Saturday 5 November 2022

These 10 Habits Will Change Your Life | Daily Morning & Night Habits


our habits either make us or break us if you want to grow in your life live a best possible life and then break out of your negative habits if you want to know what habits can help you then try some of these 10 super habits number one use two minutes rule to deal with little tasks don't let tasks accumulate if anything takes less than two minutes do it immediately make this habit and you will see that you are saving time and not losing time 

second to get up and move see human beings were not meant to sit on chair for eight to ten hours a day every day move stretch your muscles even when you are at work every 90 minutes stretch your body for a minute or you can go for a quick two minutes walk this will do wonders for your body and mind third give yourself deadlines when you give yourself deadline you give yourself a goal this will train your mind to get things done this will train you to value your time begin by setting weekly deadlines for tasks and slowly give monthly and yearly deadlines for your goals this will create the daily habits for success

 fourth read more reading lets you explore and discover the world and its possibility without moving from your chair read 10 pages daily for a year and see how much you will grow in a year fifth eat better you are what you eat write down all that you eat in a day in a notebook for two days you will see for yourself how much what you eat is harmful for you then you will really begin the journey of eating better sixth talk to yourself well for 10 days make it a challenge to say only nice things about yourself to yourself whenever you see yourself saying negative just remind yourself of the 10 days challenge on the 11th day you will see yourself as a much better person 7th avoid multitasking whenever your mind goes into a mental low about multiple tasks say a weird word like monkey mind or anything this word will remind you to get caught in the mind's multitasking games remember focus on what you are doing to get it done well eight be selectively social limit your social circle only to people who make you feel good about yourself spend time with those who you can learn from and those who inspire you to do more ninth take calculated risk there is no growth without risk if you are scared of risk

 you will live scared of life so begin by taking small risk every day do something that is uncomfortable for you every day like waking up earlier or talking to someone with whom you fought with do this daily and develop your risk appetite 10. wake up early try by waking up 10 minutes earlier than your usual time the next day wake up 10 minutes earlier than you did today keep doing all this and you will notice how much more time you have for yourself you feel rich on time you feel you can do many such interesting things because you have time and that would make life so beautiful 


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