Thursday 24 November 2022

12 Surprising Banana Peel Benefits For Your Skin and Hair


DIY beauty regimes are ruling the beauty world right now. These are affordable, chemical-free and light on the skin. What those store-bought products can't do, these common mixtures can, without harming the skin cells. One such remedy is banana peel. 

Bananas are sweet, soft fruits popular all over the world. Their thick, fibrous peels, however, are a less popular source of nutrition, at least in Western countries. But contrary to what many people believe, banana peels are not only safe to eat, they are also very beneficial for your skin and hair. And in today’s video, we will tell you what they are and the best ways you can use them. From treating wrinkles, sunburn, dandruff, bugbites to acne and more, watch till the end to learn about all of them. Treats Acne: Why does it work? Banana peels are naturally packed with lectin and zinc, which have antibacterial properties. These can help problem spots heal faster and even prevent new ones from showing up in the first place. Just gently rub the inside of the peel from a slightly overripe banana onto the affected areas after a gentle cleansing. Rub until the peel starts to turn brown and slimy, then leave it on your skin for five to 10 minutes before rinsing. Apply the peel a few times daily to see results within seven days. Just be sure to not do so excessively or roughly—that can further irritate your skin. If you want to try using banana peels on a scar to fade its appearance, rub it with the inside of the peel, then allow the area to dry. Remove the residue with a damp cloth and repeat every day until you see results. Do you prefer natural remedies or cosmetic products to get rid of acne? Tell us quickly down below in the comments section. Reduce Undereye Puffiness:

 There’s a reason so many beauty and skin products are made with banana or banana peel tincture. Bananas peels are great for brightening and softening skin because they’re loaded with moisturizing vitamin E, which is known to help fade dark spots and scars. It’s also a potent antioxidant that can protect against oxidative damage, a significant contributor to aging. Cut the peel into smaller pieces that will fit well under your eyes. Place them on your face for 15 minutes to half an hour, then rinse with your everyday cleanser. Oh, and don’t throw out that banana—there are plenty of banana face mask ideas for you to tackle too. Remove Warts: Banana peels can help relieve pain and inflammation. This includes psoriasis, bruises and cuts too. Plus it’s useful to get rid of warts. That’s because it is packed with moisture which softens the wart while the peel’s enzymes penetrate the bump to its root. Tape a small piece of banana peel inside-down over the wart. Make sure the peel and wart are touching. Remove the peel in the morning and repeat nightly with a fresh piece. In three weeks, the wart should be history. Green or slightly-yellow bananas work best on warts; the enzymes in the peel break down as the banana ages. Glowing Skin: Banana Peel contains Vitamins C, E, and minerals like zinc and iron, all of which have been shown to hydrate your skin from inside out. This gives it a softer and glowing appearance. It’s very easy to use as well. First, prepare your skin. Use a mild cleanser to get rid of oil and dirt on the skin. Don't scrub or be harsh on your skin, especially if you have acne. Take a ripe banana and cut its peel into chunks and rub the inner part directly on the skin for 10 to 15 minutes in a circular motion. Keep a check if the peel is turning black from the inside. If that is the case, it means that the peel needs to be replaced now. Don't wash your face instantly. Let your skin absorb all the moisture for at least 4-5 hours. You can do this before going to sleep so that it stays on your face overnight.

 Then rinse off with cold water. You can use banana peel daily for better results. Looking for answers on all the latest health and wellness news? Hit that “subscribe” button, and join our millions of followers. Stay up to date on all our great Bestie content! Reduce Hyperpigmentation: Sometimes, your body tends to overproduce melanin at sporadic sites. This makes the skin darker in patches rather than in a uniform way. This erratic concentration of melanin usually manifests in the form of dark spots, freckles, melasma, age spots, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Banana peels contain compounds that help reduce hyperpigmentation by blocking the activity of enzymes that overproduce melanin. Place the inside of the banana peel over the affected skin, and secure it by using a bandage, tape, or gauze. Keep it on for at least an hour, but you can leave it overnight as well. Repeat daily. You can also use a lactic acid-based peeling agent such as yogurt or milk cream on the skin before doing the banana peel treatment. Moisturize Your Feet: Banana peels are rich with amino acids and vitamins A, B, C and E, which all work wonders on dry, itchy skin. Give your cracked heels and tired toes and boost by rubbing the inside of the peel on your soles and any other dry areas. Just rinse off any leftover goop and repeat for a few days. They’ll be silky-smooth in no time. You can delete that expensive foot cream from your Amazon cart now. Reverse Sun Damage: The vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties in Banana Peel can treat damage caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. Here’s what you need to do. Wash your face with a gentle face wash and pat it dry. Pick a small piece of banana peel and rub its inside on the affected area. Leave it for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off. For best results, repeat twice a day.

