Sunday 13 November 2022

Best Tips to Take Care of your Hair


now a scarf your head is the most flexible part of your body you can curl it you can mold it you can straighten it you can do quite a lot of things to enhance your beauty also a healthy hair is a signification of a good health but if it's not taken care of then it can become weaker and it might end up with hair loss a weaker hair is a symptom of some of the deficiencies in your body or some wrong lifestyle management how do we know that your hair is getting affected look for the following sign one you see lots of hair in your bathroom brain after your bath two hair strains getting stuck to your home third hair thinning and fourth visible scalp patches if you observe any of these signs then you must take care of your hair 

start taking some remedies to strengthen your hair here are few natural ways certain dose remember one oil your scarf naturally almond oil can moisturize your scalp similarly see the wood oil can really strengthen hair follicle coconut oil makes your hair shiny and soft second eat sufficient fruits and vegetables so that the requirement of your minerals and vitamins are taken care of proteins are the most essential nutrients for the health of your hair follicles add these following five foods to your diet foods like sweet potato nuts and seeds oranges and other citrus fruits leafy vegetables and bill all this 

will take care of your nutrients third massage your scalp regularly this will really increase your blood circulation and open up the blockages over there fourth do yoga asanas like sarvangasana like hust padasana which would really increase the circulation to your head region and help in the healthy growth of your hair fifth and always be happy now let's discuss the don'ts one do not use hair dryer too much don't use hot water for your bath and don't use the straightener on your hair this weakers your second do not brush your scalp too much because that pressure on your scalp by combing strongly weakens the hair follicles third do not apply shampoo every day too much of shampooing is going to weaken your hair wash your hair 

once or twice in a week dry them under sun that is the best way to dry or just keep them open take a nice towel and scrub it and leave it that would help fourth do not use very thick and rough towel towel should be soft and rub also gently and most importantly do not take stress too much it definitely hampers your health and health of your hair in any case follow these tips and take care of your hair 


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