Wednesday 30 November 2022

5 TOP Morning Life Hacks To Help LOWER Blood Sugar Quickly!

Did you know diabetes contributes to just over 11% of the global share of death and that in 2019, almost 465 million people had diabetes? This is over 9% of the total population of the world. The disease has become so prevalent that the numbers are predicted to rise to 578 million by 2030 and 700 million by 2045. But how do you avoid falling prey to these statistics? What are simple morning habits that can regulate your blood sugar? 

  1. Kickstart your day with a glass of water Are you a tea person who likes waking up to a freshly brewed morning beverage? If yes, then it’s time to amend your habits. Start your day with a glass of water! There are several health benefits associated with starting your day off hydrated. Studies have shown that water consumption can help you regulate blood sugar levels and correct glycemic parameters. Drinking water can help dilute concentrated sugars and even reduce cravings for sweetened beverages. Even if you’re non-diabetic, it is better to adopt this habit and reduce the possibility of becoming one. After all, prevention is better than cure! Be it diabetes, hypertension/ blood pressure, gastrointestinal health, cardiovascular issues, or stress, water is an ideal calorie and sugar-free drink for almost every health-related concern. And guess what? It is also suitable for weight management as it increases your metabolism, which helps break down stubborn body fats and prevents you from overeating and instilling a sense of fullness. So remember to keep a bottle of water by your bedside tonight so that you can jumpstart your day by consuming water. Various plants are used as traditional medicines across cultures for health benefits. Some of them are also employed in maintaining your blood sugar. One is fenugreek seeds. Studies have also shown its efficacy and has proven that fenugreek seeds effectively manage blood glucose. All you have to do is soak them overnight in a glass of water and eat them on an empty stomach in the morning. As a warning: they taste bitter, so you better have lots of water by your side. 

2. Say “yes” to a healthy breakfast! Do you often skip breakfast? Well, not anymore! If you want to control your blood sugar levels, start your day with a nutrient-rich meal, first. Do you know what insulin sensitivity is? Well, we need energy to function, and where does it come from? Glucose. Your body releases insulin to absorb glucose from your bloodstream into the body’s cells to provide energy. So the sensitivity of body cells toward insulin is what we call insulin sensitivity. But this is not what happens in diabetes. The insulin produced either has little to no effect on the blood sugar or the body becomes insulin resistant. Various studies have shown that insulin sensitivity is better among those who regularly eat breakfast versus those who do not. There is another reason why you should never skip breakfast. Some often report that the longer they go without eating, the higher their blood sugar levels. The reason behind this could be a process called gluconeogenesis, in which your body starts creating extra blood sugar from the liver and kidneys when it experiences a shortage of new supplies. The idea is to maintain a healthy blood sugar level so you do not run out of energy. However, if more is produced than needed, it’s not good. Going without food for a long time is a stress inducer for your body, which often leads it to panic and triggers its damage control mechanisms. Breakfast breaks your overnight fasting period, replenishes your energy reserves, and provides you with the nutrition your body is asking for. It also stimulates your body’s metabolism to keep burning calories throughout the day.

 3. Focus on proteins! Studies have shown that a high-protein meal helps improve an individual's blood glucose response. Proteins take a long time to digest, which is why they do not suddenly spike up your blood sugar compared to other foods. They act as a steady drip that keeps supplying energy to your body till the end of the day. Did you know that obesity is directly linked to diabetes? Well, studies have shown that body mass index strongly correlates with insulin resistance and diabetes. Obese individuals often develop insulin insensitivity due to increased nonesterified fatty acids, glycerol, hormones, and cytokines. Weight gain also impairs the beta islet cells of the pancreas that are responsible for controlling blood sugar. And how do you manage weight? The answer is to control your portion sizes and include more protein in your diet. Studies show that protein helps in weight management by reducing appetite and boosting metabolism. It also builds muscle mass when combined with regular exercise. And guess what? It also keeps your cravings in check. So yes! No more fooling around with unhealthy junk food. If you are a fan of eating eggs in the morning, then go for it! A fresh egg provides you with 13g of protein per 100g. Not only this, but it is also rich in antioxidants, which significantly reduce oxidative stress in your gastrointestinal tract and leaves you with a happy gut. Want to experiment with your meal and add more protein? You can try porridge with blueberries, protein pancakes, salmon toast, spinach frittatas, smoothies, and yogurt.

  4. Sweat it out! Being physically active in the first few hours of your day can be highly beneficial for regulating blood sugar and overall health. When you do any physical activity, your energy requirements are met by glycogen, a stored form of glucose. When your body runs out of glycogen stores, muscles increase their uptake from circulating blood sugars. This way, you tend to have lower blood sugar levels after a good workout. Studies have backed up this claim and said moderate aerobic exercise could also increase insulin activity. Other studies have shown the increased effects of physical activity in diabetic individuals compared to non-diabetic. This is because, in diabetic individuals, extra sugar runs through their bloodstream, and muscles can use up the excess to regulate their blood sugar levels. This doesn’t mean you need to start lifting weights, going on long runs, having intense workout sessions, and burning up all your calories in just a few days. Take baby steps. Start with a walk. Make gradual increments. Increase your lengths daily. You can even have brisk strolls on your balcony. Use a fitness tracker if you like, and monitor your daily steps.

 5. Do you stress out too much? If the answer is yes, then chances are you’re more prone to high blood sugar levels and one step closer to diabetes. In this fast-paced world, our lives have gotten complicated. We have careers to be worried about, travel goals to achieve, and maintain an intimate life with close friends and family. This inter-management and urge to be good at everything leaves us with unnecessary pressure, resulting in stress. Mind you, a little stress is good for your body, but the moment it crosses the threshold, it starts affecting your mental and physical health. Studies show that stress significantly contributes to chronic hyperglycemia or high blood glucose in individuals. This is mainly because it stimulates the production of hormones like adrenaline, glucagon, growth hormone, and cortisol, which can be blamed for elevated blood sugar. Suppose that you are under stress for some reason. The body will react to it by ensuring there is more energy by increasing the glucose levels in your blood. Adrenaline levels rise because the body has activated its fight or flight response to deal with stress.

 cortisol increases which then directs the muscle tissues to be less sensitive to insulin. Glucagon, a hormone that runs contrary to insulin and is responsible for increasing blood sugar levels in the body, also increases. A sharp insulin decline accompanies this. To make things worse, more glucose is released from the liver. And the cumulative effects of all these culminate in heightened blood glucose. Starting your day with meditation can help you deal with stress. You can start journaling and pen down your thoughts in a personal diary. Talk to your close friends, and engage in activities that you enjoy. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. So, practice deep breathing exercises and opt for yoga if it suits you. So what are you waiting for? Adopt these morning habits in your daily routine and bid goodbye to spiked blood glucose levels. Are you interested to know more about diabetes? 


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