Thursday 27 October 2022

how to grow your natural nails fast in one week


and how can you expect your nails not breaking you can be vegetarian you can be pescatarian you can be mediterranean my biggest biggest secret if you will do every single thing that i'm gonna tell you you will see results already in one week hello  i will tell you all my experience about how to get long nails fast how to get long nails strong 

 let's get started i don't think any of you have problems with actually growing your nails because there is not such a problem of nails not growing the biggest issue that you actually have usually is breaking nails i have advices for both situations how to actually speed your nail growing situation and also how to keep your nails strong so they will not break if you will do every single thing that i'm gonna tell you you will see results already in one week the first thing is massage yes if you will go a little bit closer to our nails you will see this little part in the beginning of nail that a little bit whiter than all other nail so this part of your nail is called matrix if accidentally you will hurt this part of your nail your nail will start growing like wavy or not grow at all so this is the very important part of your nail i actually don't know how to explain these things in english because i don't know these words but basically what you need to know that this little thing actually creating future particles for your nails and if you want your nails grow faster all you need to do is gently massage this area during the day here

 you are sitting at work and all you need to do just massage this area of your fingers and that's it that's all you need to do but make sure you don't push too hard because how i already said this area is very important so you need to be very gently don't hurt this area don't push too hard advice number two gonna be so lame but this is really important if you don't eat balanced food and if you don't drink enough water how can you expect your body be healthy and how can you expect your nails not break we'll go a little back again to our nail closer so basically how these matrix produce these new particles what particles it produce is protein so if you will go really close to your nails it will be a lot of a lot of little protein particles that glued together with carbs so if you don't eat enough carbs if you don't eat enough protein you just physically can't have strong nails and they will fall apart 

they will break constantly so make sure you're always eating balanced food you can be vegetarian you can be pisceterian you can be mediterranean whatever diet you have but make sure your food is always balanced or don't expect your nails be strong same about water i know you heard about water million times that you need to drink a lot of water but girl you need to drink a lot of water just trust me you have to do this so if you don't have enough water your nails become more crunchy they not so... i actually don't know this word in english i will search and i will put it here if you don't drink enough water your nails also gonna break constantly and this is very important thing you can massage your nails as long as you can like every day 24 7. but if materials that coming from your body straight to nails not good they're gonna keep breaking so from here my next advice is vitamin e i can sing songs vitamin e i usually use capsules of vitamin e and this thing is like oil and inside they put the actual vitamin e and what you do you just break this capsule and you put this uh oil on top of your nails and you can massage this oil inside your nails this works so good your nails actually start growing so fast i have no idea how it works but you will be surprised how good your skin around nails 

becomes also if you're not drinking enough water this moisturizing is always helping or you can add this like little capsules to your hand cream and also like wrap around your hands and also massage this matrix area and it's also gonna work and my biggest biggest secret of growing very very very long nails is always protect them what i do with my nails when i go to nail salon i always ask them to put acrylic powder on my nails before applying like actual colors so what my master does she puts a base coat on top of my nail and then she put a little layer of acrylic powder on top and only after she put this to uf lamp to dry when this acrylic layer is dry the nail become very very very strong if you will look at my nails really closer you will see this a little layer of pink this is acrylic powder actually and sometimes because not every single place not every single nail salon has acrylic powder i asked them to put the layer of acrylic gel that actually for like fake nails you know how they form fake nails with uh this acrylic gel acrylic this this thing i ask them to put a little layer before actually putting color and this makes my actual nails so strong and at the same time they're not fake they not like huge thick... it's not a huge layer it's very very tiny thin layer but it makes your nails so stronger 


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