Thursday 3 November 2022

Avoid These Foods During Periods | Women's Health | Foods to Avoid in Mensuration


haying bad menstruation pain or strong menstruation symptoms then you need to check well what kind of food you are eating before or during menstruation today I am sharing a few pointers on what type of food you should absolutely avoid during menstruation and a week before menstruation number one eye salt food during menstruation a most common symptom is muscular cramps painful cramps high salt food is responsible for elevated pain when you have food with eye salt

 you will not only increase your pain but you will also feel bloated so avoid high salt food like packed Foods or canned foods pickles chutneys Peppers topping salads with table salts and salted nuts just be creative and try using Alternatives of salt you can make your food tasty by using lemon different herbs pepper garlic all these things are tasty could be as a topic another food type you should avoid these high fat food it is very important that hormones are balanced so that bleeding during period can be controlled otherwise your flow would be very heavy and it will make you uncomfortable throughout the day to have balanced hormones 

you need to avoid eating fatty foods some foods to avoid are butter cream potato chips fast food like Burger processed meat desserts like pastries muffins Etc instead focus on low fat food like nuts seeds legumes Etc this will provide essential nutrients as well as suits the discomfort during menstruation other General guidelines on food that should be avoided are alcohol Sweet Treats processed food spicy food and caffeine all these foods will cause gas and protein during menstruation 

all this food will cause heavy period flow when student discomfort and tired feeling and lethargy feeling periods are going to come every month and the best way to have least discomfort is by controlling the kind of food you have apart from food there is another important thing which you should introduce in your lifestyle that is practice of Awesome yoga since work wonders to keep your energy intact during periods just follow this simple guideline and I'm sure you will have your menstruation period absolutely normal pain-free like any other day and you would be energetic enthusiastic doing your job systematically take care 


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