Monday 7 November 2022

Vegetables, if cooked and consumed, you can absorb the full benefits

  Vegetables are the primary source of all essential micronutrients and antioxidants. Vegetables are the part of almost all Indian meals. We might think that we are consuming sufficient vegetables, but not necessarily you may absorb full benefits if you are cooking it and consuming it in the wrong way. here are some very major mistakes we do when we Cook the vegetables first. That is the vegetables in advance. That is, the vegetables barely in advance before cooking them or preparing them can lead to lots of nutrients because of the exposure to air and light. Exposing vegetables to the air can change its nutrients if it is export for a long time. 

There are 3 factors which can lead to nutrient loss. They are heat, oxygen and light. Naturally, the interior of vegetables are protected from light and oxygen, but when they are exposed, vitamins like A, C and E are effective. They are affected the most when they react with oxygen. Deceleration and dehydration are very common in some of the vegetables if they are cut in advance Have you ever wondered why cut potatoes or cut apples? They turn Brown? It is called enzymatic Browning. It is because of the reaction of enzymes with the atmoshere. The chain of reaction causes the release of Brown pigments and it is better to cut the vegetables just before cooking or very close to cooking or eating. Number two, Cutting out the good Part Sometimes we tend to chop out or Peel out the healthy part of the vegetable. Peels of certain vegetables are highly nutritious like brinjal, cucmber, potato, carrot and reddish boil potato with King can contact 1 75% more vitamin C, 115% more potassium, 111% more folate and 110% more magnesium and phosphorus than the peeled one. These peels are rich in antioxidants and fiber. Gems of certain vegetables are highly nutritious than the body of the vegetable myself.

 For example, stocks and stems of broccoli, cauliflower, glory and less that are healthy and rich in vitamins and minerals and help don't chop them out. But there are some vegetables like Yam. Better to reboot the skin. You can remove the skin of the vegetables if you are not comfortable by third eating Raw Vegetables Although eating raw vegetables has its own benefits, cooked vegetables contain higher benefits than raw cooking. The vegetables releases certain nutrients in vegetables, which become easily absorbable. In digestion. Cooked vegetables gives you more antioxidants in your body, such as lutein , which is very good for eyes and lycopene, which helps you protect your heart. And both. Cooking tomatoes will boost its lycopene content. Cooked vegetables can also give you more minerals Heating releases bound calcium, making more of the mineral available for the body to absorb. And the difference can be significant. A Cup of cooked spinach as nearly two and 45 milligram of Calcium ship, whereas the raw one raw spinach it has only 30 milligrams of catch. What I chose legume, carrot and green beans, etcetera. Multiplies their antioxidants when cooked. However, what type of cooking method you use is also important

. I would always suggest that open cooking is better than pressure cooking pressure cooker destroys the nutrients of the food. Studies show that pressure cooker destroyed quite a lot of antioxidants when cooked. I can understand because of our busy life, we need to quickly do the things and so the pressure Cook everything okay once in a while. It is fine, but don't make a habit to Cook regularly. Slow and open cooking are the best way to Cook the vegetables preferably see that the flame is slow or medium. Sorting and steaming are the best way to Cook the vegetables. Since there there is much less loss of nutrients. Raw food has its own benefits, but the cooked food is always safer and beneficial. Four. Incorrect method of Cutting The way we cut the vegetable plays a vital role to see that the nutritional value is retained and so see to it that you cut the vegetable with sharp knife and not with blunt knife. 

Blunt knife can definitely cause the damage to the nutrients and also increases the loss of electro lights and calcium from the vegetable. Using the sharp knife reduces the excessive growth of bacteria and also reduces the softening of the vegetable. And this leads to the left damage of the nutrients that I show that chopping the vegetable into smaller pieces will increase the risk of nutrient laws as compared to chopping into medium size of peace, smaller pieces and Arthur surface area and more exposure to air and water. And then it leads to nutrient loss after cut.

 If you really want to cut its wall, then better consume it very soon after you cut. Number five. Washing the vegetables after cutting it. Another this takes people do is washing the vegetables after cutting it. And such a practice can again lead to lots of nutrients. Water washes away minerals and vitamins from the vegetables, so never wash it after cutting. It is better to wash vegetables with cold water before cutting.

 Plain cold water can remove chemicals and pesticides from the surface. In this pandemic, people are using some wrong method of washing vegetables and this can cause severe health problems with half knowledge. People even use so vinegar and even bleak to wash the vegetables. This is totally wrong. These chemicals can affect your health very badly The best way is to wash with plain water.

 Please stick to that. Vegetables are the source of anti-inflammatory, antioxidants and the essential element and you can really keep you free from all diseases only see to it that you consume it in the right way and focus on vegetables to do things correctly and you will be healthy, happy and energetic Remember, vegetables have strength to keep you free from diseases only you have to Cook it in a right way. Remember and Cook well. 


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