalp while boosting the vitality and shine of your hair. Did you know when consumed in small quantities, the laxative properties in Aloe Vera can aid weight loss? Heat a glass of water with some aloe vera gel and constantly stir until the gel is completely dissolved. Add some lemon juice to the water and drink it first thing in the morning. Aloe Vera can drain your body of excess water and unwanted toxins while also boosting you metabolism. The therapeutic properties in aloe vera have definitely made it a favourite in most households and we hope these tips help it make its way into yours as well.

3 Best Face Pack for Acne Treatment Naturally | Home Remedies for Acne | How to Get Rid of Acne

Acne is a skin condition, that affects lots of youngsters and teenagers these days, Acne can be treated with simple lifestyle modifications - such as avoiding oily and processed food, staying active and maintaining hygiene. However we frequently neglect these essential activities and indulge in those that contribute to acne, such as eating junk food every other day, staying in active all day or forgetting to set aside time for self-care self-care is important, if you want to have a clear skin free from acne, Acne is a skin ailment, that occurs, when oil and dead skin cells clog hair follicles, inflame black heads, pus filled pimple or red sensitives bumps, all are symptoms of acne Today I am going to share three top face packs for acne these packs have the most natural ingredients that will instantly work on acne and help you get clear and glowing skin 

1. ACTIVATED CHARCOAL FACE PACK first one activated charcoal face - the ingredients that you need are 1 tea spoon activated charcoal powder 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel one drop of tea tree oil now understand the method in a small bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix them together before applying them on the skin, massage this charcoal pack on the face in a clock wise directions, have a circular motion for one minute, let the pack dry for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water, activated charcoal is an effective anti-acne remedy, which has detoxifying properties - which is really purifies the blood, it’s incredible exfoliating properties, it clears the clog pores and deeply cleanses the skin, it makes the appearance of dark spots less visible, aloe vera gel has astringent properties - that pulls dirt and excess oil out of skin, which helps preventing breakout it contains anti- bacterial quality that helps to control and reduce the production of bacteria which causes acne, aloe vera gel is also used to moisturizer your skin and so it will really nourish your skin, tea tree oil - is a wonderful skin treatment option, specially for oily and acne prone skin, tea tree oil is a popular choice for treating acne because of its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties it instantly calmness redness, swelling, and inflammation.

 2. RICE FLOUR FACE PACK the ingredients are 2 teaspoon rice flour 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon honey so here, in a small bowl mix all these three ingredients and form a paste, now apply an even layer, on your face and neck of this paste, apply paste in a circular motion, and let it dry for 10 to 15 minutes, gently wash your face with water and dry your face with soft towel, rice flour - is an excellent ingredients to get rid of acne and pigmentation spot, it has skin brightening and de-tan property can help to reveal your inner skin glow, it’s an excellent source of vitamin B, which helps in the production of new cells and makes your skin look young and fresh lemon juice - is loaded with citric acid that directly targets the acne- prone areas and dries out the excessive oil, its antiseptic properties kills bacteria that causes acne, it is loaded with vitamins C and lightens the acne marks slowly-slowly, raw Honey - helps to balance the bacterias on the skin, making it an excellent acne treatment, honey also improve the healing of the skin cell, and it is also great moisturizer which can keep your skin soft throughout the day

 3. ORANGE PEEL FACE PACK 1 teaspoon orange peel powder 2 teaspoon rose water add both these ingredients and make a fine paste, apply this paste all over your face and neck, let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it out with warm water, tap dry your face later, orange peel powder can be very easily made in the house, peel of orange could be put in the sun, let it dry, and then make a powder of it, it is very simple, but this would be wonderful, if you do it at home, as orange peel powder is high in Vitamin C, which helps in the formation of collagen, and elastin, in all skin types specially in oily skin, because orange peel has anti- bacterial qualities, they fight because acne causes germs which would result in clear skin Rosewater as antiseptic and antimicrobial properties which helps to reduce symptoms of acne breakout, Rosewater has a mild PS level of 5.5, which helps to gently cleanse the skin without harming it, it removes oil and dirt from your skin by unclogging your pores,

 so here are the three best face pack for acne prone skin, apply the face pack and see the difference on your skin, your skin will not only be acne free, it will also get back its real glow, apart from all these beneficial packs, you should also practice some asanas that helps to blood circulation in the face region and this would prevent acne breakout you can practice Yogendra Chakrasana, Trikonasa, Sarvangasana, Yoga Mudra and Hastapadasana - remember to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, this would help to detox all the toxins from your body and help to see that your skin comes back to its original natural glow skin, skin would be clear, glowing, and you just enjoy yourself so take care 

Lip Care | Healthy Usefull Tips to Take Care of Your Lips


even kid can be allowed to. Taking good care of our lips is important and thus these are some ways you can try out at home for lip care. First one honey or sugar Scrub. Honey and sugar Scrub is a very compatible technique as well as very, very effective. It brightens the lip instantly.

 These are rich in antioxidants and it also protects you from UV rays of Sun. A simple technique with sugar would be using Brown sugar, preferably on your lips and leaving them for 10-15 minutes before rubbing them out. By rubbing gently. Don't overdo. Be mindful if your lips are delicate. You can use just any. Just rub it and keep it for 15 minutes and wash it down. Avoid eating sugar or honey when it is applied. Second Pomegranate Seeds, Pomegranate works great in lightening pigmented lips. You can use it as a juice with sugar or cream over your lips and scrub them out after 15 minutes. Keep in mind that the skin might be locked or turn blue if you scrub too much.

