Saturday 5 November 2022

Walking Mistakes You May Be Making Right Now | Correct Your Walking Mistakes


walking is a popular activity we are structured to walk and it has tremendous amount of solutions of various problems problems such as cardiac problems diabetes name any disease walking has to be done there are also some powerful psychological benefits which occurs when person walks walking can be done anywhere and at any time today let us understand five mistakes which people usually make while walking first which place and time depending on your circumstances you may walk right in your own house in your garden or sometimes find some natural open space around you it could be Beach forest or Riverside just ensure that the location you choose to walk is safe free of polluted and that the air is fresh walking on the sides of Highways and busy streets can much more harm than the benefit which a 

walking can give you preferably work on a firm surface as it gives steadiness for you to carry yourself walk at the time when the pollution in the atmosphere is the lowest air pollution data shows that is the city air pollution is at its peak till around 7 am the pollution reduces when the sun comes out ideal time for walking is between 7 to 10 AM and from 4 pm to Sunset second what to wear the shoes and clothes which you use for walking should not be uncomfortable not all walking shoes are good for walking walking shoes should be light weighted and should provide support and cushioning if your shoes has soles that could not Bend at all and you can't twist them they are too stiff for Fitness walking walking shoes should be flexible so you don't fight them as your foot rolls through the steps the clothes you wear should not be too tight or make you feel too sweaty wear preferably cotton clothes or cotton sportswear that makes you feel light and comfortable ensure that your clothes allow a free moments 

Earth what do do before and after walking drink water 15 to 20 minutes before you start walking sometimes people drink too much water while walking to keep themselves hydrated this can harm your system and may disturb the water salt balance of your body if you feel thirsty during work you may stop and sip on a little water but not too much do not work immediately after walking as it can put more stress on your system you need to give enough time for your body to rest and recover preferably rest for 10-15 minutes or do some relaxing stretches on your back before you start working fourth how to walk walking with an incorrect posture can lead to various problems like back pain knee pain ankles pain and various other complaints what like a royalty with her spine pulled up straight and your chin uplifted slightly walking with head down and slouch posture doesn't facilitate Fuller breathing it restricts the free flow of air in your lungs with your head up in slow and outflow of breath happens smoothly roll 

your shoulders back and push out your chest this gives proper firmness to your posture and will prevent you from slouching or pushing your hips forward which normally people tend to do while walking keep your palm relaxed and open do not clench your face while walking close twists puts unnecessary tension on your nerves and it can make your hands stiff while walking rigorous hand movements may put unnecessary jugs on your shoulder joints which may cause shoulder pain in the longer run hand movements can be gentle moderate and active if you are looking for a weight loss then active hand movements can help calorie burn as compared to passive arm movements taking longer strides can put 

more pressure on your feet than normal such pressure can affect your ankles and knee and it can lead to knee pain and ankle pain when you try to walk faster a natural inclination is to lengthen your stripes with the put you place forward this leads to striking hard with the sweets your scenes may hurt and you really don't get any faster so if you are trying to walk fast concentrate on taking shorter quicker steps finally we come to the fifth mistake what you should be your walking pace and how much you should walk don't walk briskly after eating food as it can affect your digestive system after meals your digestive system demands more supply of blood and oxygen during brisk walking more supply of oxygen is consumed to energize your muscles and overall system which eventually can ampere your digestion it is better to stroll after meals brisk walking should be done before meals as it makes your body ready for assimilation

 you know that the pace of walking should be according to the objective behind walking if you are walking to reduce weight then you must walk fast before beings as that would help in burning out more calories otherwise one should follow low or moderate space if the objective is only to move your body to enhance the metabolism and the heart rate to increase your cardiac health walk with such a pace that you slightly feel out of breath this shall improve your lung condition and heart condition so walk walk well remember all these points and help your body since walking is mildest and best exercise walking is most safest exercise and walking really helps psychology of a human being where human is in touch with nature the broader atmosphere and so on so everybody should definitely walk 


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