Saturday 29 October 2022

Morning Routine | Healthy & Productive Habits to cure Asthma


ASTHMA is a major non communicative disease, which affects adults and children as well as both., but in today’s times people takes ASTHMA very lightly, they think that it is like common cold. But it is serious, it can be fatal, if Asthmatic does not take care on time. ASTHMA is a complex condition, every individual respond to a unique state of factors, in one individual many factors can be responsible. Generally, INFLAMATION and NARROWINGING OF AIRWAYS can cause varieties of symptoms in people – coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and so on…. All of these factors can have a very bad impact on person’s day to day activities.

 So, it is typical to take preventive measures and stay healthy and avoid ASTHMA attack or all these other symptoms. People who have ASTHMA usually feel uneasy in the morning, because congestion worsens at night due to colder temperature. So today I am going to provide certain necessary Morning Routine, which will help person to prevent all such problems they usually suffer in the morning. 1. BEGIN WITH BED STRETCHES First the moment, you wake up, begin some bed stretches, do some stretching, do some asana, take some few long breath, massage your forehead, bring some warmth into your morning, because ASTHMA, cold, cough, sneeze, deficiency of warmth and heat in your body, so bring warmth and heat in your body. At sunrise, this is a time of temperature fluctuation, so this a time very sensitive period to the ASTHMATIC.

 Some stretches like PAWNMUKTASANA, YASHTIKASANA, PAWNMUKTASANA different VARIATIONS, and BHADRASANA could be very easy to perform, this would activate your body and remove stiffness from your body, so that you could be able to carry your MORNING ROUTINE easily. 2. FACIAL MASSAGE FOR SINUS After the simple stretches, sit in your bed and do KAPALRANDDHRA DHOUTI, KARNARANDHANDHRA DHOUTI will help you to stimulate facial nerves and help to remove congestion from these areas. This would help to improve your blood circulation and make you feel easy throughout the day. The congestion would be gone right in the morning and would feel very comfortable. Using both the hands or one hand and massage your facial muscles and make sure you use your fingertips and keep a deep or moderate pressure and see that the congestion is taken care of. During massage use your thumb and press it at the end of the eyebrows, rub your fingers on your forehead horizontally from right to left.

 Now take your index finger or middle finger and keep it at the bridge, of your nose, it should be near the eye, as the starting point. And move them outward, down under the eye towards the temple. Rub your index finger from the front of the ear towards the back of the ear couple of times. 3. CLEANSE THE TONGUE TO REMOVE COUGH After facial massage brush your teeth, use tongue cleaner and clean your tongue. And then do JIVA MULA SHODHANA. JIVA MULA SHODHANA is a technique which aids in cleaning the mouth and removes the excess mucus from the throat. Once you pop out, your chest feels lighter and breathing becomes much better throughout the day. Insert your fingers deep down, it should be the first two or central two fingers, take it in as deep down as possible near that ovula - the small tongue which is hanging, move that bring your finger in that region and you feel like puking – puke out, cough and mucus would be removed out

. After all this gargling with water. 4. DRINKING WARM WATER IS A MUST Dink a glass of luke warm after brushing and tongue cleaning, warm water really helps in removing the mucus out, it loosen the mucus and throws it out, to see that we breathe much better and much easier way. After drinking a glass of warm water, focus on your abdomen, walk a little bit and see you evacuate your bowels properly. And then take a warm water, squeeze half a lemon, and put little pinch of Haldi, put Honey and drink this liquid in the morning this would help you to relax your airways and open up your bronchitis tube. 5. ANOTHER KRIYA FOR FACIAL SINUSES After all these doing, do KAPALBHATI it removes excess phlegm in sinuses and nasal passage it removes all the toxin from the respiratory passage, it reduces the frequency of the parasites, and it helps in removing the symptoms of ASTHMA – cold and cough. KAPALBHATHI To do KAPALBHATHI Sit in Sukhasana, Inhale and Exhale sharply, forcefully and quickly without controlling your face muscle. Here the muscles on the throat would automatically will be used, avoid clearing your nostrils and ensure that there are minimal movements in the body

. The friction of a sharp breath is going to create a moderate sound, remember these are sharp breath, equal inhalation and exhalation, and do it for some time – do at least 30 rounds, then take a long inhalation and hold for some time and relax. After KAPALBHATI, do Pranayama – this PRANAYAMA is called BHRAMARI PRANAYAMA or HONEY BEE Breath 6. BHRAMARI PRANAYAMA This helps to release congestion in the head and facial region. The buzzing sound resonates in the head and in turn the resonance radiates and reverberates in the whole body. This helps alleviating the mild cold symptoms, helps person to breathe properly.

 So Here sit comfortable in any meditative posture, and keep your mouth totally closed, now inhale and while exhaling make the sound of honey bee slowly and continuously. The sound need not be loud but it should create vibrations and repeat this 4 to 5 times. Another point is SUN GAZING. After pranayama, go to your balcony or go to your garden and face the Sun, take the sun rays on your face. This is called SUN GAZING. This would help you to increase warmth in your body and see to it that the mucus and cough production is reduced or removed. For Sun gazing stand straight or sit, and look at it when the Sun is rising – that orange red ball completing when it is rises, then close your eyes and take the sun rays on your face. You should only look at the sun when it is rising or setting, not otherwise. Continue gazing till your eyes get watery, and then gently close your eyes, cup your eyes with palm – DO PALMMING 8 EXCELLENT ASANAS FOR AIRWAYS Once you have done with Sun gazing, do your regular practice with asanas. Practice has no posture like SARVANGASANA, or ARDHA SARVANGASANA which would help in drainage of collective secretion, forwarding bending asana like HASTAPADASANA, YOGA MUDRA, CHAKRASANA, KONASANA 3, etc. so all these asanas are excellent to help circulation to your lungs. Also asanas like KONASANA 1, and 2 help underused muscles which are holding your lungs, from the side to help breathe much better and improve the vital capacity of your lungs 9 ENSURE TO EAT ONLY WARM BREAKFAST After a good asana session, see to it that you eat healthy warm breakfast.

 ASTHMA patient should have warm drink and food, because cold food can aggravate their condition causing more mucus and cough and congestion in their body. And warm food and liquid helps to release cough and mucus from your body. If you have a congestion you should use hot water bag, keep it on your face, on your throat help your body to release congestion, follow these techniques and stay away from all those things that can trigger your ASTHMA. Some people have sensitivity to dust, so always cover your face when being in a dusty area. Some are sensitive to certain food, keep away from that food till you overcome your ASTHMA. So you see to it what are your triggering factors and avoid them, till you become totally healthy.

 Remember to maintain a healthy weight, overweight always creates problem, see to it that your weight is in control. Now here is a place of Mind. Human Mind can create a hell. When Mind gets disturbed, when anger is panted up, emotions are bottled up – Mucus generation is much more – attacks can come very easily, so try and see, that you look at life joyfully, positively all the short coming around are enjoyed and don’t get angry, take charge of yourself, learn to be happy in any situation in life Don’t bottle up emotion, dance, jump, be physically active, you will healthier and better. Fine. Look after your self 


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