 Third one berries and Alovera there is our having abundant source of vitamins and minerals and anti Optimus and thus help in lightening and maintaining the health of your lips. While Alovera Hydrates and moisturize your lips in berries, strawberries or raspberry can be used for the scrap. Use one Berry as a juice and take one teaspoon full of Aloevera or honey with a juice of Berry. Apply this for 20 minutes and wash it out. Fourth cream/Desi malai Cream is not just most convenient but most effective ingredients. This malai was wonder no matter how dehydrated or how much pigmented your lips are taking. Just a little malai and just rubbing on your lips help to hydrate and Deeping went your lips. You can keep this for a long period or just five minutes. Fifth, lemon and almond oil oils are essential for making your skin complexion. Healthy oil prevent kids from feeling out and amino does just that. Thus are two drops of almond oil with two three drops of lemon juice can be applied on your lips and leave it for 5 to 10 Minutes for its most defects

. You can wash it out later or leave it if you want. Sixth beetroot juice, beetroot works to clear up the pigmentation of your lip. This can be applied along with the juice of Mint leaves and lemons. Take around two drops of each and keep it for ten minutes and watch it out. Commercial lip balms also contains certain chemicals which will hurt and harm your lips and make your lips more dry and more pigmented. I would strongly recommend that you use all these homemaderemedies for your self care routine. Besides this Scrubs and baam, you should be eating healthy food. You should have a healthy lifestyle and you should remember that hydrating yourself is very important. . All these things are very much required for your healthy lips, healthy care and so take charge of yourself.  

How To Grow Your Hair OVERNIGHT (Tested!) | DIY Egg & Oil Hair Mask for Hair Growth & Shine!

 week non-stop and i didn't even use shampoo to rinse it off yeah seriously i was scared but don't worry it actually works so let's get into it first things first this video is part of the series of how to keep your hair long so to learn how to make this hair mask the video is going to be linked up here so on day one you need to know that this hair mask should always be applied on damp untangle hair to make application easy when you apply this egg all the oil hair mask always starts from the roots to ends and between applications take your time to massage

 your scalp so you can promote hair growth once you're done the next step is to put your hair in a bun cover your head with a shower cup or use a plastic bag like me and set the timer to an hour to let your hair and scalp absorb all the nutrients of this hair mask when time is up do i smell like cooked eggs smaller nope the next step is to rinse this egg olive oil hair mask and the shower for five minutes only using cold water and for the following days i'm only gonna air dry my hair one hour later does my hair smells like eggs not really it smells fine on day two the process went very smoothly as you can see i learned that trying to apply the egg hair mask with your hands is only made for people that are not clumsy like me these are my results so far 

i'm very impressed because it feels very soft you can see it's a little bit greasy right but it's not like a big deal i think the most impressive thing is how clean oil free and not itching my scalp is at this moment look at that shine all right guys it is day four this is how my hair looks right now let's keep on going okay looking good quick hey guys it's day number five and i gotta tell you something yesterday i was doubting this hair mask so much i felt my hair was so dry but today i woke up with such a beautiful hair look at this my hair feels so soft it's not even greasy i'm just shocked because my hair looks amazing look at that glow it feels like it's getting against its volume it's definitely feeling so moisturized a few moments later on day six we got a small problem the only two eggs that i was counting on to finish this challenge are rotten no fortunately these awesome friends saved me from the madness thank you ben i really appreciate it yeah good luck all right with the new set of fresh eggs we can continue this hair mask challenge so shall we i'm gonna go ahead and do the same thing that i've been doing the past six days take a look of my hair on day seven and no i still haven't washed my hair with shampoo and that shine that you see right now is pure egg yes today is the last day

i'm just  apply the egg olive oil hair mask as usual i will wait for an hour like normal look at this hairstyle looks good i'm never gonna be normal and then i will rinse hair mask with shampoo all right let it air dry and then talk to you guys about my results i have decided that i'm gonna start washing my hair with only eggs before applying this egg hair mask my hair was dehydrated weak and i was losing a lot of hair and at the end of this week my hair improved shine softness even gained volume strength and hydration but the most remarkable thing was that it grew one inch long in a week 

3 Life Changing Habits You Must Follow & See the Changes

you see life is beautiful it is not as difficult as you make out to be life is difficult because we form habits beliefs and attitudes that trap us into not living fully these tendencies of half living comes from nothing else but our habits our habits determine how we live our lives i can tell you three habits that can supercharge your life and boost you out of your state of health living first set boundaries setting boundaries is vital to living a balanced life yet people do not understand what boundaries really means see parents love their children but if this love is without boundary then what will happen in most cases the child will become thoroughly spoiled so you see how setting boundaries applies to everything

 how much time you dedicate to your career how much you of yourself are willing to share in the relationship how much you spend how much you want to make etc setting boundary is a process of discovering who you are what works for you what doesn't only when you begin to know yourself will you know what satisfies you so what are you waiting for start discovering now second communicate more the next habit that can change your life is communication ironically we have so many platforms to communicate nowadays instagram youtube whatsapp but we do not communicate authentically we have stopped meeting people and communicating face to face so learn and relearn the art of communicating and expressing your thoughts directly to person face to face and communicate

 more not just in your personal life but also in your professional life understand nobody is a mind reader if you don't tell your partner what you need they won't know if you don't communicate with your colleagues they won't know if you don't tell your boss what you want he or she will not know so do yourself and everyone in favor and speak it up three minimalism this cannot be emphasized enough make minimalism your go-to mantra if you go on buying things you don't need then very soon you won't have money to buy things you need nobody's asking 

yourself to be a hermit and not have any fun at all but if you insist in buying a new smart watch because your old is not cool after a week you will soon be facing financial ruin remember how hard you work to make that money so use it wisely use it to care for yourself meet the family's needs don't waste it on trying to impress others care for your money and you will see that money cares for you adopt these three powerful habits and see how your life changes 

