Thursday 17 November 2022

7 HAIRCARE Mistakes You Must STOP Immediately


Hello Friends  How many people want Long thick healthy and shiny hair And the specialty is not broken how many of u just tell me i understand 100 out of 100 percent people want like this hair What do we do to get such a hair i know u guys You will do a lot to care for your hair But you know that in the care you make such small mistakes Because of which they do not look pretty but they become dull dry and damage And starts to fall apart so Friends dont worry dont take tension Because i have solution of this small small problems 

 So that he is not big and just like you want your hair to become like that The special thing about this video is that I will tell you what you should do for your hair and what things should be avoided. it means do's and dont's so let starts with hair wash The biggest reason for Friends hair fall is that we do not use shampoo correctly Shampoo is thick and we apply it to a directly scalp. This is our biggest mistake And when we wash it after applying it does not get out of the right Because of which its chemicals are left inside and hair starts falling Friends, if you think that washing your hair again and again will clean your hair So you are wrong Because Washing hair often turns the natural oil of our hair Because of this our hair become dry and starts falling The right way to apply shampoo is to mix it with some water in the first place. it means dilute it The shampoo will not take much of our hair And its foam will be spread from our hair. means distributed one more thing Take care of the scalp of hair more than hair length For that, we have to massage our hair with the help of fingertips Do not be too fast to do with light hands Due to this, the accumulated oil and dust in our hair will be washed The second problem is not to apply the conditioner properly in hair Friends, many people think that the more conditioners will apply, the more our hair will look smooth and shiny And some people also feel that the condition of hair in the roots of hair will be smoothed from the roots. 

While this is absolutely wrong The conditioner should be applied on hair length or tips should not be applied on the roots always remember conditioner should always wash with too much water Because when we put some water to wash it, we feel that our hair has become silky and shiny. While we feel absolutely wrong We should wash it with more water Because the ingredients of the conditioner are not left on the surface of our hair Do not have our hair rough and damages Now it's a mistake that we make repeated making mistakes while comb our hair Friends, our biggest mistake is that we comb our wet hair Which is wrong This also causes our hair to break Friends, think yourself when we wash our hair, our hair becomes soft If you comb, then your hair will go away, but you will also break down. Also from the root So you should not comb into wet hair The right way to do this is to let it dry out first for detangle.. the lower hair first, then only it from above Doing so will break your very little hair for detangle your hair.. use always wide teeth comb Your comb, brush and any other syling product which u are using must be cleaned twice a week do not use everyones comb and change your comb time to time now its time to wet hair friend.

. We make the biggest mistake in Friends wet hair that we wrap 1 towel in it. as i have seen in my house also When my grandmother and mother are coming to wash hair, they wrap the towel in their hair When it comes to drying them So, with the help of towel, they dry up like a jerk jerk like they are washing clothes with the help of a bat While doing so the hair breaks more and splits ends When we wrap the towel in wet hair, it absorbs water which makes it even more heavier And our soft soft hair does not catch that load and it breaks down Now I'll tell you 1 small DIY for drying hair correctly For that you should have 1 cotton tshirt Now move on towards the forehead and leave it Now wrap it in this way Since tshirt is light, hair will quickly dry and it will not break And now I'll tell you what we do in oiling Friends, if you think that excess oil will make your hair more stronger So this is absolutely wrong I remember in college I had a friend who used to bring oil in the morning, so she used to shine her hair in the morning. And when he used to go, his hair could be seen separately, because the soil was solidified in it. And after some time I noticed that after it started falling and dandruff has also happened then I told him the right way that I tell you There is a lot of one to two spoons for oiling in hair remeber.

. for oiling two spoons is more than enough for hair Friends, if we look less oil then for that we need that we should do something like this spread oil in one of our hair and its root To apply oil in the hair, take two spoons of oil in a bowl. Now make it a little lukewarm So that they are well penetrated in our hair shafts Now as shown in the video by taking one one section of hair put oil with the help of fingertips Lead the remaining oil in hand And crush your hair on the one side upwards From this oil will be used in equal quantity of oil friends, nothing will be done by putting oil in the roots, we should also massage for five to ten minutes Massage makes improving blood circulation of scalp and promotes our hair growth it helps in hair growth Remember to apply oil once or twice in a week if u want u can use my diy hair oil now comes to dandruff problem our biggest wrong thinking is that People often think that their scalp has become dry, then they have become dandruff However, it is not like that It is the opposite When the production of oil in our scalp is high, we get dandruff The food of dandruff's bacteria is oil Dandruff's time when we put oil, he gets food from him and he remains there We have a DIY for this. for this we need Four tablespoon Sour buttermilk half spoon lemon juice mix it well apply it on ur scalp with the help of cotton ball if u want u can apply with the help of fingertips wait for 15- 20 minutes 

after 20 minutes massage of ur scalp with the help of fingertips for good 5 minutes Dandruff swells with twenty minutes And with the massage it starts falling off Hair upside down and massage with water for good 2 minutes with this dandruff flows with water use twice in a week for dandruff free hair now its time for night hair care means What to do for your hair at night At night we sleep in open hair, this is a big mistake of all of us. And some people think they should sleep very tight hair dam but this is wrong make a loose braid before going to bed in the morning you get as it is it will not break so here complete our todays  take care of these little things and add it in your hair care routine and it Will help in getting rid of hair fall, splitends, dandruff like this hair problems 


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