Saturday 29 October 2022

Fenugreek Seeds For Healthier Hair | Boost Hair Growth | Stop Hairfall


if there is one natural remedy that works like a miracle for all Air related complaints such as hair loss dandruff or dryness it is fenugreek or methi seeds fenugreek seeds are rich source of iron and protein which are essential nutrients for hair these wonderful seeds can be consumed as well as applied on the hair to derive their multiple benefits when consumed fenugreek can flush up toxins from the body it also helps in weight loss and improving digestive disorders so firstly let's pay attention as to how these seeds can be consumed one drink fenugreek water please so fistful fenugreek in water whole night and 

drink this water in the morning this should be taken on an empty stomach this water can also be put in a spray bottle and used as a hair spray which can be rinsed off in the evening the soaked seeds could be added to your salads and sauces second seasoning season your lentils and vegetables with a teaspoon of lightly roasted fenugreek seeds third add to spice mixture add dry powders fenugreek seeds to the usual spice mixture this can be added to curries and vegetables next let us look how these seeds could be applied externally first prepare a air mass for preventing hair loss soak 2 tbsp of fenugreek seed in 1 cup of water overnight boil the seeds in the same water after cooling grind these seeds into a paste use the same water along with three to four hibiscus leaves and Hibiscus flower massage this paste on your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes rinse your hair with lukewarm water and a mild shampoo apply this mask twice a week 

second prepare a paste for dandruff control soak 2 tbsp fenugreek seeds in water keep it overnight boil cool and make a paste using the water used for soaking add 1 tablespoon full of fresh lemon juice and 1 teaspoon olive oil massage this paste into your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes rinse your head with a mild shampoo apply this paste twice a week third prepare a mask for a longer and Shining hairs soak 2 tbsp full of fenugreek seeds in water and keep it overnight make a paste using the same water which you have used for soaking add 1 tablespoon full of thick coconut milk and mix all this well massage this paste into your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes the protein contains in the fenugreek seeds helps to repair any damaged hair 

this Mass can even be covered with a shower cap and left overnight in the summer months if you are not prone to catching colds easily then rinse your hair with a room temperature water with a mild shampoo apply this mask twice a week if fenugreek seeds are not easily available you may use fenugreek powder in these remedies apart from strengthening hair it has several other benefits for women such as relieving menstrual cramps and increasing breast milk in lactating mothers for a healthier hair you also need to pay more attention on your healthy diet better eat well balanced meat go Outdoors for some fresh air and exercise stay active and keep your mind stress-free by practicing meditation techniques by living mindfully and gracefully you will evolve into a more joyful and attractive version of yourself 


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