11 Best Foods To Prevent Ulcers

 Keeping your stomach healthy is the best way to prevent stomach ulcers. Fresh fruits are an important part of our diet. They come with a world of benefits. I’m talking about vitamins and antioxidants. If you want to prevent stomach ulcers, making fruits a part of your diet would be a step in the right direction. But remember, moderation is key. Fruits have sugar, so you need to be careful about the amount you eat. Keep in mind that not all fruits were created equal. Eat more apples and pomegranate, as they are good for your stomach. Make sure you eat apples with their skin. That’s where most of the fiber is. Grapes and berries are great too.

 You can make frozen popsicles with them if you are bored with having them on their own. And of course, strawberries and cherries should be included in the list. You can even make a fruit salad with blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. Drizzle a bit of honey to make it even more delicious. Eat fresh fruits regularly to keep your gut health at the top of its game. But just know that some citrus fruits and juices may cause vomiting and discomfort. This is due to acid reflux. It’s just better to avoid them. Do you love eating fruits? Which one is your favorite? Sound off in the comment section and start a conversation with our Bestie community.

 Vegetables Vegetables are a blessing when it comes to health. Leafy greens, especially red and orange vegetables, are known to have special properties that protect your stomach. Most of the veggies are alkaline in nature. Eating them would help control the stomach acid, which is the main reason why you have peptic ulcers. So which veggies should you eat? The first one I would highly recommend is cucumber. Being cool as cucumber certainly has a fair amount of truth to it. You’ll be surprised to know how wonderfully effective it is in curbing excessive acid production in your stomach. In fact, researchers found sea cucumber can suppress gastric lesions and ulcers in their experiments. Experts recommend eating cucumber with their skin on.

 Its juice is also recommended for relief from hyper-acidity and gastric ulcers. Next in line are the leafy greens like kale, spinach and cauliflower. They contain calcium and vitamin B, both of which work great on your stomach acid. They are loaded with antioxidants, boosting your immunity and protecting you from stomach infections. And of course, broccoli couldn’t be left behind. This healthy veggie contains a compound that prevents excessive acid production. Impressive, isn’t it? You can eat these veggies on their own in the form of salad. You can also steam them. Grilling or sauteing with olive oil would be great as well. Olive oil has fatty acids and it is believed to help stop your stomach from making too much acid. You know my favorite method of eating veggies? I make soup from them! Broccoli soup is especially delicious and you can top it with a hint of extra virgin olive oil.

 It’s true that including a bowl of boiled veggies can be a great idea to help your stomach function for a long time. But do put a limit on eating too much salad or raw vegetables, as they may be hard to digest when your stomach is already in trouble. Better avoid spicy peppers and tomatoes. They can generate reflux issues. Lentils and lean proteins Research states that the wellbeing of your body and mind both depend on your gut health. But why? Your stomach houses several microbes that affect your health. They keep your body and brain functioning as they should. If there’s any change to it, you may suffer from a lot of health issues. One of the key resources for a healthy stomach is fiber and protein. You need a good amount to repair your stomach’s damaged tissues. In fact, experts recommend eating protein to provide essential amino acids for tissue protein synthesis. This promotes healing. And which food item has both- a good amount of protein AND fiber? Lentils! Fiber feeds the good bacteria of your gut. The microbes present in your gut get energy, nutrients, and vitamins from it to protect your stomach against ulcers, infections and what not! Lentil soup is one of the best ways to sneak them into your daily diet. It is easy to digest as well. You can add a pinch of turmeric, which reduces inflammation and holds healing properties

. Legumes Most ulcers are caused by bacterial infections. A healthy and balanced meal is your best bet to keep ulcers at bay. Good nutrition is important for a healthy gut. Your food should include natural sources of soluble fiber in each meal. Research shows that people, who eat a high amount of soluble fibers are at a lesser risk of developing Ulcers. Legumes provide an ample amount of soluble fiber and are a good source of energy as well. Fish and Seafood Who would have thought fish fillet had so many benefits? You need protein in your diet and fish provides plenty of it. Oily fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines contain a good amount of omega 3 fatty acids. They help to reduce the risk of ulcers by producing certain types of compounds. These compounds help to protect the lining of the stomach and intestines. Also, omega oil contains certain compounds that may be helpful in preventing ulcers. So even if you aren’t consuming them, a fish oil supplement will help you to fight with ulcers. Before we move ahead, here is a video you might like. Watch and learn more about the early signs of pancreatic cancer. Eggs: Eggs are rich in protein. Including them in your daily diet is great for you. Eggs are among the most commonly consumed foods on the planet. A single egg contains 13 grams of high-quality protein. More than half of it is found in egg-white.

