Friday 4 November 2022

5 Best Natural Home Remedies For Tightening Your Skin


we know that youthful and firm skin regains its original smoothness after stretching but sometimes skin starts losing its elasticity and begins to Sag on the face this loosening of skin is usually observed on your cheeks throat chin and eyelids as you know loosening of skin is natural aspect of Aging however certain incorrect lifestyle habits may also cause skin to Sag prematurely the health of the skin depends on certain factors such as blood circulation nutrient regulation chemical reaction hormonal imbalances and moisture content today let us see some remedies for skin tightening our first remedy is a Face Pack made with herbs called kotokola or sensella asiatica these are the varieties of brahmi herbs this herb is known to delay the process of physical and mental aging 

it is well known for enhancing the production of collagen in the skin it can be used in a fresh or a powdered pot here is the method of preparing protocol Face Pack take one tablespoon full of Coca-Cola Leaf paste or powder with half tablespoon full of honey and half tablespoon of rose water apply it on your face and leave it for 30 minutes rinse off with water apply this pack once or twice a week our next remedy is an edible one it is salad it is easy to grow go to Cola in your garden take a handful of go to Cola leaves one tomato and one onion chop all these ingredients finally and mix them in a bowl add half cup of freshly scrapped coconut juice of half a lemon and a little salt mix well and serve fresh to gain maximum benefit the third remedy for skin tightening is aloe vera face mask 

aloe vera is one of the best remedy to regain its Skin's firmness take half tablespoon fresh aloe vera gel and mix it with 1 teaspoon honey massage it in a circular manner on your face and neck region leave it to dry for 15 to 20 minutes rinse it up with lukewarm water use this mask three times a week another Face Pack is multani mitti Face Pack improves blood circulation cleans and forms up your skin and the skin becomes radiant to make the Face Pack take one tablespoon full of multani mitti add 1 tbsp raw milk and mix well to form a smooth paste apply this evenly on your face and neck allow it to dry for 20 minutes rinse off gently with water pat dry and apply a natural moisturizer like pure cow's ghee this pack should be used once a week our fifth remedy is a good old oil massage to retain the elasticity and firmness of your skin it is best to use coconut oil or olive oil take one tablespoon full of oil and warm it slightly massage this gently on your face and neck for 5-10 minutes with your fingertips on the face dip a clean cotton cloth or towel in a lukewarm water and wipe off the excess oil this massage can be enjoyed once a week when you get time to relax your body

 and mind in addition to all these five remedies the best way to prevent and restore the sagging skin is to make healthy lifestyle choices you may make changes in your diets get enough fresh air and exercise and keep your mindful love positivity learning and practicing yogic technique like Anita bhavana will also help you to accept the changes in your life as the years pass by so become stronger wiser a better human and be responsible that you should take care of yourself right 


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