Saturday 29 October 2022

What is the Best Time to Drink Water? Drinking Water Before Sleeping | Advantages & Disadvantages

many people ask is drinking water before going to bed is good when you drink water right before you go to bed your stomach becomes full and thus it can affect your sleep this small habit needs to be changed before jumping on how this habit could be changed let us first understand how drinking water before going to bed can be harmful frequent urination at night 

will cause sleep deprivation which would lead to weight gain high blood pressure and even high cholesterol level at night body releases chemicals during a long period of sleep which lowers the blood pressure and heart rate and your heart has to work less when you wake up frequently to urinate at night your heart has to work quite more this may lead to cardiovascular disease another side effect of drinking water at night in men is getting an enlarged prostate gland

 when you drink extra water at night it simply doesn't get absorbed in your system and it also does not filter the blood which leads to enlarged prostate gland in milk so drinking water is not advisable before going to bed but if you are really thirsty just before going to bed or at midnight

 you can sip some water to quench your thirst but don't drink a glass full of water and go to sleep immediately now you must be wondering what's the best time to drink water your body is the answer whenever you feel thirsty at that time your body needs water and so you should drink water and at night the best time is to have water one hour before you go to bed empty your bladder right before going to bed and have a good sound sleep let me share an interesting fact with you at night there is some burning of fat it may be a little quantity but it happens and there is a loss of weight when the water is produced and released through sweating and breathing so sleep tight and lose weight my suggestion would be to avoid drinking water for at least six to seven hours while you are asleep listen to your body and act smartly 


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