Saturday 19 November 2022

Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit that will Definitely Surprise You


Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit that will definitely surprise you The tropical fruit known as dragon fruit, also called pitahaya or strawberry pear, is recognized by its vivid red skin and sweet pulp that is studded with seeds. It is well-liked by foodies and health-conscious people due to its distinctive appearance and renowned superfood properties. Fortunately, you don't have to reside in a tropical area to benefit from the various advantages of dragon fruit. In fact, supermarkets around the world sell it fresh or frozen. Here is a list of 10 Dragon Fruit benefits for your health.

 1. Reduces Risk of Diabetes This fruit has a lot of fiber, which helps patients with diabetes maintain blood sugar levels and prevent spikes. Consuming this fruit frequently can help diabetics maintain healthy blood sugar levels and avoid further medical complications. 

2. Reduces Risks of Cancer The risk of colon cancer can be decreased by this fruit's anti-cancer effects. Its abundant vitamin C content is crucial in enhancing the immune system. A potent antioxidant, vitamin C protects you from developing chronic illnesses including diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, etc.

 3. Helps boost Immunity This fruit has significant levels of vitamin C, which strengthens your defenses and keeps you healthy. More vitamin C enables your body to combat potentially fatal illnesses that you may be susceptible to. To maintain your health, all you have to do is eat 1 cup (200 grams) of this fruit each day.

 4. Good for Digestion The oligosaccharides (a carbohydrate) found in this fruit are a rich source of healthy bacteria like flora, which promote easy digestion. It has a lot of fiber, which is good for the digestive system and lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. 

5. Good For Heart The reddish pulp of dragon fruit includes betalains, which gives the fruit its color and lowers harmful cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). The fruit's small dark-black seeds are a great source of heart-healthy omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids, which lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 

6. Fights Ageing Skin Stress, pollution, and other factors including poor diet and others can all cause rapid aging. However, it contains a lot of antioxidants that can be used to cure acne, dry skin, and sunburn. Vitamin C in it may contribute to skin that is more radiant. For glowing skin, you can make dragon fruit juice and consume it once day. 

7. Good for Hair Want thick, glossy, black hair? Try mixing 250ml of milk with dragon fruit powder once day; it will be beneficial. This fruit extract powder's high vitamin content minimizes hair damage from artificial hair coloring and enhances hair texture, leaving hair smooth and glossy. All you have to do to see changes is to take this one time daily. 

8. Healthy Bones The prevention of injuries, relief from joint pain, and other aspects can all be attributed to having healthy bones. This superfruit, which has an 18% magnesium content, supports healthy bones and stronger bones. Simply consume one glass of dragon fruit smoothie per day to achieve your goal. 

9. Good For Eyes This fruit contains beta-carotene, which shields the eyes from macular degeneration and cataracts by giving the fruit its color. You would benefit from consuming one cup (220 grams) of dragon fruit every day. 

10. Good During Pregnancy This fruit is a great choice for pregnant mothers because it is high in iron, folate, and vitamin B. During pregnancy, folate and b vitamins increase energy and prevent birth abnormalities. The fetus's developing bones are made possible by the calcium content of this food. Magnesium in it aids in the prevention of postmenopausal problems in women. 


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