Thursday 27 October 2022

7 Amazing Powerful Benefits of Curry Leaves for Hair Growth, Weight Loss, Immunity, Skin Care & More

Curry leaves or Curry patta are widely used in our Indian meal, they are very much use in Indian cooking and medicine, it’s a small green leaf with distant flavour and fragrance, and is commonly used in India cuisines, they have numerous medicinal and nutritional benefits as well as cosmetic uses also Today I am going to share the powerful benefit of this amazing herbs, it will surely convince you to use this amazing leaf in your diet and otherwise 

1. ANTI DIABETIC PROPERTIES - curry leaves facilitate the generation of insulin in the body and hence as a hypoglycemic effect, which aids in the control of blood sugar level, Curry leaves, high fibre content shows the breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose which helps to maintain blood glucose level in check, chew 8 to 10 curry leaves first in the morning on empty stomach, make sure you to eat well to gain its benefit, the leaf should mix well with our saliva or you could make a juice of these leaves and drink them in the morning.

 2. ENHANCES HAIR GROWTH - Curry leaves prevent premature greying of hair and protects your hair from damage, it protects against hair loss, dandruff and itchy scalp, curry leaves moisturizers the scalp, to strengthen hair follicles and promote hair growth. take 20 to 30 curry leaves and rinses them in water, in a pan take 3 tablespoon full of coconut oil and add them with curry leaves, and boil the oil till the leaves turn black, now turn off the gas and let oil cool at the room temperature, and your amazing hair tonic is ready, apply this oil twice a week and get a healthy and shiny hair. 

3. PROMOTES WEIGHT LOSS - curry leaves contain carbazole alkaloids compounds, this helps to prevent weight gain, lowers LDL which is a bad cholesterol compound in the bloodstream, curry leaves offer detoxifying molecules, it cleanses our body and help us reduce the fat. take a glass of water, boil 10 to 20 curry leaves, in a glass of water you should boil this for 4 to 5 minutes now strain it to remove leaves, to improve the taste and flavor, squeeze half a lemon and add few drops of honey in that, your powerful fat burning tea is ready, drink this concoction with an empty stomach in the morning 

4. EFFECTIVE AGAINST MORNING SICKNESS - curry leaves are extremely useful for pregnant ladies in the morning sickness, it is a safe option for both mother and child, because it is completely natural herb, you can either have curry tea or prepare a simple tonic blend 10 to 20 leaves, then squeeze the paste in the muslin cloth to extract the juice, to this add 1 teaspoon full of lime juice and pinch of jaggery, have this every morning to get rid of morning sickness.

 5. IMPROVES DIGESTION - curry leaves as digestive and has anti dysentery property it’s really helps in digestion and also prevents constipation. it prevents constipation, diarrhoea, dysentery, and bloating it has a mild laxative quality that helps eliminate waste from the stomach in a better way, it also improves appetite because it is a natural stimulant we Indians are quite familiar with curry leaves or curry patta because we usually use curry leaves in our meal preparation like poha, umpa, pulao and curry and also curry leaves and coriander chutney, very commonly prepared in our houses. Try preparing this simple curry leaf mouth freshener and use it after food, it will enhance the digestive process takes around 30 to 40 curry leaves keep them under the hot sun for a few days and let them dry completely and make a thin nice powder out of, now roast 3 to 4 tablespoon full of fennel or soaf seeds, mix it well with the crushed curry leaves, store this tasty mouth freshener in an air tight bottle. . 

BOOSTS IMMUNITY - curry leaves are rich in antioxidants that helps us stay healthy and helps us in preventing numerous problems, they protect us from oxidative damage which can lead to disorders of neurological system, cardiovascular system, and kidney ingredients – 30 to 40 curry leaves one lemon 1inch ginger ¼ tablespoon of turmeric powder or one slice of turmeric 2 Amla or 1 teaspoon full of Amla powder A pinch of black salt or Himalayan pink salt in a blender add curry leaves ginger Amla and turmeric to make a paste add a little water to dilute the paste and then filter it add few drops of lemon and add a pinch of salt to taste, have this drink daily, to boost your immunity 7. ENRICHES 

SKIN TEXTURE - curry leaves can help to release skin irritation and rashes as well as it enhances skin texture, it also protects the skin from free radicals making it soft and healthy. Take ½ a teaspoon curry leaf powder and Multani Mitti, then add a few drops of rose water and make a fine paste apply it all over your face and neck, wash it off after 10 to 15 minutes Multani mitti absorbs excessive oil while also hydrating and healing the skin, Rosewater is a natural toner that can help firm sagging skin, so now you know how much benefit curry leaves can give you, they have varieties of natural therapeutic properties that can be used to treat or prevent several ailments so remember to add curry leaves to your daily diet, either have a drink in the morning, or use it in various preparation also try face pack and hair oil of this wonderful herb, Curry leaf use it and take the advantage 


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