 Apart from that, eggs are also known to have vitamins and minerals. Ideally, it would be better to consume eggs cooked without any spice. Scrambled eggs are a good example. But it is important to make sure you aren’t allergic to eggs before eating them. Whole Soy Food and plant-based milk Soy-based products are slowly getting more popular. Cow’s milk is not exactly considered ulcer-friendly. In fact, it encourages acid production and can cause discomfort to your stomach. But what if you love your tea and coffee with milk? You can opt for the plant-based kind like soy and rice milk. Researchers conducted a study to see the effect of Soy-based foods on people with ulcers. The group that consumed soy-based products showed visible improvement within just two weeks. Fermented Dairy foods Fermented Dairy Foods are all the rage these days. Never thought your daily frozen yogurt dessert would get this popular. Well it's a great probiotic and is easily available at a low cost. But what are probiotics? They are live bacteria or yeast with a lot of health benefits. You can either consume them as a supplement, drink them or eat them. Probiotics increase the level of good bacteria in your stomach, providing support for our immune system. Healthy fats like Avocado, olive oil, and nuts A healthy stomach helps you combat infections and illnesses

. We all are guilty of eating junk food, which has the opposite effect. Want a healthy gut? Eat a variety of foods from all food groups. A healthy meal plan is one that does not contain unhealthy fats, sugar or added salt. Healthy fats include olive oil, nuts and avocados. They maintain your stomach lining and prevent excessive acid production. Green Tea For many, green tea might seem to be the latest ‘in thing’, but it is more than just a fad. It has been used for its medicinal properties for years. Green tea is a known remedy for many stomach issues. It is nothing but an infusion of unfermented leaves from a certain plant species. Studies show that it can protect your stomach from harmful ulcers. Herbs and Spices Your diet is the most powerful tool when it comes to your health. Antioxidants are a valuable addition to a gut-healthy diet. How? 

They protect the outer lining of your stomach and help the growth of good bacteria. This is an important job as any problem in the outer lining leads to several diseases and inflammatory conditions. Most herbs and spices are concentrated sources of antioxidants. Turmeric, ginger, garlic and cinnamon are known to have antimicrobial properties that protect your stomach against ulcers. You can switch to honey instead of sugar or artificial sweetener. Do you have stomach ulcers? Do you plan on including any of these foods in your daily diet? 

Saturday 29 October 2022

Homemade herbal hair oil for faster hair growth- Beauty tips - grow hair 1 inch in 10 days

 Similarly we will be sprouting the fenugreek seeds with the help of aloe vera  we have another hair oil which is a simple method I got only 4 flower you can use upto 10 hibiscus flowers I am preparing this for 1 ltr oil You can even add henna leaves to it Grind it in the mixie Adding fenugreek

 will help to get rid of dandruff It act as a natural coolant to your body Remove the spikes in the leaf on both the sides , make a small opening and place the methi seeds in them The seeds will sprout soon I allowed it to sprout 3 days back I used 4 tbsp of fenugreek seeds for sprouting . It will take 3 - 4 days for sprouting If you crush the leaves then you will get black color Clean the leaf well Grinded paste Add the leaves and grind it too This is the bhringraj leaf paste Use a heavy bottomed vessel for preparing this oil If you use a light weight vessel then there may be chances of the oil getting burnt at the bottom Boil the leaves ell until all the moist in the leaf gets absorbed in the oil

 If you touch the grinded paste and check then it will be like batter , then it has not reached the correct consistency Similarly if you add a drop of water then it will not react When the oil splutters while adding water then the oil is ready When you touch the grinded paste in the oil and it is coarse in texture (sand like) then it has reached the correct consistency Now add a drop of water in the oil and if it splutters then the oil is ready Turn off the flame and allow it to reach the room temperature Now strain the oil Strain the oil twice The grounded paste has reached a coarse texture 

This oil that has been strained again can be used while taking oil bath You can even use a cotton cloth for straining Don't wash the strainer and use it because it may contain water which will spoil the oil Once the oil has cooled completely transfer it to a glass bottle Homemade Herbal hair oil is ready !!! 

Morning Routine | Healthy & Productive Habits to cure Asthma


ASTHMA is a major non communicative disease, which affects adults and children as well as both., but in today’s times people takes ASTHMA very lightly, they think that it is like common cold. But it is serious, it can be fatal, if Asthmatic does not take care on time. ASTHMA is a complex condition, every individual respond to a unique state of factors, in one individual many factors can be responsible. Generally, INFLAMATION and NARROWINGING OF AIRWAYS can cause varieties of symptoms in people – coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and so on…. All of these factors can have a very bad impact on person’s day to day activities.

 So, it is typical to take preventive measures and stay healthy and avoid ASTHMA attack or all these other symptoms. People who have ASTHMA usually feel uneasy in the morning, because congestion worsens at night due to colder temperature. So today I am going to provide certain necessary Morning Routine, which will help person to prevent all such problems they usually suffer in the morning. 1. BEGIN WITH BED STRETCHES First the moment, you wake up, begin some bed stretches, do some stretching, do some asana, take some few long breath, massage your forehead, bring some warmth into your morning, because ASTHMA, cold, cough, sneeze, deficiency of warmth and heat in your body, so bring warmth and heat in your body. At sunrise, this is a time of temperature fluctuation, so this a time very sensitive period to the ASTHMATIC.