 Do it regularly for 10 days to see results. Reduce Dandruff: Dandruff is formed by fungus that feeds on oil on the scalp. Applying a banana hair mask on the scalp can chase away these microscopic offenders. It will also add moisture to the scalp, helping in holding the pathogens from growing back. Try this mask for dandruff-free hair. Take 2-3 bananas and scoop the inner layer from the peel. Mix along with 2 tbsp coconut milk until a paste is formed. Add 1 tsp of coconut oil and rose water to the paste. Stir the paste well with 1 tsp yoghurt. Apply the paste thoroughly on the scalp and hair. Let the mask remain for about 15-20 min before you rinse it out. Soothe Bug Butes: It’s a home remedy that never gets old. It’s also pretty much foolproof, considering banana peels are naturally loaded with polysaccharides, which are famous for reducing swelling and inflammation. Simply rub the inside of the peel over the mosquito bite, nice and gently. Repeat throughout the day whenever you need some itch relief. Feel free to try it on your kid’s poison ivy rash too. Reduce Wrinkles: Vitamin C and antioxidants present in banana peel reduces the appearance of wrinkles. It also reduces the rashes and marks on the face naturally. You can prepare a simple face mask with a ripened banana peel. The ripened banana peel has Ethylene which is responsible for reducing brown spots. It also contains fatty acids which diminishes scars and marks. This acid is also extracted and used in various skin care lotions. Here’s a quick anti-ageing banana mask you can try. Scrape the inner part from the banana peel using a fork. Mix it with egg yolk. Apply on your face and rinse after 5 min.

 Repeat twice in a week. Apart from banana peels, there are plenty of oils available which can help reduce wrinkles. Learn more about them by watching “13 Incredible Oils To Fight Wrinkles And Give You Younger Looking Skin” Now, back to Surprising Banana Peel Benefits For Your Skin and Hair Brighten Up Face: Banana peel contains a wide spectrum of bioactive compounds, such as tannins, carotenoids, flavonoids, and alkaloids, that help nourish the skin. They also repair the damaging effects of free radicals.They are also enriched with a good dose of citric acid, which works as a mild exfoliating agent. The removal of the dull, damaged superficial skin allows freshly formed skin to rise to the surface from underneath. This new skin is naturally more bright, healthy, supple, and even-toned. Plus, the mild acidic properties of banana peel can help remove the grime and excess sebum settled on top of the skin and in its pores. This deep-cleansing effect imparts a healthy glow to your skin. Rub the white fibrous part of a banana peel on your skin for 5–10 minutes, using gentle hand motions. Leave the fibrous residue on your skin for at least 20 minutes. Wash the treated skin with cool water. Lighten Dark Underarms: 

Banana peel is rich in vitamin C and Vitamin E. If a banana peel is used to massage underarms every day, it can brighten up the complexion of the underarms. Any whitening scrub would do the same but strip off the moisture of the skin. But a banana peel would brighten up the underarm area without over drying the skin. Just take a banana peel and rub it on your underarms. Wait for it to get dry, then wash it off completely with clean water. Repeat this process everyday for two weeks and see that area become light. Banana peels are not just great for your skin and hair, but they have a wide range of benefits and uses as well.  Eating Bananas Everyday Will Do This To Your Body Or 13 Surprising Ways To Use Banana Peels For Everyday Life  


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