Thursday 3 November 2022

How To Get Rid Of Skin Wrinkles Quickly | Home Remedy For Wrinkles | Young skin


you simply have to look around in nature to see that everything changes as time passes aging and wrinkling of skin are natural processes if wrinkling of skin starts happening prematurely you might want to do something about it today let us see how five natural elements or punch mahabhutas can provide relief from premature wrinkling of skin first is water which is very important because it makes up most of our body make it a habit to drink sufficient water every day to keep your skin soft and hydrated eat fruits with high content of water such as watermelon and bananas to rejuvenate your skin cells if you sweat during any activity allow the sweat to be absorbed back into the skin instead of wiping it away roughly don't bathe with very hot water use lukewarm water or room temperature water next comes the element earth it is this element 

that provides much of the matter of our body isn't that the earth provides us with wholesome food eat food that is fresh and preferably home cooked include seasonal fruits vegetables foods containing vitamin c and e sunflower seeds and almonds in your diet you may apply natural face masks to keep your skin plump and wrinkle free here i will give you two combinations which are quite effective in erasing wrinkles and fine lines from your face mix one tablespoon of milk cream with half teaspoon of turmeric powder apply this on your face and neck and relax for 20 minutes rinse it off with lukewarm water mix half tablespoon full of avocado paste with half tablespoon full of olive oil or coconut oil apply this on your face and neck for 20 minutes and then gently wipe it away with a moist cotton or moist cloth walk barefoot in clean and open spaces to energize your body third is space at least once a day go outdoors and refresh your body in wide open natural spaces such as a park seashore or riverside 

this activity releases stress which can be cause of premature aging learn how to meditate and practice for few minutes to create happy spaces in your mind the fourth element is air ensure that the air you breathe is fresh pure and free of pollutants practice pranayama such as kapalabhati to detoxify your body and pranayama number four to calm down your system give up smoking if you have this habit and stay away from passive smoking if anybody else around you smokes and the final element is fire keep your digestive fire burning by giving your stomach some periods of relaxation good digestion is important for overall health and naturally glowing skin energize yourself by getting enough sunlight at the time of sunrise or sunset here the sun is not too bright vitamin d rejuvenates your skin and also strengthens your bones apart from gaining energy of the elements you can also discipline yourself to do some exercises daily to stay fit and youthful looking simhasan or a lion posture is an nation which 

improves blood circulation to the face and stimulates the nerves of your face to keep your skin supple sit in vajrasana and keep your knees at distance place your palm on the floor between your thighs with fingers pointing towards yourself lean forward and open your mouth wide stretch out your tongue as much as possible open your eyes wide and look upwards breathe normally as you hold this position for some time then sit back in vajrasana and relax one other special exercise is very simple just smile as wide as you can to a count of 10 and then relax your face with eyes closed do this about five times in a day with a feeling of gratitude for all the wonderful things you have received in your life give your face and skin some loving care every day and see how it blossoms and plumps up again wise people say that as we age our soul shows on our face stay in tune with changing nature and mature gracefully 


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