Saturday 12 November 2022

How to Handle Hormonal Imbalance? 5 Healthy Tips for Women Harmonal Imbalace


womans go through many phases in life in which there is constant update in the hormonal level you need hormone in a specific amount for the body to function well but then how to know that you have a hormonal imbalance there are some signs and symptoms to look out for light unexplained weight loss or weight gains depression and anxiety fatigue insomnia infertility or irregular periods low libido changes in appetite and digestive issues many women who have come to the yoga Institute to manage hormonal imbalances have found relief from all such symptoms there are yogic techniques such as asans pranayams mudras and meditation to bring excellent balance in health let us look at some of them today first usha's mudra there is a mudra called usha's mudra which benefits the endocrine system and specially for people who are suffering from PCOS and thyroid tissues ushal mudra is held by clasping the hands interlacing the fingers and joining the thumbs at the tip so here sit in any meditative pose clasp your hands together so that figures are interlaced Palms facing towards you woman should place right thumb between the left arm and index finger place your hands on your lap close your eyes and breathe normally practice this mudra in the morning  time and hold it for 5 to 15 minutes second let's see the three important assets for hormonal problems arsons like khadrasa and setu are very effective in maintaining the health of the glands 

which produce hormone bhujangasan or Cobra pose massages and stimulates the adrenaline gland it also stretches the neck and throat region to improve the function of thyroid gland say to pandasana or the bridge pose increases blood circulation especially in the trunk region madrasana the popular butterfly pose is particularly helpful during pregnancy it improves blood circulation in the lower body and calms the Mind these asadas massage the adrenal gland stimulate internal organs and balance stress hormones a regular yoga practice will help you to handle any hormonal imbalances before they become major health concern third is food eat protein rich food protein is essential because it produces protein derived hormones in the body include pulses dairy products and nuts in your diet to get sufficient protein consume cruciferous vegetables like broccoli cauliflower which may help balance the estrogen level this diet will also reduce breast cancer risks during and after menopause when the estrogen levels are low a diet which is composed of refined sugar and animal products may cause inflammation and lead to higher estrogen levels which are the risk factor for breast cancer and ovarian cancer fourth practicing anulom vilom pranayam daily helps to maintain hormonal Harmony in your body it also keeps your mind in the back Island State this pranayama which is also called as alternative nostril breathing stimulates your Ida that is either pingala and sushugna Nadi or energy channels it develops breath awareness and helps to overcome psychosomatic problems such as insomnia which many women suffer from if their hormonal balancing is Disturbed fifth Miss panda bhava yoga offers simple meditative techniques such as this pandava which reduces the stress Urban called cortisol in this technique your mind is directed outwards and this creates a feeling of body forgetfulness this forgetfulness helps your body to normalize its function and to heal faster let us see the steps sit on your mat while leading against the wall sit with your feet apart and outstretched keep your spine naturally erect rest your hands on your thighs with your arm facing upwards close your eyes and passively observe any sound which is there in the atmosphere and the sound also can fade away but you don't have to have any judgment practice this for 5 to 15 minutes now you can see that hormonal imbalance could be managed very effectively with these five non-invasive techniques try to follow these methods for few months and you'll definitely see great amount of difference in your health your General Health so try and follow these natural techniques rather than going for artificial hormonal treatment or sub operations so lived invasive treatments and go to the Natural treatments you will feel more balanced more relaxed much much more healthier and happier you so try and take charge of yourself and come out of all the imbalance problems which usually Every Woman faces take care 


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