 Some stretches like PAWNMUKTASANA, YASHTIKASANA, PAWNMUKTASANA different VARIATIONS, and BHADRASANA could be very easy to perform, this would activate your body and remove stiffness from your body, so that you could be able to carry your MORNING ROUTINE easily. 2. FACIAL MASSAGE FOR SINUS After the simple stretches, sit in your bed and do KAPALRANDDHRA DHOUTI, KARNARANDHANDHRA DHOUTI will help you to stimulate facial nerves and help to remove congestion from these areas. This would help to improve your blood circulation and make you feel easy throughout the day. The congestion would be gone right in the morning and would feel very comfortable. Using both the hands or one hand and massage your facial muscles and make sure you use your fingertips and keep a deep or moderate pressure and see that the congestion is taken care of. During massage use your thumb and press it at the end of the eyebrows, rub your fingers on your forehead horizontally from right to left.

 Now take your index finger or middle finger and keep it at the bridge, of your nose, it should be near the eye, as the starting point. And move them outward, down under the eye towards the temple. Rub your index finger from the front of the ear towards the back of the ear couple of times. 3. CLEANSE THE TONGUE TO REMOVE COUGH After facial massage brush your teeth, use tongue cleaner and clean your tongue. And then do JIVA MULA SHODHANA. JIVA MULA SHODHANA is a technique which aids in cleaning the mouth and removes the excess mucus from the throat. Once you pop out, your chest feels lighter and breathing becomes much better throughout the day. Insert your fingers deep down, it should be the first two or central two fingers, take it in as deep down as possible near that ovula - the small tongue which is hanging, move that bring your finger in that region and you feel like puking – puke out, cough and mucus would be removed out

. After all this gargling with water. 4. DRINKING WARM WATER IS A MUST Dink a glass of luke warm after brushing and tongue cleaning, warm water really helps in removing the mucus out, it loosen the mucus and throws it out, to see that we breathe much better and much easier way. After drinking a glass of warm water, focus on your abdomen, walk a little bit and see you evacuate your bowels properly. And then take a warm water, squeeze half a lemon, and put little pinch of Haldi, put Honey and drink this liquid in the morning this would help you to relax your airways and open up your bronchitis tube. 5. ANOTHER KRIYA FOR FACIAL SINUSES After all these doing, do KAPALBHATI it removes excess phlegm in sinuses and nasal passage it removes all the toxin from the respiratory passage, it reduces the frequency of the parasites, and it helps in removing the symptoms of ASTHMA – cold and cough. KAPALBHATHI To do KAPALBHATHI Sit in Sukhasana, Inhale and Exhale sharply, forcefully and quickly without controlling your face muscle. Here the muscles on the throat would automatically will be used, avoid clearing your nostrils and ensure that there are minimal movements in the body

. The friction of a sharp breath is going to create a moderate sound, remember these are sharp breath, equal inhalation and exhalation, and do it for some time – do at least 30 rounds, then take a long inhalation and hold for some time and relax. After KAPALBHATI, do Pranayama – this PRANAYAMA is called BHRAMARI PRANAYAMA or HONEY BEE Breath 6. BHRAMARI PRANAYAMA This helps to release congestion in the head and facial region. The buzzing sound resonates in the head and in turn the resonance radiates and reverberates in the whole body. This helps alleviating the mild cold symptoms, helps person to breathe properly.

 So Here sit comfortable in any meditative posture, and keep your mouth totally closed, now inhale and while exhaling make the sound of honey bee slowly and continuously. The sound need not be loud but it should create vibrations and repeat this 4 to 5 times. Another point is SUN GAZING. After pranayama, go to your balcony or go to your garden and face the Sun, take the sun rays on your face. This is called SUN GAZING. This would help you to increase warmth in your body and see to it that the mucus and cough production is reduced or removed. For Sun gazing stand straight or sit, and look at it when the Sun is rising – that orange red ball completing when it is rises, then close your eyes and take the sun rays on your face. You should only look at the sun when it is rising or setting, not otherwise. Continue gazing till your eyes get watery, and then gently close your eyes, cup your eyes with palm – DO PALMMING 8 EXCELLENT ASANAS FOR AIRWAYS Once you have done with Sun gazing, do your regular practice with asanas. Practice has no posture like SARVANGASANA, or ARDHA SARVANGASANA which would help in drainage of collective secretion, forwarding bending asana like HASTAPADASANA, YOGA MUDRA, CHAKRASANA, KONASANA 3, etc. so all these asanas are excellent to help circulation to your lungs. Also asanas like KONASANA 1, and 2 help underused muscles which are holding your lungs, from the side to help breathe much better and improve the vital capacity of your lungs 9 ENSURE TO EAT ONLY WARM BREAKFAST After a good asana session, see to it that you eat healthy warm breakfast.

 ASTHMA patient should have warm drink and food, because cold food can aggravate their condition causing more mucus and cough and congestion in their body. And warm food and liquid helps to release cough and mucus from your body. If you have a congestion you should use hot water bag, keep it on your face, on your throat help your body to release congestion, follow these techniques and stay away from all those things that can trigger your ASTHMA. Some people have sensitivity to dust, so always cover your face when being in a dusty area. Some are sensitive to certain food, keep away from that food till you overcome your ASTHMA. So you see to it what are your triggering factors and avoid them, till you become totally healthy.

