Tuesday 15 November 2022

Does Eating Rice Everyday Make You Gain or Lose Weight ? Everyday Health | Rice Facts

 many people around the world eat rice every day whether eating rice every day leads to increase in weight or not depends on the variety of rice and the quantity what is eating today we will discuss these two aspects first which is the best variety of rice for the weight management all over the world people generally eat white rice white rice is not only easy to cook but easy to eat also and it also has a longer shelf life unfortunately both the brand and the jobs which are the most nutritious part of the rice grain are removed from the white rice by polishing completely when it comes to nutrition brown rice or red rice is better than the white rice because they have intact whole grains brown rice has more fibers vitamins and minerals and it is also good for those who are suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases it improves digestion and lowers cholesterol eating brown rice

 May support weight management because the fibers makes one feel full and eat less red rice also has antioxidants and it is also good for weight management so you see from the varieties of rice available Brown and red rice are much more nutritious than white rice most of us know that the food which has high fiber content promote the feeling of fullness and indirectly support wage management now let us look at the second aspect how much rice to eat every day for weight loss experts say that the every gram of carbohydrate 

we consume your body retains about 3 grams of water in order to store the fuel source so whenever you eat a very high carbohydrate food your body weight is likely to increase because of the water weight and not because of the increased fat actually rice does not directly cause weight gain if you eat a sensible serving of rice every day but if you eat plenty of rice in large plate or Bowl you may increase your calorie intake without even realizing it a cup of rice contains 200 calories and it is also a good source of carbohydrate a healthy person can have one cup rice along with different proteins and vegetables for a balanced diet as you know that in India and in other Asian countries rice is a staple food if rice is eaten with moderation along with a well-balanced diet it will never cause weight gain on the other hand if one overeats rice along with less nutritious diet it may leads to an increase in weight so you see everything depends on the serving size and what kind of food 

you eat along with the rice well now since we have looked at these two aspects of which rice to consume and how much you have to become just more aware as to when you would be eating rice it is not necessary to completely remove rice from your diet if you are overweight whichever variety of rice you choose to use try to eat less portion and use healthy cooking methods apart from your diet be mindful of your lifestyle choices focus on areas where change is required and energize yourself to make those changes 


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