Monday 17 October 2022

how to increase breast size?

 breast size right people want to increase their breasts whilst they are in the gaining process and I have already filled a very detailed video on this which you can check out here however I do want to address this question again because recently somebody sent me a message on Instagram saying that they have noticed a little bit of change in my chest region um and they are actually right I have improved a little a bit on my chess region because of course there are a few things that I have changed in the way 

how I'm working out and those kind of things so um absolutely yes if you want to improve the chest region you sure can do that by of course training your muscles in Progressive overloading with those again breast fat will increase or not we don't know that in my case it hasn't increased my breast fat is still the same but what has happened is that I'm really really pushing myself in my chest workouts which is the reason why my chest muscles which lie underneath my breast is they're not growing and which is the reason why they are kind of pushing my breasts a little bit making them firmer tender and giving like a good appearance all together in that area right um and of course 

I'm loving that so if your goal is to improve this region then definitely go ahead and push yourself in your weight lifting sessions and when I say push yourself like previously I was lifting about eight kgs doubles or nine kgs dumbbells for my chest presses or whatnot and right now I'm currently lifting 35 kgs for my bench presses right so that is the kind of progression

 I'm talking about cause I'm not gonna stop there I'm just gonna keep on pushing myself so that I can get stronger and build a little bit more muscle in that region right so this is the kind of progressive overloading I'm talking about here guys so don't think just lifting one or two kgs is um going to completely change or transform that area it will definitely require a lot more pushing okay so don't be afraid as you can see like I'm lifting 35 kgs for my chest presses right now or bench presses um but I don't look muscular or like 

I don't look manly or whatnot right so if that is the fear keeping you from lifting heavy then please throw that fear out of the window and start lifting because that is only how you'll be able to produce the kind of change that you want to produce for yourself right changing that shape or transforming a certain area is only going to happen when you actually go out of your comfort zone and push yourself and of course together with that I'm making sure that I am staying in my Surplus Galleries and I am eating my Surplus calories as consistent as possible so that I'm fueling my workout and I'm making sure that 

I am making progress strength wise and size wise and all those kind of things second question I again a really really popular question which is about stretch marks a lot of people experience stretch marks when they're trying to gain weight now firstly of course stretch marks are happening because um you are trying to build mass you are trying to get thicker right and all that is happening under your skin right so of course when that happens and when you are increasing your body's mass then the skin is trying to stretch itself out to be able to you know make enough space for that you know mask to stay inside so stay intact right um and during that process depending on what's your Skin's elasticity is like some people might not notice any kind of stretch marks and for some people they might start noticing that you know of course as the skin is pulling and stretching they are experiencing stretch marks right so the thing here to understand is first and 

I'm so sorry to say this you cannot eliminate stretch marks once your skin has stretched out and once you have got stretch marks there is no oil or no ointment in this whole entire world that can help you get rid of them you will never be able to get rid of them yes there might be some ointments or buy oil or all these kind of things or coconut oil and all these kind of things that might reduce their appearance on the skin maybe a little bit I'm not sure I could be wrong but you will never be able to eliminate them and that's why it's important to understand and to accept that it's okay to have stretch marks 

I think 95 of the people on this planet have stretch marks and there is nothing wrong about it now that is your priority whether you want to get fit physically and get healthy and you know if you are underway you want to put on a little bit of mass or whatnot if that is your priority or you just want to stay away from those little stretch marks which are not even going to bother anybody um you or whosoever right so that is completely your priority um and for me it has to be like you know making myself fit and healthy from inside out right how why do we care about stretch marks it's okay if they're there they're there make sure you keep yourself hydrated make sure you keep your skin moisturized but still at the end of the day that completely depends on your Skin's elasticity no matter what you do and how much you look after your skin or whatnot you might still experience stretch marks and if that's just how your skin is right so no big deal take it easy it's okay see what your priorities are and go with that next question is should you wear a sports bra when you're working out now to be honest this is a personal preference wearing a sports bra is not going to change anything as compared to not wearing it that is absolutely a person's choice however for me it's really really important to actually dress the part um so that I can feel strong 