 Remember to maintain a healthy weight, overweight always creates problem, see to it that your weight is in control. Now here is a place of Mind. Human Mind can create a hell. When Mind gets disturbed, when anger is panted up, emotions are bottled up – Mucus generation is much more – attacks can come very easily, so try and see, that you look at life joyfully, positively all the short coming around are enjoyed and don’t get angry, take charge of yourself, learn to be happy in any situation in life Don’t bottle up emotion, dance, jump, be physically active, you will healthier and better. Fine. Look after your self 

Don't Do This While Taking a Bath?

 Bathing is something which we do everyday and it kick starts our day.Most of us do serious mistakes when it comes to bathing,although we take bath everyday.Here are some common mistakes which people usually do. 

1) Taking bath after eating food.Having a bath after a meal can hamper your digestion.According to Ayurveda,when we eat food ,our stomach energy,jatharagni should be strong,then body absorbs and assimilates maximum out of that food,but if you take bath then this heat is reduced.Our digestion becomes poor and so it hampers our digestion,so you must give atleast 2 hours gap between meal and bath.Usually in the morning we are in a rush,so remember first thing bath and then have breakfast,not other way round.

 2) Bathing in hot water.Some of us love to take bath in hot water during winter,but remember hot shower can dry out your skin and even hair loss and so the skin becomes dry ,itchy and scratchy.Not just this,hot water also increases your blood pressure,for a person suffering from high blood pressure,hypertension heart problem,you should totally avoid bathing with hot water.Well so what should be the temperature of water?Usually you should take water with normal temperature,and in cold winter you can have little warm water, in very hot climate you can have little cold water but it should be ranging around normal temperature only.Taking bath with water at normal temperature definitely increases your energy level and boosts your immunity also .Specially after workout,you should take bath only with normal water as it helps in reducing your muscle pain and inflammation. 

3) Staying long in bath.Again staying too long in the shower causes dryness of your skin and scalp.Ideally you should not spend more then 10 minuted in the shower.Water can super saturate your skin and causes your skin to break down,it also weakens your hair follicle causing hair loss.So make sure you have a quick bath.

 4) Washing hair everyday.There are many who wash their hair everyday thinking that they would protect their hair or strenghthen their hair or also because of pollution they want to wash their hair everyday ,but let me tell you this is totally wrong practice.Shampooing everyday can take off your scalp moisture,so you should shampoo only once or twice in a week.It is always better to use a natural shampoo then a chemical based shampoo.Also avoid shampoo which contains paraben and sulphate compounds.So protect your hair and wash only once or twice in a week. 

5) Neglecting sole of your feet.Feet is one part of your body that sweats more then any other part,hence it needs a special care so when you go for your bath,first thing you should do is sit properly and rub your sole thoroughly well.Use your pumice stone or a brush to really rub your foot nicely and massage your foot and then rest of your body.This would activate the nerve endings of your feet and once the nerve endings of your feet are activated,it activates the entire body of yours. 

6) Bathing immediately after workout.After workout,your heart rate also has to come to its normalcy,and that’s why give 20 minutes to your body to settle down and also remember that we people when we take a bath,bath itself is a workout,so after bath,a person is supposedto relax for 10-15 minutes atleast before he starts any other activity.

 7) Applying soap all over our body.Soap should be applied only in sweaty area,like armpit,groin and the foot part,applying soap in other areas will make your skin dry and irritated.Soap in anyway is a foreign material,applying that on your skin is always more irritating,so try andtake a small little Turkish towel in your hand,or napkin,wet it with water and scrub that napkin throughout your body.This will be best way to take bath and then wash your body thoroughly well with normal temperature water,that would be best way to take bath.Bathing is something that we always take it for granted,we take bath everyday but during bath we have lots of planning to do,lots of other thoughts coming to our mind.Our mind is not attentive to see that any part of our body is attending well.Water is such a strong medium from cleansing.We have to clean our body but at the same time clean our mind too .Our mind should always have some nice good happy clean thoughts.So physically mentally emotionally you are focused,so stay clean,stay free from all negativity. 

What is the Best Time to Drink Water? Drinking Water Before Sleeping | Advantages & Disadvantages

many people ask is drinking water before going to bed is good when you drink water right before you go to bed your stomach becomes full and thus it can affect your sleep this small habit needs to be changed before jumping on how this habit could be changed let us first understand how drinking water before going to bed can be harmful frequent urination at night 

will cause sleep deprivation which would lead to weight gain high blood pressure and even high cholesterol level at night body releases chemicals during a long period of sleep which lowers the blood pressure and heart rate and your heart has to work less when you wake up frequently to urinate at night your heart has to work quite more this may lead to cardiovascular disease another side effect of drinking water at night in men is getting an enlarged prostate gland

 when you drink extra water at night it simply doesn't get absorbed in your system and it also does not filter the blood which leads to enlarged prostate gland in milk so drinking water is not advisable before going to bed but if you are really thirsty just before going to bed or at midnight

 you can sip some water to quench your thirst but don't drink a glass full of water and go to sleep immediately now you must be wondering what's the best time to drink water your body is the answer whenever you feel thirsty at that time your body needs water and so you should drink water and at night the best time is to have water one hour before you go to bed empty your bladder right before going to bed and have a good sound sleep let me share an interesting fact with you at night there is some burning of fat it may be a little quantity but it happens and there is a loss of weight when the water is produced and released through sweating and breathing so sleep tight and lose weight my suggestion would be to avoid drinking water for at least six to seven hours while you are asleep listen to your body and act smartly 

