Thursday 27 October 2022

Drink Lemon Water in Morning for 2 Weeks & See the Result

 Drinking one glass of lemon water, every day in the morning will benefit for life time, let us go through some really interesting facts and benefits, about Lemon Water 

1 Green Tea with Lemon juice would be extremely beneficial for a healthy heart, very few people know, that lemons are rich even in Potassium, Potassium is also helpful maintaining blood pressure, also potassium is an important mineral, for nervous stimulation, one lemon contains approximately 80 milligrams of Potassium, it is excellent for self- functioning of body and pacifying great relief in muscle cramp immediately

 2 It is excellent for weight loss. Lemon has a component called pectin, which gives you sense of fullness, when you drink lemon water your hunger is satisfied, and thus induces weight loss, when you add chia seed soaked overnight, to lemon water in the morning, it would keep you satisfied for a little longer, which in turn will stop you from eating heavy meal throughout the day, and that would help you reducing weight loss 

3 It makes your skin younger Lemon increases collagen in the body, which means your skin will have fewer wrinkles and more glow in turn Vitamin C fights with the toxins and thus prevents acne, to the healthy pink skin Let us make a pink juice with lemon In one cup of water simply add half a cup of beet root, carrot and tomato, 

4 slices of cucumber and half lemon juice – and all this you blend it, this should be a wonder juice, try to include this juice in your routine, and you will see acne free and glowing skin 4 It boosts immunity A very common ingredient Vitamin C, is found in lemon in great quantity, Vitamin C produces more white blood cells and produces anti body, that can kill bacterial or viral infection, thus it is a great immunity booster, to enhance the benefit of lemon water have it as a lemon ginger shot - Add ginger pieces and lemon juice in the blender with little water and then add a pinch of turmeric powder, blend it once again and sieve it, to a fine mesh, here your shot is ready, you can add natural sweetener like honey, if you want to taste it better, one shot in the morning is more than sufficient – you can store the shot for 1 week in refrigerator 

5 Lemon alkalines the body Lemon is acidic in nature, but after consumption, after it passes through digestive processes, then it gets converted to alkaline compound, and this is how it maintains the PH of the body Let me tell you how to make alkaline water with lemon Take half a pitcher of room temperature water, and add slices of one Lemon to it, with a pinch of salt, keep yourself hydrated with this water, sipping this alkaline water detoxifies the whole body, but always remember do not overdo it, some acidity is also necessary for the normal functioning of the body 

6 Removal of Kidney Stone Intake of lemon water, can stop the formation of kidney stone, citrate in lemon combines with calcium, and it blocks the production of stone, the best influence on kidney stone is the intake of lemonade, no other recipe is going to work better than this pure lemonade, Drink around two glasses of lemonade per day, to break the kidney stone, You must be surprise to see so many benefits from that one glass of lemon water, your daily diet should contain this lemon water Apart from different recipes suggested earlier, you can also combine lemon water, with apple cider or which you could do for better results, and that would definitely be a treat for your taste buds So always remember, that one should have this lemon water that too in moderation, because lemon can erode the enamel of the teeth, do not brush your teeth immediately before or after drinking lemon juice Kickstart your day with this energizing and powerful drink, and you will see the difference soon 


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