Wednesday 9 November 2022

Best Hair Oils That'll Cure All Your Hair Problems | Natural Home Remedies | Hair Care Tips


Hair fall is a growing concern today, many come to me saying that Hansa Maa, so much of hair fall’s every day, bunches and bunches they fall, and we have tried various ways, various products, various things to stop that, but they still fall, we are often try things that don’t benefit us. So, we don’t get a result, First of all, everyone should know that hair fall occurs because of many reasons - 1 is pollution, 2 genetic, 3 mental stress and tension and many other things.

 So, you have to know what is the cause and work accordingly, then it will benefit you, However, hair fall, often occurs, due to lack of direct nutrition. Now days, youngsters, they don’t care about their health, they don’t care about what they are eating, the nutrition part and when such symptoms start, then they are worried. We Indians have a very ideal solution for hair care and that is hair massage, hair massage with a good oil is followed, since generation in our country. Several oils are there for hair care, but today I am going to talk about the specific oil, which will really promote good hair care – BHRINGRAJ, The Eclipta Alba Bhringraj is grown all over the world in tropical or sub- tropical region. Bhringraj oil, is the oil extracted from Bhringraj plant. Now understand the benefits of Bhringraj oil 

1. PREVENTS HAIR FALL First, it really stops hair fall, Bhringraj oil is high in nutrients and it supplies all the needed nutrition to your hair and scalp, Bhringraj is rich in vitamins and minerals and that’s why it helps preventing split ends, breaking of hair and hair loss. Stress is one of the most common reason for all hair problems and Bhringraj really helps calming down your mind, it really relaxes you, when you massage with Bhringraj oil. 

2. BHRINGRAJ TREATS DANDRUFF AND DRY SCALP Bhringraj has antifungal and antibacterial properties which really helps preventing dandruff, Bhringraj oil get really penetrate deep into the skin and hydrate your dry scalp. To treat dandruff, warm little bit Bhringraj oil and massage it on your scalp. The itchiness and the greasiness caused by dandruff is relieved Bhringraj oil.

 3. BHRINGRAJ PROMOTES HAIR GROWTH AND TREATS BALDNESS. Bhringraj oil improves the blood flow to the roots by increasing Vasodilation. Vasodilation is a process by which blood vessels are enlarged, this oil stimulates hair growth by activating hair follicles, the nutrients in oil, strengthens hair follicles and this prevents baldness by facilitating new hair growth. Bhringraj also contains vitamin E, which fights against free radicals, these free radicals are one of the major reasons to stop the hair growth. 

4. BHRINGRAJ PREVENTS GREYING OF HAIR Bhringraj oil has two active ingredients like Haripati and jatama , they are great for preserving natural hair colour, and preventing undue greying of hair. Grey hair is sometime referred, as loss of pigment in the hair. Bhringraj has a darkening property and because of this gray hair appear less grey. Before going to bed, take little bit of Bhringraj oil and amla oil, mix together, massage it on your scalp, finish it out, and next day morning wash your hair thoroughly well, this will provide natural conditioning of your hair and naturally bring a nice shine on your hair. 

5. BHRINGRAJ TREATS SCALP INFECTION. Bhringraj because of its antibacterial properties, helps to treat scalp infection, these infections could be follicle infections, tinea infections, bacterial infections and so on. Bhringraj has anti-inflammatory properties and helps in treating psoriasis and any other inflammatory skin problem. So, regular use of Bhringraj will help inflammation of hair follicle and scalp tenderness and by which it would reduce hair fall. You can either buy  oil from a certified Ayurvedic shop or prepare at home. To prepare at home Take some Bhringraj leaves or readily available Bhringraj powder mix either of this with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or till oil and heat the mixture. once the oil is boiled well and it shows the green colour then add few is fenugreek seeds turn off the heat, allow it to cool, strain the oil and fill it in the bottle and keep. Now understand, how do you apply this oil Bhringraj oil can we massage directly into the scalp, heat the oil for 30 seconds, which would help penetrating the oil nicely, gently massage the oil in circular motion for 15 minutes, you can leave it on your hair for 30 minutes, or overnight, after that wash it off, with a mild shampoo. So, if you have a problem like dandruff, or hair fall and if you desire long lovely thick hair, then definitely you have to put some effort to see that you apply oil regularly, and when the regular use is there for anything it’s going to give you result, and you will definitely get some desired result So, try and take charge of yourself, help that area which is in trouble and you will be free from the problems and enjoy life 


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