Friday 18 November 2022

How to Cure Constipation Naturally ? 3 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Constipation

 when it comes to common problems like constipation I feel that prevention is healthier than cure if you follow certain lifestyle management since constipation is such a common problem it is often the subject of jokes but those who suffer from this condition only they know how uneasy it makes them feel that is bloating stomach ache and sometimes other unpleasant symptoms like headache and nausea constipation is actually a symptom not a disease and it can be caused by the poor dietary habits regular consumption of certain medicines or insufficient physical activities among other things today

 I am going to give you three C's to get rid of constipation naturally and even permanently the first c stand stands for control constipation can be easily prevented if you control and monitor everything you eat and drink drink warm water first thing in the morning and last thing before going to bed keep your digestive system well moisturized with sufficient intake of water and certain liquids throughout the day try to drink fresh juices with breakfast buttermilk with lunch and warm soups with dinner ensure that your diet has plenty of fibers and fresh leafy vegetables and fruits make it a habit to fix a specific time for daily bowel movements once you drink warm liquids in the morning on a higher level it also implies control over the mind those who suffer from chronic constipation sometimes also hold on to negative thoughts in their mind this disturbs the Mind Body

 Harmony and breeds diseases it is for this reason that one should control the Mind through a study of yogic techniques learn to develop vairages is an inner principle practiced by a person for self-development where aage bhava is a principle of Letting Go which encourages a person to accept the world as it is except the people as they are the second C is for concentration you must understand one thing very clearly wherever you take your mind your energy flows in that direction so if you concentrate your mind on the organs of digestion they will be energized and begin to function perfectly there are some people who read the newspaper or answer on mobile phone in the toilet can you see where their energy is going to avoid constipation whenever you go to toilet concentrate on using your breath and muscles for successful elimination of waste yog asanas such as involve pelvic movement it improves the health of Digestive and expiratory system while performing these asanas take your mind to the muscles

 which which are involved by concentrating on them these asans increase intra-abdominal pressure to relieve gas and bloating these asan stimulates the colon and improves blood circulation the third C represents consistency in yoga we believe in the effectiveness of consistency or regular practice and therefore it is important to adapt a good lifestyle for life form a healthy habit and seed to it that your digestive system is functioning well in the yoga Sutra of bharshi patanjali it is mentioned this means your practice becomes firm when you do it for a long time person should not take any break and do everything with reverence so follow these three C's of control concentration and consistency and get rid of constipation naturally and permanently this will definitely make your mornings Pleasant and your world more wonderful 


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