Monday 31 October 2022

Top 8 Health Benefits of Black Pepper | Helps in Weight Loss, Skin Care, Cancer & More.


Today I am going to talk about the king of spice and several benefits which we derived from spice, although this spice is a tiny black coloured corn, it possess is a strong hot and a spicy flavour - yes you must have guessed that I am talking about Black Pepper  It is very common and widely used in Indian house, so let’s learn about the powerful health advantage of this spice as well as its uses and applications 

1 PREVENTS SKIN DAMAGE AND WRINKLES - Piperine a strong plant compound found in this Black Pepper has a high antioxidant quality that helps to fight free radical damage to your cell this helps in prevention of inflammation and premature ageing it also contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects that helps in the treatment of acne and skin infection try this excellent scrub take a teaspoon of black pepper powder add 1 teaspoon full of olive oil to it, mix it well apply it all over the face, massage it gently in round movements, then after 15 minutes wash your face with warm water, and then splash with cold water, this simple home-made scrap will exfoliate the dead skin and stimulate blood circulation causing more oxygen to the surface of your face and this will give you a healthy and glowing complexion but remember that black pepper is a hot spice, so do a patch test and then try and apply and use it all over

 2 DETOXIFIES YOUR BODY - as the spice is hot or Rajasic in nature, it creates heat in the body, it helps you to get rid of toxins either through perspiration or urination, sweating and frequently urinating is a good sign that your body is functioning well, but as I said it is Rajasic in nature, so this wonderful spice should be taken in moderation, only a pinch of black pepper powder or 4 to 5 kernel is sufficient to add to your detox drink or meal 

3 HELPS IN LOSING WEIGHT - Black Pepper is a wonderful spice to use if you’re trying to reduce weight, black pepper is high in phytonutrients which helps in the breakdown of fat cells and boost metabolism, freshly crushed black pepper powder could be sprinkled on your food plate or salad, you can as well add it to your meals or breakfast, when you eat fresh pepper and start sweating, this is your body‘s way of getting rid of excess water and toxin, so include this spice in your diet, to boost your weight loss 

4. REGULATE BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL - Black Pepper possess anti-diabetic property, piperine an active compound in Black Pepper may help improve blood sugar metabolism in your body, the regular consumption of Black Pepper significantly improves insulin sensitivity in your body, diabetes usually drink neem leaf juice which is highly beneficial for their condition but this drink is really bitter adding a pinch of black pepper powder in neem juice cannot only enhance this but also helps in management of diabetes 

5 PREVENTS CANCER - the active compound of black pepper that is piperine may have anticancer potential it can help suppress cancer cell replication in breast, prostate, and colon cancer, when consumed with turmeric it has double the power, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, flavonoid, carotene and other oxidants included in the spice helps in the removal of damaging free radicals and protects the body from cancer and other disease the best way to get most advantage from the pepper is to eat freshly ground pepper instead of cooking with food 

6 ALLEVIATES DEPRESSION - chewing raw black pepper, release mood inducing chemicals into the brain, keeping your mind calm and soothing all day take only two or four peppercorns and chew them when you feel low and that would help you to boost your mood Black Pepper can also help bring functioning it helps in the release of symptoms associated with degenerative neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson disease 

7 TREAT COUGH & COLD - Black Pepper is a powerful spice to treat respiratory problems, respiratory problems like cough, cold, sneezing, and so on, mostly in Indian homes, whenever someone catches cold we keep them warm milk with a pinch of turmeric and pinch of black pepper and this gives instant relief from the cold, also Black Pepper Kada or concoction is very useful in treating cold as well as eliminating chest congestion which is often caused due to pollution or some viral infection so take a vessel and pour a glass of water, to this add 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper corn, quarter inch crushed ginger a pinch of turmeric and a tiny bark of cinnamon stick boil all the ingredients well keep and strain, then add a spoonful of honey, drink this warm to cure your cold and cough 

8 AIDS DIGESTION - the piperine compound helps in digestion and stimulates stomach it causes it to secrete more hydrochloric acid which helps in the digestion of proteins, adding a pinch of pepper in your food will help it to digest fast it may also help nutrients absorption and its prebiotic activities will help in the regulation of gut bacteria and improve gastrointestinal health but understand one thing, if a person is suffering from piles, person should not take black pepper so these are some of the powerful health benefits of black pepper they have varieties of natural therapeutic properties that could be used to treat or prevent several ailments, so as you have understood the benefits of black paper use this, as and when required and remain healthy and fit 


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