Monday 21 November 2022

Remedies for White Discharge


 A problem of white discharge is very very common in women especially in young girls if it is little discharge in a month then there is no problem but if it is little more and regular then it definitely needs treatment. This white discharge problem is called as Leukorrhea in medical terms. The discharge if it is white iy is okay but when it turns to yellow colour or greyish colour greenish colour then it definitely treatment immediately. This indicates serious problem such problem occur because of 

1) Infection due to lack of hygiene in vaginal area 
2) hormonal imbalance
3) Diabetes 
4) Multiple nutritional deficiencies 
5) Stress It is generally accompanied by symptoms like 

1) Itching in private part 
2) Constipation 
3) Odour from vaginal area 
4) Dizziness Weakness Sometimes a person gets sevre back ache problem too with this problem Here are few natural remedies to prevent excessive white discharge 

1) Curd Curd contains bacteria which are essential to create an healthy environment in vagina. Eating yogurt can decrease the microbiome and thereby can decrease the yeast growth in the body. The Lactic acid in the curd can help decrease the discharge. So, take a cup of curd either in breakfast or lunch make a butter milk and drink but curd must go in your body every day. 

2) Coriander seeds Soak coriander seeds overnight and drink it in the morning with an empty stomach. After straining Coriander is the most useful herb because it has antioxidant properties which removes all toxins out from the body. It kills the microbes which are the main cause of leucorrhoea.

 3) Coconut water and coconut oil Coconut shows various medicinal properties like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. It eliminates toxins from the body. It kills the microbes and does all those symptoms associated with leucorrhea are treated. Drink green coconut water daily. You can also apply coconut oil directly applied on the affected part of the vagina. Mix coconut oil with a few drops of neem oil in it. Apply this mixture this will give you relief from pain, itching, and burning sensation.

 1) Lady finger bhindi Bhindi is Favourite of many and it really affects treats the problem of white discharge. Ladys finger has minerals that have minerals which is so effective in treating white discharge in no time. You can boil some ladyfinger in water and then drink it or chew it, you can make a sabzi out of it but without too much of hot spices or without frying you can even soak bhindi with yoghurt and then consume it. 2) Yog asanas Asanas which increases the blood supply to your pelvic region should be done. Here are some very effective asanas to prevent this condition. 1. Bhadrasana sitting as well as lying down 2. Viparit karni 3. Sarvangasana 4. Matsyasana 5. Hasta padangushtasana side variation 6. Setubandhaasan 7. Ashwini mudra in a tub of water

 How to do this understand when you go for your bath 1st fill your warm water in the tub if you have some itching or problems then put little neem leaves boiled and use that water also in tub put few drops of neem oil in this tub now sit in this tub where legs are out your hips are in tub sitting in this position do ashiwini mudra atleast for 4-5 minutes contract and relax your anal muscles vaginal muscles pull them up and down do this for 4-5 minutes and then for 5-6 minutes just sit relax, may be sing so this how you spend 10 minutes in the bath room then quickly take bath and come out so try and do this regularly wonderful practice along with all these asanas one must go for a long brisk walk every day Now understand some Do’s and don’ts Do’s – Wash the genitals thoroughly well when you go for a bath and ensure that area remains dry always. Understand certain things more when you pass urine or motion wash the genitals thoroughly well again . when you pass your motion you should know systematically how to wash that area understand don’t wash from front the area take your hand behind and wash from behind so your hand movements are from front backwards this how you should be washing your anus be very every clear about it the finger should not go in front in ladies the openings are very close and that causes infection another when you pass urine also wash that area thoroughly well with water splash water in that area and then dry it up this entire area should remain dry always .

Clean the vagina with freshly squeezed lemon in water. Splash this water around vagina that would really help after splashing dry this area completely Drink sufficient water to see you are washing out the toxins from the system. Always remember half an hour before food and 1 hour after food you are suppose to drink water and whenever you are thirsty you are suppose to drink water 1st thing in morning the moment you wake up you are suppose to drink glass of water so remember all these disciplines and you will be fine Clean your innerwear with your own and see to it the detergents that you are using is anti fungicidal and anti bactericidal in nature . see to it that your undergarments are always cotton nothing else but cotton no other material should be there they have a capacity to soak and keep skin the skin dry any other garments will keep your skin wet try and see you use under garments which are cotton if you find they are sweaty they are wet then you should change immediately if you feel itchy in that area then apply tea tree oil or coconut oil in that area now some donts Don’ts 

a) All sugary foods like sweets, pastries, ice creams etc.. should be avoided as far as possible 

b) Do not consume mushroom as they are fungi themselves 

c) Avoid hot and spicy food and alcohol. 

d) Do not use nylon inner garment as it can retain sweat in genital area Every woman experiences white discharge at least once in her life. Sometimes when it is in excess it can cause weakness, dizziness and irritation. Understand sometimes it can give you sevre backache sometimes it makes you feel very very week because haemoglobin goes low so the person is suppose to see also is maintained the proportion very properly it is found that anaemia this problem comes very easily so anaemia also has to be treated so take care of your nutrients properly take care to prevent all these things by doing these asanas regularly take care of yourself and you will be able to live your life very healthily and very joyfully 


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