I can look at myself and be like okay I'm kind of ready to conquer it just gives you that boost when you wear activewear and that for that purpose I would highly recommend that if you have the budget and if you think you can invest in some good activewear including your sports bra or leggings or whatnot then by all means go ahead and do that because it just you know if you're low in energy and if you put on that active air it just I would say 50 boosts your energy and it just gives you that confidence that you know you are ready to do this right so for that purpose if you want to wear it then absolutely go ahead and highly recommend getting some the ones that I normally wear they are all from this brand called my protein that I'm affiliated with so you sure can check out their website the link is going to be in the description box below next question is again a lot of people still ask this what is the best time to work out now again there is no time that is best time it just depends on what time you think you'll be able to commit to um you know throughout the week that you know that you will 100 be able to like get in your workout at that particular time depending on what your daily routine is that is going to be the best time for you right no other person can tell you that this is the best time for you and training in the morning is not going to let you gain weight more as compared to training in the evening or before bedtime or I don't know midday or what not right time does not matter um so don't get confused in all these tiny little things here and there just focus on getting in a good workout Progressive overload there and making sure that you are completing your Surplus galleries every single day and trust me if you just focus on that you will just to find in your weight gain Journey also you guys if you are getting a lot of information from this video or all of my videos and if you're liking them if you're learning a lot from them then please make sure that you either leave a comment or just you know like this video so that you know it gives me a pat on my back as well that whatever I'm doing it's helping a lot of people out there as well as it definitely helps boost my videos in the algorithm and definitely reaches out to a lot more people so that we can build a larger Community a larger weight gain Community because as you all know there is not much that is happening about weight gain on these platforms it's all about weight loss so um definitely help me out um if you like my content then definitely appreciate the content next question is regarding Progressive overloading um you know different ways of progressive overloading or um you know whether increasing of repetitions instead of you know lifting heavier weights can be done and you know everything around that so basically when it comes down to Progressive overloading there is not just one way to Progressive overload right so there are a lot of different ways of progressive overloading right um and if you follow me on Instagram as well as if you watch my shorts video here here on YouTube as well you will see that I've been sharing a lot of different ways of progressive overloading as well right now it's important to understand that the top way still be and this I'm just talking about myself and what has worked for me as well as 800 plus girls that I have trained so far um is the top one method of progressive overloading is increasing the dumbbells or increasing the weights that they're that they're lifting right now I do understand that there are people who are training at home and they just cannot keep on buying a lot of Fate right for those people for some time you sure can kind of you know rely on adding pauses to your exercises or adding um you know one and a half repetitions or adding drop sets or super sets or you know those kind of things right these are all different kinds of progressive overloading ways right so you sure can adopt these kind of things and let's say you know you are playing around with your 2kg dumbbells it became easy so you started doing one and a half repetitions and you started adding pulsing to an exercise using the same weight or whatnot right so or you increased five or six repetitions using the same way right so these are a few things that you tried so maybe you did that for one or two weeks time but after that two weeks time where you have already tried two or the three different ways of progressive overloading you must increase the weight after that right you cannot just stay on your 2kg dumbbells and then keep on trying the other ways of progressive overloading for the rest of your life that's not gonna happen right yes for one to two weeks time you played around with different ways of progressive overloading with the same weight but after that because your muscle is now used to of all these different patterns and all these different kinds of progressive overloading which means the next way then is that you must increase the weight that you're lifting if you were lifting two kgs then increase the weight to 3 kgs um do that Progressive overloading then again for one week or ten days or whatnot you can try different methods of progressive overloading with the same weight and then again make sure that you increase the weight again right I know it is difficult that you cannot buy a lot of weights at home and if that is the case and once you have reached the point that okay buying more weights is not going to be a good idea then join a gym if your goal is to gain then join a gym you cannot just not do anything if you can't go to the gym buy more weights if you can't buy weights then go to the gym okay if you really have a goal in mind and if you want to really achieve something you will have to find a way to reach there right question is whether training empty stomach in the morning will cause weight loss


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