Tuesday 18 October 2022

Baby Feeding Tips : Weaning Your SingHealth Baby

winning can be a very exciting time for parents and babies alike through this video we hope to share with you how to introduce solid food to your baby we will also be sharing review advice on when what and how to fit your little one during this weaning process for newborns breast milk is the ideal form of nutrition in fact the

 World Health Organization recommends that mothers exclusively breastfeed their babies for the first six months as a babies nutritional requirements continue to grow complementary foods should be introduced do take note that weaning before four months of age is not recommended as a baby's digestive tract and immune system have not fully matured delaying weaning to beyond six months is also not recommended as it may increase risk of nutritional deficiencies and feeding problems signs to educate your baby may be ready for meeting include adequate head and neck control ability to sit well when to posit disappearance of the tongue thrust extrusion reflex increase drooling and putting things into mouth interest in food and often for instance before starting weaning is important to make sure your child is seated upright use a feeding chair with adequate head and body support you may also use rolled-up towels or pillows to better support your child starting your baby on I am 45 milk free single grain cereals is preferred and the first food by adding your baby's usual milk the taste will still be familiar to your baby next enough milk to ensure that the consistency is thin but still slightly thicker then lock the mix should also still be able to flow from the spoon apart from cereals purity needs are also excellent source of iron for your baby to Puri foods first boil the piece of meat and add enough water or milk to blend to a Puri consistency you may also use a sieve after blending to see through lumps to obtain a smooth Puri if required only introduce one new food at a time and monitor for signs of food allergy for over three to four days before introducing another new food picking the right leaning spoon for your baby and using it properly are also important for weaning for babies who have just started leaning we usually recommend soft and shallow lean spoons to use a weeding spoon properly prevent the spoon straight when putting it in and when taking the spoon out from your baby's mouth wait for your baby to close his or her lid over the spoon to remove the food do not scrape the spoon against the teeth or lips as it does not teach your baby the right spoon feeding technique if during weaning your baby show signs of wanting more food you may increase the quantity of each meal however avoid was feeding once your baby is able to take about 3 tablespoon of solid food is it sufficient to replace a milk feed you may also increase the frequency of spoon feeding to two to three times daily to help establish mealtimes that are similar to your family's meal pattern we hope this video can help you better understand how to introduce weaning to your baby remember avoid false feeding and be patient with your baby when introducing new foods watch our next video in which we will share with you how to teach your baby to chew self eat and drink from a cup and straw thank you for watching you


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