Sunday 6 November 2022

Hair Care - How To Treat Oily Scalp & Greasy Looking Hair


excess production of oil by your skin causes oily skull which can be easily taken care of naturally let us see the remedy is recommended by ayurveda first remedy is shampooing with rita or soap nuts these little brown wrinkled nuts work like magic because they clean your scalp really just like a vacuum cleaner who sucks the dust away just soak a handful of rita nuts in 2 cups of warm water for about 1 hour boil this water along with these nuts till it reduces half the quantity when lukewarm rub the nuts to get soapy and foamy water sieve this water and this water becomes your shampoo use it by massaging this into your scalp for 15 minutes rinse with plain water or a mild shampoo our second remedy is shikakai and amla shampoo both shikakai and amla are available as a dried powder because of its cleansing property shikakai has been known to be used as shampoo for more than 4000 years amla provides conditioning which is essential to your scalp and hair mix one tablespoon full of shikakai powder and one tablespoon of amla powder in two cups of water and bring to a boil when it is 

lukewarm sieve the water and rub it into your scalp and hair into a gentle massage for 15 minutes rinse it off with plain water or with a mild shampoo the third remedy is with  which is very popular has an extremely drying effect on hair so it should be combined with coconut oil or aloe vera gel to make a scalp or hair pack mix 5 tablespoon full of inna leaf paste or inna powder with 2 tbsp of coconut oil and 

1 tbsp of aloe vera gel massage half of this mixture on your scalp for 5 minutes with a circular motion apply the other half of this mixture to your hair leave this pack on your hair for one hour under your shower cap then rinse it off with plain water or a mild shampoo this pack pulls away the dandruff which is sometimes the cause of oily scalp apart from these remedies you should know that oily scalp is caused by hormonal changes or improper scalp or hair hygiene especially when weather is hot and humid pay attention to your diet and avoid cold deep fried and spicy food eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables my advice to you would be that use any of these natural ayurvedic remedies once a week if your scalp is prone to oiliness keep your scalp free of excess oil and dirt by reverse combing for five minutes and washing your scalp at least twice a week follow this scalp care routine and get rid of oily scalp and dandruff forever 


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