Friday 4 November 2022

10 Things To Do Before Sleep If You Want Better Control Over Your Life

 a simple routine that writing 10 good things about your day before sleeping can make you look at life from positive perspective if practiced regularly this routine has several benefits let us see how to follow this routine you may choose to write on a sheet or paper or keep a job that after your days routines are over and you are preparing to retire for the night sit in a quiet place and jot down these points and now I am going to provide some guidelines for you to begin your listing Journey one what was your favorite part of the day here you may remind the days events and identify whether you like the early morning hours lunchtime workers evening or dinner time best

 2. did you laugh or smile for anything this could be something comical you saw a joke told by your partner a cat trying to climb the wall or something your child did or somebody did three did you see anything beautiful this could apply to both natural and man-made things such as a glorious Sunrise beautiful flower a face a painting or a drawing fourth did you take up some physical exercises or mental challenges here you may make a note of yoga Essence aerobic exercises like running games or simply walking you may also note any mental task such as solving puzzles or meeting targets at work 

5. could you connect with family or friends if you spend some quality time with your family went out with friends or called up some relative make a record of it sixth was there anything new in a day that you did for the first time in your life you could have played Hopscotch with your child or cooked a special dish with your partner or meditated for the first time note down any such highlights seven did you do or learn anything new you may have heard a new song use some unusual words or learned about some feature on your digital device here you may even make a note of any personal creative output such as writing a poem or choreographing a dance sequence it did you read anything inspiring it could be a one line quote or a motivational book a religious Scripture A sloke or a Sutra and its commentary ninth did you connect with nature today you may have attended to your party plans wash the clouds or stars from your windows walk Barefoot on duby grass or soaked in a gushing water pot recollecting such experiences would refresh your mind 

 did you express your gratitude to God expressing gratitude for everything and remembering God or higher reality brings the considerable difference to the way you perceive the events happening in your life I suggest you that you try writing these 10 things every night for one week and observe how much positive energy you will find in yourself this technique is proven to manage stress relieve depression and increase productivity so continue with the writing of 10 positive things every night and make it a habit to gain control over your emotions improve your mental health and see that your life changes for the better 


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