Friday 25 November 2022

Eat These 10 Melatonin Rich Foods To Help You Sleep Fast


Did you know that your body produces hormones at night? This hormone, melatonin, is produced by the pineal gland in the brain and helps you sleep. Despite this, 50% of older adults live with insomnia, and 25% of young children have sleeping problems, leading people to depend on melatonin supplements.

 Melatonin supplements can help fight insomnia and other sleeping problems. You may be asking what foods contain this sleep hormone…Leave the research to us as we bring you 10 Melatonin-Rich Foods. Melatonin Mushrooms Mushrooms are not just rich in melatonin but also in tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps in the production and maintenance of the body’s proteins, muscles, enzymes, and neurotransmitters. Mushrooms are also a great source of fiber and antioxidants. Be it button mushrooms, portabello mushrooms, or their other exotic relatives. Load up on Pistachios Many nuts contain melatonin, but out of all nuts, pistachios have a higher concentration of melatonin. They’re also rich in vitamin B6, which helps in converting tryptophan into melatonin. Pistachios also provide fiber, and omega 3 fatty acids, which are associated with higher sleep quality. They are also a great source of antioxidants. Oats Not all carbs are the same. Some carbohydrates like junk foods or sugary beverages can harm your sleep quality. The carbs contained in oats, on the other hand, promote sleep. Whole grain oats are a great source of melatonin and tryptophan. They are also rich in fiber, B vitamins, and minerals. Eat a bowl of oatmeal before bedtime to get some quality sleep. Corn Be it on or off the cob, buttered, sweetened, steamed, or grilled, corn contains abundant melatonin. Corn is another food with tryptophan and is rich in magnesium, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C.

 Bananas Bananas have a lot of health benefits. Alongside melatonin and tryptophan, bananas are rich in vitamin B6 and magnesium. These nutrients not only help you sleep but also help produce serotonin, a chemical mood stabilizer. Bananas are also “good” carbs that help you feel alert during the daytime; this is because bananas have complex carbohydrates that provide you with energy all day. Tart Cherries As the name suggests, tart cherries are sour, unlike regular sweet cherries. Apart from being rich in melatonin, tart cherries are also high in anti-inflammatory compounds that benefit your health. Studies indicate that drinking tart cherry juice before bed can help with insomnia and increase sleep quality in adults. Procyanidin, a compound in the juice, increases tryptophan availability and has anti-inflammatory properties. Keep in mind that tart cherry juice can be high in sugar. So if you are at risk for diabetes or trying to avoid sugar generally, try not to go for this one. Rice Rice is also one of the good carbs. The carbohydrate in rice promotes sleep because of its melatonin and tryptophan contents. What you eat with the carbs matters more than the carbs themselves. If you consume rice with a tryptophan-containing protein, like salmon, it may encourage better sleep. Further research is needed to determine the effects of different carbohydrates on sleep. Goji Berries Goji berries are a great source of natural melatonin. Originally native to China, they are considered to be superfoods. They are rich in protein, fiber, and antioxidants. Studies indicate that goji berries may help improve depression or anxious behavior, which can help calm and relax your mind, which further allows you to doze off easily. Fatty Fish Fish such as salmon and tuna are not only rich in melatonin but are also high in vitamin B6, vitamin D, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acid. This helps regulate serotonin, promote healthy sleep, and improve daily functioning. According to a study, salmon promotes better sleep and improves daytime activity. Milk A warm glass of milk is a well-known and widely used sleeping aid. Milk is one of the best nutritional sources of melatonin. It also contains tryptophan, and serotonin which helps you drift off easily. 

According to studies, cows milk taken at night may have higher levels of melatonin than milk from cows during the day. Not many people are aware of the fact that consuming certain foods can ruin your sleep. Steering clear of them at night time can help increase your sleep quality and quantity. Let’s look over the Foods You Must Avoid before bed. Let's begin with Spicy Foods. Spicy foods are acidic and cause gastrointestinal discomfort, creating an uncomfortable feeling when you’re trying to sleep. Spicy foods can also set off acid reflux or irritable bowel syndrome. It is best to steer clear of spicy food before bedtime. Next, we have Coffee. Coffee contains caffeine that keeps you alert and active. The Morning is the best time to consume coffee for a little boost. But if you drink coffee in the evening or any time near bedtime, you’re only making it worse for yourself. It is best to avoid caffeine 6 hours before you head to bed if you don’t want to be up late. Let’s move on to Chocolate. Chocolate can make a very delicious dessert after a meal, but unfortunately, chocolate is high in sugar and often contains caffeine. Both sugar and caffeine can keep you up at night. The caffeine content in dark chocolate is more than in other chocolate types. Next up, we have Tomatoes. While tomatoes are healthy, containing minerals, vitamins, and melatonin, they are also acidic. Tomatoes can be problematic for people with sensitive stomachs because of acid reflux. Avoid tomatoes and tomato-based foods before bed. 

Best to avoid Pizza too. When you don’t feel like cooking dinner after a long tiring day, ordering pizza may seem like a good idea. But pizza contains carbs and tomato-based products. The carbs in the crust, tomato-based sauce, and high-fat toppings like cheese and pepperoni can slow digestion and cause inflammation. If you want a healthier option, try a healthy pizza, such as the one with cauliflower crust with non-tomato-based sauce, less cheese, and light veggies for toppings. Lastly, avoid Citrus Fruits. Citrus is a natural diuretic, which means consuming it too close to bedtime can result in frequent visits to the washroom all night, which will keep you up at night. Citrus fruits are healthy, no doubt, but you should avoid them before sleeping. Regularly taking melatonin supplements can lower your body’s natural production of melatonin, making you more dependent on store-bought supplements. The best way to avoid that from happening is taking dietary melatonin and practicing good sleep hygiene. Want to learn more? Let’s keep the conversation going. Watch 11 Weird Tricks That Help You Go to Sleep or How Blue Light From Screens Affects Your Sleep 


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