Friday 28 October 2022

I tested AN INDIAN HAIR GROWTH SECRET FOR 7 DAYS & THIS HAPPENED! | *before & after results


it's going great today is the first day of the seven day yogurt challenge and i'm here to show you what it's like great so here's how we're gonna apply yogurt on our hair for the next seven days step one we're going to start by detangling the hair from ends to roots using a wide tooth comb to prevent breakage step two we're gonna proceed to split the hair into four sections so that it's easier to distribute the yogurt not only on the hair but also on the scalp okay i'm gonna do that next it is my duty to let you know that this stinks and it's messy you saw that so with this being said step three is applying the yogurt the best you can that's kind of impossible yeah yogurt has a difficult consistency to spread it on the hair so to do this i'm using my hands as you can see to spread the yogurt from roots towards the ends of my hair and once this section feels soaking yogurt then begin to massage

 your hair a little bit with the palm of your hands in this way so that we can get the yogurt through the inner parts of your hair and in your scalp as well otherwise it's only going to sit on the outer part of your hair which is not good if you want to get the full benefits of yogurt like hair growth on my lips once you look like this meaning that once you cover your hair and scalp pretty well with yogurt let's move on to step four which is covering the hair with a shower cup first and then with a microfiber towel to lock the heat during the 20 minutes so we're gonna leave this on the hair when time is up hop in the shower and proceed to rinse the yogurt out of your hair only using water and then to reduce the syrup and effect apply a little bit of conditioner from middle to ends in this way and then rinse it off get out the shower as last step air dry your hair completely and then repeat the same steps tomorrow this is day two look at me this is how my hair looks disgusting compared to yesterday 

my hair right now feels very soft and super manageable i can literally detangle my hair with my hands seriously so my hair today will have more body because that's what normally protein treatment does in my hair but not today that's awful other than that it's just fine yeah find the strand being fine and find it it's fine you got it yikes like how stinky i am you wouldn't believe it i'll see you guys tomorrow okay bye hey guys it's 100 years after it's a three today the texture of my hair is much better than yesterday thicker an illusion like i started to notice that it's getting more volume it's getting a little bit more strength is this so much inside instead of two strands now i can feel three strands this is the best i can do now that i have covered my hair like this and i look like this pretty bad all right okay i am gonna leave this for 20 minutes i'm gonna continue doing this for the next days you'll see all right now that i'm waiting for 20 minutes i thought this is the perfect time to talk to you about the reality of this challenge oh that's the first reality it's kind of true listen to me it's very important to dilute the yogurt with some water to make the consistency a little bit more liquid to get the yogurt in your scalp which is important you know for hair growth too so in terms of results it makes a big difference because your hair is gonna get yogurt all over than just on the outside parts of your hair i thought that i would be smelling like yogurt for the next day sorry but honestly my hair doesn't smell rinsing yogurt out of the hair is very easy i do not see any trace of the yogurt the next day so far this is how my ends look like i really like the shine that they have the softness 

maybe the protein will build in my hair and then i'll start feeling more volume so far it's fine except for that look how soft the hair is my hair looks very clean my scalp feels very fresh now i just have tons of yogurt that's it it doesn't look like i have not shampooed for the past five days you know great and also my hair is super straight i just noticed that yogurt in a way it has the potential to relax a lot the cuticle so the hair looks more like smooth and flat and stuck to your face if that's what you like i'm gonna look at the other way and act like i didn't hear that i'm not saying that it's gonna turn curly hair into a straight hair or wavy hair straight straight hair no but it could help to flat a little bit more sorry to disappoint as usual yeah and then after that i am just gonna hope that all my efforts and all the suffering that i'm going through right now will be all worth it but it doesn't seem like it i will see you guys tomorrow okay bye this is my hair on day six it's not greasy it's not stripped it's toasted it looks in great conditions my hair is also very shiny it's insane if you look at my hair right now you'll never ever guess that i've been applying two kilograms of yogurt every single day

 it's really hard to see it but okay it makes me think the yogurt it is a fantastic option as a natural shampoo to do it it's extremely gentle on the escal but also on the hair it just looks really nice do this if you're washing a little bit with yogurt one day you will be like oh my goodness this is good but the application is a problem don't forget alright i'm done with application i'm gonna set my timer 20 minutes i'm about to cry younger because today is the last day based on the seven day experience of applying yogurt every single day don't open your mouth all i have to say is you really want this that yogurt might seem to be a less strong protein treatment than rice water weight it also has moisturizing properties makes the hair super soft i never had to worry about protein overload during this entire time i'm gonna be honest with you so my hair is just thirsty and protein all the time if i'm not like putting protein treatments on it disappears every time it's cool that i try yogurt but at the same time it's like what did i did this i was here for the protein and i don't see any time is up and i'm gonna go rinse this out with shampoo and then i will show you my results bye so here are my final results about the yogurt challenge when i begin this challenge on day one we measure my hair to see if yogurt could promote hair growth in only seven days so before the challenge my hair length was at 29 inches long oh yeah i cut my hair and according to our results my hair grew almost an inch 29

.3 quarters now in terms of appearance here's how my hair looks i really like how shiny hydrated manageable and silky smooth my hair is at the moment also i'm amazed on how straight my hair feels after doing this challenge like in a way my strands are extra smooth so there is no frizz or flyaways the only thing that i didn't see in my results is more volume and extra strength on my hair which is something that i was expecting from yogurt to do but remember we're all different so this could be a different outcome for you anyways i think yogurt is pretty safe to use once or twice a week on dry damaged hair or on anyone that wants to give this a try one day i want more volume it's so straight up i can do this and you can see my ear that's not good if you enjoyed this video don't forget to share some love to me by subscribing to this channel right here thank you so much for watching and i hope i'll get to see you in the next video all right let me show you how i make this the yogurt hair mask for this challenge pretty simple every day you're going to start off by scooping one cup of plain greek yogurt in a clean bowl then you're gonna proceed to add five tablespoons of water next stir the mixture pretty pretty pretty pretty well until your consistency looks basically like this like runny type of consistency and after this that's it it's ready for application just remember to make a new batch every time you apply it on your hair and scalp


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