Saturday 5 November 2022

Positive Morning Motivation | Listen To These Affirmations EVERY DAY | Motivation Affirmations


life is never simply good or bad it is as good or as bad as we think it is it is simply our brain our thoughts which make life good or bad now you will say how is that possible see i tell you if someone doesn't have shoes he will get upset that he doesn't have shoes but for person who doesn't have legs will always feel that that person who doesn't have shoes is luckiest person similarly you may be having a bad job but someone who is hunting the job for him you are the most luckiest person in the world 

see it's all about how your brain sees things so try this powerful affirmation to rewire your brain and rethink in your life first say good things are always happening in my life as the old saying goes that if you see good only good will happen if you see bad only bad things happen it is human nature that if you expect good things to happen you are going to be excited and enthusiastic you will look for opportunities everywhere you will not be scared of risk you will be open to new things and something somewhere will work out and it has to there is no other way in case you feel lump keep mom say with guts things are always working out for me second next say i can make all my dreams come true your dreams represents your best possible self because then you don't let limits or negativity creep in and tell you what you can and what you can't do so believe in your dreams they are based on your courage and 

not your fears and then believe that you can make your dreams come true third then say i am stronger than my challenges your dreams will have challenges and tell me would you like a film with a weak villain no right our favorite films are those where hero defeats biggest villain similarly your life would be memorable and full of achievements only when you face difficult obstacles remember you are the hero of your life you are stronger than your challenges fourth i can look past my fear see fear kills more dreams than failure does every day fear 

will not let you take that risk fear will not let you take that bold move fear will not let you break that comfort zone so look past your fear only then you will look into your new life fifth finally say i am enough accept yourself as you are now embrace yourself as you are now celebrate yourself as you are now say that you are enough for the dream job right now say that you are enough for that beautiful relationship right now say that you deserve the life of your dream remember the world will treat you only how you treat yourself so be you you are more than enough 


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