Thursday 24 November 2022

6 Golden Secrets To Beautiful & Younger-Looking Skin

 according to top dermatologists. Why should you avoid popping your zits? Is using sunscreen enough? What about antioxidant gel? We’ll be talking about all of these AND more… Don’t spot-treat your zits Do you get breakouts on a regular basis? It’s a little difficult to stop yourself from popping a pimple. Or, you may be treating the specific area where you have zits. You need to stop doing this. Instead, apply the treatment to your entire face. And never pop your pimples, no matter how tempting it may be. Wondering why you need to apply the treatment to your entire face? Well, your face has several oil glands. You don’t know where the next pimple will show up. By treating your entire face, you’re making sure the pimples don’t return. Applying a bit of pimple cream before going to bed can be very helpful. Using sunscreen is not enough. You also need antioxidants along with your SPF creams. We know how important sunscreen is for our skincare routine.

 You probably look at the SPF level to decide which one to buy. It’s a good approach. You need to watch the SPF level to make sure your sunscreen meets your skin’s needs. But that’s not the only thing you should consider. Get an antioxidant gel to go along with your sunscreen. It’s good for your skin health. Experts believe antioxidant gels help you keep your skin glowing and young. Wondering how you should apply the antioxidant gel? Well, antioxidant gels go first. Put it on your freshly cleansed face and follow it up with the right SPF sunscreen. The antioxidant gel is like an insurance cover. When you combine it with sunscreen, you’re reducing your chances of skin inflammation. Another interesting way to use an antioxidant gel is to apply it after sun exposure. As soon as you return home after spending time in the sun, wash your face and apply a good antioxidant gel. You think antioxidant gels and sunscreens are the only skincare essentials you need in your life? Wrong! It’s time you include a good vitamin c serum or cream in your routine. Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients your body needs. It offers you amazing health benefits thanks to its anti-aging effect. Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant because of its ability to neutralize the free radicals present in your body. Free radicals are formed in your body due to the natural process of aging, exposure to sunlight, and pollution. These free radicals damage cells in your body. And when I say cells, it also includes your skin cells. This can result in premature skin wrinkles. Vitamin C helps deal with this problem. By including a good vitamin C serum in your skincare routine, you can reduce your chances of premature wrinkles. 

But before you set out to buy one, there are a couple of things you should know. Not all vitamin C serums are high quality. When we talk about vitamin C, we're usually referring to ascorbic acid. It’s the purest form of vitamin C. It can easily penetrate your skin, treat hyperpigmentation, remain bioactive, and stimulate collagen production. But unfortunately, vitamin C serums are also known to be unstable when exposed to heat, light, or air. You’ll have to keep an eye on the serum you’re using. If it turns murky or orange or brownish, your serum has oxidized. It will no longer offer the skincare benefits you want. Make sure you read the label carefully. Buy stabilized vitamin C serums. They have a longer shelf life and higher concentrations. As a result, you’ll get healthier and brighter skin. Just one last precaution though… No matter how good your vitamin C serum is, do not stock it up. Even stabilized vitamin C serums don’t last forever. Remember to follow up with sunscreen if you’re using vitamin C serum in the daytime. They both work together to protect your skin from damage. Vitamin C serums are great, but do you know what’s even better? Get vitamin C through your diet! This means eating a lot more citrus fruits. Oranges and orange juice are a great way to start. Strawberries and blackcurrants also give you a good amount. If you’re into veggies, you can start eating more broccoli and potatoes. Don’t rely on your mirror! Another thing you should do is throw away your mirror! Like really, just do it already. Nobody’s skin is perfect. I know we’re all obsessed with what social media says we should look like, but try breaking away from this. 

It’s unrealistic and unhealthy! You may be struggling with open pores. Your friend may find hyperpigmentation a challenge. Taking a magnifying mirror to look at your skin is only going to increase your stress. And stress is not good for your skin. Another reason you should throw away your magnifying mirror is that it may make you want to pop your zits. As soon as we get a pimple, we try to take a closer look at it. When you do that, you automatically want to pop the zit. You’ll just end up causing more harm than good. There’s a high probability popping the pimple will leave a scar. Now your skin has an additional problem. Watch out for the sun! Whatever you do to take care of your skin, you need to make sure you reduce your exposure to UV light. This is short for ‘ultraviolet light’. It’s well known that too much exposure to sunlight can harm your skin. The UV rays can cause skin issues like hyperpigmentation, premature aging, and uneven skin tone. This is where it gets really scary. The more you’re exposed to UV rays, the more you increase your chances of skin cancer. But it’s not just the UV rays from the sun that are an issue. The blue light coming from your screens can quickly become an issue if you’re being exposed to it for a long time. Try to minimize your exposure as much as you can. Easier said than done, right?

 It’s next to impossible to prevent exposure to sunlight or blue light. In that case, opt for sunscreens that have iron oxides in them. The next time you buy skin cream, don’t just look for the SPF value. Check whether it has iron oxides! Use the right cream! There is one sure shot way to get young beautiful skin. It’s retinol. Start using retinol creams or serums in your bedtime skincare routine. Retinol comes from vitamin A. It can help remove wrinkles, along with any fine lines you may have developed over the years. Retinol does this by helping build the collagen content in your skin. It reverses damage due to exposure to UV rays. Retinol also improves the tone and texture of your skin. Do not start using high concentration retinol serums straight away. Strong retinol serums might cause irritation to your skin. Do a patch test first on your elbow. Start with milder serums. Remember to use a good quality moisturizer along with retinol serums. This is because your skin will become dry. Put the booze down! Bad news alcohol lovers! You have to get your drinking under control if you want young healthy skin. Alcohol can cause dehydration of your skin. Dehydrated skin appears dull and lifeless. Alcohol also messes up your sleep cycle. You may end up passing out after a few drinks, but it won’t be a relaxing peaceful sleep. You would at best have a very restless sleep. Rough sleep will not just make you look tired, it will also lead to dull lifeless skin with dark circles. Wait, steer clear of your hair? What does this mean? Do you have long hair? You need to be cautious while sleeping.

 Let me explain. Your hair is like a magnet that attracts dirt and pollution. When you go to sleep with your hair open, the dust can end up on your face causing breakouts. So how do we avoid this? Put your hair in a loose braid or ponytail so it isn’t pulling on your face. Washing your hair before going to sleep may be a big help. Make sure you drink water! Staying hydrated is so important. It’s even more crucial for you during the night. It’s a well-known fact that keeping your body hydrated throughout the day is very important for your health. But did you know that staying hydrated isn’t just necessary when you’re awake? Your body needs to stay hydrated even as you sleep. But how do you do this? After all, you can’t drink in your sleep. What you need to do is keep a bottle of water beside your bed. If you wake up in the night, take a few small sips before falling back to sleep. This way, you’ll stay hydrated, and won’t be rushing to the bathroom. Sleep time! Make sure you get the proper amount of sleep at night. The biggest favor you can do to your skin is get good rest. Your skin repairs and renews itself while you’re sleeping. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’re going to be disturbing this process. Not getting enough sleep will also lead to your body releasing the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone is bad for your health, and will really harm your skin. Yup, taking care of your skin is tricky at times. Believe it or not, there’s another secret to beautiful skin. It’s hidden in your diet. 


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