How to use beetroot and Vaseline to make lip balm - How to make lip balm with beetroot in 2 minutes


this is homemade this is beautiful this is good, I love it hello everyone  be showing you how to use beetroot, how to use beetroot to make a lip balm this is for your lips so you're going to apply this on the lips it's something i can just prepare within two minutes and to prepare this you need a beetroot this is the one that i can get, this is good so what i need to do is to cut this into two this is okay so what i am going to do is to cut half of this into small size like this this is okay, i'll put this into the bowl then i'm going to add four tablespoons of hot water into the bowl one two goodness, it's already three plus, the one that drops so this is four tablespoons so while this is still hot you're going to add your Vaseline into this I need a tablespoon of Vaseline that's okay, you're gonna dissolve the Vaseline you're going to dissolve the Vaseline in the hot water,

 that's the beetroots hot water i'm going to pour hot water into another bowl, i want this to dissolve it very well you can see that this is dissolving, you see, so you have to quickly get empty container so friend you can see that this is, this has dissolved into the, this is so beautiful so i'm gonna get an empty container, this is the one i made before, so i'm gonna pour this one into it so you will stir this and then allow this to cool down, once it cool down, it's gonna turn to lip balm just look at how beautiful this is, you see, this is natural and this is super good so I'm going to continue to use this, i use this every time, so i just add that to the one I already have you can see how beautiful it is, let it cool down and then you can make use of that's it, this is still very hot okay,

 this is the remedy and this is looking very beautiful do you see so what you're going to do is just dip your hand and take your lip balm so when you take it you apply on your lips hmm this is beautiful very beautiful so what are you waiting for, go and try this i love this so friend you got to go and try this if you want to have your own homemade lip balm using beetroot and Vaseline you can see how this look on my lips very good this is good so you need to go and try it, it's simple, you need only two ingredients this is dry seasoning in this part of the world so guys you don't need to go and buy wet lip just prepare your own, you know that this is natural, this is something you make in your home this is something you make by yourself, so go and do your diy,

 prepare it and use it for this season because this season is dry season when the lips is dry, you see this will help to soften and melt and leave your lips looking very supple ,oh i love what I'm seeing, so you need to go and try it guys go and try it, that's all you need to do so anytime your lips is dry just bring it out you can put this in your bag so just bring it out and apply on your lips 

How To Use Honey, Aloe Vera & Besan For Your Skin | Natural Ingredients That Your Skin Needs


We wake up, cleanse our face, hop into the shower, layer on beauty products, the steps are countless. We rely on many products to maintain and repair beautiful skin. But how do we know that the ingredients in these are actually good for our skin and health? , we are going to be talking about some of the most common yet natural essential ingredients that we can incorporate into our beauty regimes that have multiple uses, without actually breaking the bank.

 Honey can definitely be viewed as a pot of gold because of the amazing number of ways that it can be used and its infinite benefits on our skin and health! Did you know that honey is one of the only natural ingredients that has an eternal shelf life and will never go bad? There are also several types of honey, that come from different flowers.  honey which has incredible healing and medicinal properties! The most important property of honey is that it’s a humectant which means that it pulls water from the air onto your skin making sure that you skin is hydrated, soft and youthful! Another one of my go to DIYs with this sweet ingredient is to mix it with a little bit of sugar and then use it as a tasty scrub to exfoliate and plump my lips. 

Honey has also made getting a cough much more bearable for me because my mom use to mix it with a little bit of lemon and cinnamon to make a delicious but effective homemade cough syrup! In addition to all these uses honey also helps with weight loss and is a great natural sweetener for food and drinks too! So whether you’re using it for skincare, medicine or for food it never hurts to keep a jar of it handy! They don’t call this the magical plant for no reason! Aloe vera is a popular medicinal plant that has been around for thousands of years and is still an absolute staple in Indian households! I could say it’s always been in my family to have aloe vera plants and knowledge about its helpful properties has been passed down from one generation to another, from my grandmother to my mother and now to me. An absolute godsend, aloe vera can be found in medicines, cosmetics and even in food.

 And I for one, never skip out on using it in my beauty routine. I have very dry skin that often gets flaky so I use aloe vera to combat these dry patches as it soothes them gently and it also prevents the growth of more bacteria because of its antioxidant & anti-bacterial properties. Till date, I burn myself while cooking or come back from a beach vacation with an awful sunburn. My grandmother uses aloe vera in the affected areas and it brings an immediate relief and leaves behind a cooling effect. Basically aloe vera is great for healing of burns! A few others amongst the countless benefits of this magical plant are that it helps with ageing & wrinkles. It also helps to lower blood sugar levels and it also is a boon for your digestive system healthy. So a scoop of it straight from the plant may not sound like the most appetising idea but it's definitely going to do your body a lot of good! So go ahead and start making the most out of this natural ingredient! The magic ingredient that's been passed down from generations, and is a staple in almost all Indian homes is Gram Flour, commonly called Besan. It's easily available, it's easy to use and it's quick to show results. So if you look into your kitchen right now, you probably have Besan too. Gram Flour contains some amounts of zinc.

