Saturday 29 October 2022

Don't Do This While Taking a Bath?

 Bathing is something which we do everyday and it kick starts our day.Most of us do serious mistakes when it comes to bathing,although we take bath everyday.Here are some common mistakes which people usually do. 

1) Taking bath after eating food.Having a bath after a meal can hamper your digestion.According to Ayurveda,when we eat food ,our stomach energy,jatharagni should be strong,then body absorbs and assimilates maximum out of that food,but if you take bath then this heat is reduced.Our digestion becomes poor and so it hampers our digestion,so you must give atleast 2 hours gap between meal and bath.Usually in the morning we are in a rush,so remember first thing bath and then have breakfast,not other way round.

 2) Bathing in hot water.Some of us love to take bath in hot water during winter,but remember hot shower can dry out your skin and even hair loss and so the skin becomes dry ,itchy and scratchy.Not just this,hot water also increases your blood pressure,for a person suffering from high blood pressure,hypertension heart problem,you should totally avoid bathing with hot water.Well so what should be the temperature of water?Usually you should take water with normal temperature,and in cold winter you can have little warm water, in very hot climate you can have little cold water but it should be ranging around normal temperature only.Taking bath with water at normal temperature definitely increases your energy level and boosts your immunity also .Specially after workout,you should take bath only with normal water as it helps in reducing your muscle pain and inflammation. 

3) Staying long in bath.Again staying too long in the shower causes dryness of your skin and scalp.Ideally you should not spend more then 10 minuted in the shower.Water can super saturate your skin and causes your skin to break down,it also weakens your hair follicle causing hair loss.So make sure you have a quick bath.

 4) Washing hair everyday.There are many who wash their hair everyday thinking that they would protect their hair or strenghthen their hair or also because of pollution they want to wash their hair everyday ,but let me tell you this is totally wrong practice.Shampooing everyday can take off your scalp moisture,so you should shampoo only once or twice in a week.It is always better to use a natural shampoo then a chemical based shampoo.Also avoid shampoo which contains paraben and sulphate compounds.So protect your hair and wash only once or twice in a week. 

5) Neglecting sole of your feet.Feet is one part of your body that sweats more then any other part,hence it needs a special care so when you go for your bath,first thing you should do is sit properly and rub your sole thoroughly well.Use your pumice stone or a brush to really rub your foot nicely and massage your foot and then rest of your body.This would activate the nerve endings of your feet and once the nerve endings of your feet are activated,it activates the entire body of yours. 

6) Bathing immediately after workout.After workout,your heart rate also has to come to its normalcy,and that’s why give 20 minutes to your body to settle down and also remember that we people when we take a bath,bath itself is a workout,so after bath,a person is supposedto relax for 10-15 minutes atleast before he starts any other activity.

 7) Applying soap all over our body.Soap should be applied only in sweaty area,like armpit,groin and the foot part,applying soap in other areas will make your skin dry and irritated.Soap in anyway is a foreign material,applying that on your skin is always more irritating,so try andtake a small little Turkish towel in your hand,or napkin,wet it with water and scrub that napkin throughout your body.This will be best way to take bath and then wash your body thoroughly well with normal temperature water,that would be best way to take bath.Bathing is something that we always take it for granted,we take bath everyday but during bath we have lots of planning to do,lots of other thoughts coming to our mind.Our mind is not attentive to see that any part of our body is attending well.Water is such a strong medium from cleansing.We have to clean our body but at the same time clean our mind too .Our mind should always have some nice good happy clean thoughts.So physically mentally emotionally you are focused,so stay clean,stay free from all negativity. 


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