 Since it helps fight off infections on our face, zinc is well known for its anti-acne properties. As someone with sensitive and acne prone skin, Besan has never failed to impress me! Its acne fighting properties aren't all it has to offer. Besan helps detan your skin, it removes fine facial hair and it regulates your sebum production. Now all these properties make it the perfect ingredient for any skin type but especially for the ones out there with sensitive or acne prone skin. Here’s how I use it in my skincare routine. I use 3 - 4 tablespoons of Gram flour, ½ a tablespoon of Turmeric and 2 Tablespoons of Yogurt. The turmeric further helps with its anti acne properties. And the yogurt binds these two ingredients together and gives me the little surge of moisture in my skin. Every time I apply this mask, my skin looks like it had an instant glow up! Now besan isn't just limited to your face, its detanning properties work on your body as well! Once a week, I use besan instead of soap and this has really helped me detan my hands and and my feet and also worked on dark elbows, which I wasn’t expecting at first! So here were the different ways I use my go to ingredient, Besan. There has never been a day where I haven't been able to find Besan in my kitchen. 

So I hope you find it just as easily too! Whether it is for face, body or even in food, which totally isn't my forte, I always enjoy Gram Flour. So now that you know everything about our natural ingredients and why we absolutely cannot live without them. Do let us know if you try out any of the simple hacks suggested to you by us. We would also like to know which is your go-to natural ingredient any why in the comments below.

How to be Always Happy: How to Increase Serotonin Levels in Brain? | Healthy Brain Tips

 did you know that you are able to experience happiness because of certain chemicals in the brain serotonin is one of the chemical produced in the brain when you feel satisfied or important what is wonderful about this chemical is that it has a power to upscreen your mood i know people who are always smiling no matter what they are going through in their life their brains are probably making enough serotonin to keep them in a happy state all the time for those who are not too fortunate here are some ways to increase your serotonin level one activity which will definitely help is getting plenty of sunlight perhaps this will explain why cases of depressions are increasing because they are not getting enough sunlight one excellent technique which will boost serotonin level instantly is performing by facing the sun if done in a series turin  is an excellent cardiovascular exercise serotonin is also produced 

when one eats food which has tripped open this includes milk ragi bananas dark green and leafy vegetables and nuts practicing meditation regularly even for a few minutes every day can also keep you balanced and joyful as you experience life's ups and down laughing out loud too triggers the feeling of happiness a relaxing massage preferably given by a family member or your loving one definitely makes you blissful right a feeling of great happiness comes when you do any selfless work like sevas or volunteering for a good cause you can also stock up on your serotonin by just doing your favorite activity if you regularly do activities which brings you pleasure such as dancing playing music singing swimming or cooking 

you're serotonin increases rapidly there are other adventurous activities like forest bathing or climbing a mountain where you can just soak in the freshness of nature and breathe fresh air automatically you will feel blissful if you are blessed with a working faith a complete trust in a higher reality or god or however you perceive this power also results in the devotional satisfaction that increases serotonin maharshi patanjali explains happiness with a deeper and richer concept of santosha or contentment in yoga sutra 2.42 it is stated it means contentment and knowledge extreme happiness and as you know contentment comes when you are satisfied with everything that you have and do in life i would like to tell you make your physical and mental health a priority mindfully strive to increase your serotonin level and find your happy 

Fenugreek Seeds For Healthier Hair | Boost Hair Growth | Stop Hairfall


if there is one natural remedy that works like a miracle for all Air related complaints such as hair loss dandruff or dryness it is fenugreek or methi seeds fenugreek seeds are rich source of iron and protein which are essential nutrients for hair these wonderful seeds can be consumed as well as applied on the hair to derive their multiple benefits when consumed fenugreek can flush up toxins from the body it also helps in weight loss and improving digestive disorders so firstly let's pay attention as to how these seeds can be consumed one drink fenugreek water please so fistful fenugreek in water whole night and 

drink this water in the morning this should be taken on an empty stomach this water can also be put in a spray bottle and used as a hair spray which can be rinsed off in the evening the soaked seeds could be added to your salads and sauces second seasoning season your lentils and vegetables with a teaspoon of lightly roasted fenugreek seeds third add to spice mixture add dry powders fenugreek seeds to the usual spice mixture this can be added to curries and vegetables next let us look how these seeds could be applied externally first prepare a air mass for preventing hair loss soak 2 tbsp of fenugreek seed in 1 cup of water overnight boil the seeds in the same water after cooling grind these seeds into a paste use the same water along with three to four hibiscus leaves and Hibiscus flower massage this paste on your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes rinse your hair with lukewarm water and a mild shampoo apply this mask twice a week 

second prepare a paste for dandruff control soak 2 tbsp fenugreek seeds in water keep it overnight boil cool and make a paste using the water used for soaking add 1 tablespoon full of fresh lemon juice and 1 teaspoon olive oil massage this paste into your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes rinse your head with a mild shampoo apply this paste twice a week third prepare a mask for a longer and Shining hairs soak 2 tbsp full of fenugreek seeds in water and keep it overnight make a paste using the same water which you have used for soaking add 1 tablespoon full of thick coconut milk and mix all this well massage this paste into your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes the protein contains in the fenugreek seeds helps to repair any damaged hair 

this Mass can even be covered with a shower cap and left overnight in the summer months if you are not prone to catching colds easily then rinse your hair with a room temperature water with a mild shampoo apply this mask twice a week if fenugreek seeds are not easily available you may use fenugreek powder in these remedies apart from strengthening hair it has several other benefits for women such as relieving menstrual cramps and increasing breast milk in lactating mothers for a healthier hair you also need to pay more attention on your healthy diet better eat well balanced meat go Outdoors for some fresh air and exercise stay active and keep your mind stress-free by practicing meditation techniques by living mindfully and gracefully you will evolve into a more joyful and attractive version of yourself