Thursday 24 November 2022

7 Warning Signs Of Balding In Men


listen up! With summer in full swing, you want to look your best, right? Well, not everybody has that luxury. If you’re like me, you’ve probably experienced some hair loss already. Realizing you’re losing hair is enough for your confidence to completely disappear. There are more signs than you think. Let’s talk about a few of them today. Are you thinning up top? Is your hair coming out in clumps? Are there any solutions? We’re talking about all that AND more, so stay tuned…  You're finding hair in your bed.

 You wake up in the morning ready to hit the day. After turning your bedroom lights on, you notice long strands of hair blanketing your pillow. For some, this will make your heart stop. For others, it’s just a normal day. For men who are balding, finding hair on the pillow is an everyday thing. It starts out with just a couple, but then turns into dozens. Soon enough, you’ll start noticing your head looking a lot– “emptier”. The average person has about 100,000 hair follicles on their head. Each of these hair follicles will eventually fall out. The thing is, for a normal scalp, the follicles are supposed to be replaced. This is known as alopecia, where you begin losing hair on your scalp. This can be either temporary or permanent. For guys, most of their hair loss comes from-male pattern baldness. It can also be brought on by certain medications and a lack of nutrients. The age of when you lose hair varies from person to person. It all depends on your lifestyle and genetics. Almost half of men will experience some form of hair loss before the age of 50. About 25% of bald men report some hair loss by the age of 21. One of the most common early signs of hair loss is finding hair in your bed. So if you’re one of these people noticing this, it’s best to talk to a doctor and figure out the next move.  Hair in the shower. This is one of the more unpleasant ways to find out you’re balding. A shower is supposed to be a pleasant moment. Not only are you getting clean, you’re also able to relax. The last thing you need is to find out you’re balding.

 Well, there’s a specific reason this happens. Let’s talk for a second about telogen effluvium. This is different from alopecia. Telogen effluvium is hair loss that happens after a stressful or shocking event. When the water hits your scalp, the pressure causes a lot of hair to come out. This is why you see clumps of hair by the drain. If something in your life is stressing you out, the water pressure causes loose follicles to fall from your head. The higher your stress levels, the more hair you’re going to lose. Before you jump to this conclusion, you should probably consider a couple other factors. Your hair could fall out in the shower simply because it’s too thick. If there’s too many hair follicles on your scalp, the water is going to push the old ones out. When you take a shower, it stimulates your hair follicles. If they don’t fall out then, they will probably fall out the next shower you take. It’s almost as if the water gives your hair a little push. Brushing or combing your hair can also contribute to this. Because of the pressure you’re putting on your scalp, the water will finally push all those loose hairs off your head. If you’re losing way too much hair, and you’re not feeling mentally stressed, you may want to talk to a doctor and figure out why. Another cause may simply be alopecia, but you want to be sure. 

 The top of your head is looking a little lighter. For those of you with thick heads of hair, spotting a bald patch might make you want to stay indoors for the rest of your life. A bald spot on the top of your head is a sign of gradual thinning. It’s one of the most common signs of male pattern baldness. It usually starts at your hairline. Many of us guys have had our barbers point this out during a haircut. When this happens, we’re tempted to give in and tell them to shave it all off. As time goes by, your head will gradually grow thinner until there’s basically nothing there. Luckily, there are ways to prevent this. One of the things you can do to give your hair a fighting chance is to eat more protein. You see, your hair is already made up of a protein called keratin. When your hair falls out, the follicles probably aren’t getting the protein they need. Eating foods like streak, eggs and beans can give your hair the protein boost it needs. If you’re focusing on your diet to grow your hair back, you’ll also want to stock up on nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and C, zinc and iron. Let’s keep things moving. 

 You’re seeing bald patches. Sometimes, your hair doesn’t just fall out in one place. It’s often multiple places. Some of them can be small, while others are actually pretty big. This type of hair loss is usually accompanied by itchiness and skin discomfort. When you find these bald patches, it’s usually a sign of alopecia. Now, before you start panicking, it’s often just a mild case. This means the patches are no bigger than a small coin. It usually takes less than a year for the hair to grow back. If it takes longer, you’re going to want to see a doctor. The skin shown in these patches will be smooth, meaning there’s little to no protection from the elements. Skin patches are more likely to suffer really bad sunburns.  You’re losing hair on other parts of your body. This can be a big cause for concern. When you’re noticing hair loss all over your body, there’s normally a medical condition that goes along with it. If you’re losing hair on your arms and legs, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve got a skin condition. Conditions like dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis will cause your body hair to fall off. These kinds of skin conditions are caused by a problem with your body’s cells. Things like psoriasis happen when your immune cells start to attack your skin. Once the skin becomes too weak, the follicles fall out.

 In very rare cases, the loss of body hair is caused by alopecia. You’re much more likely to lose the hair on your head.  You’ve got a brush full of hair. Just imagine you’re getting ready to go out for the night. You’re excited for this night on the town, and you want to style your hair quickly. While running a fresh comb through your hair, you notice not one, not two, but dozens of hair follicles come out on the other end. You take another stroke, and even more hair comes out. For a lot of guys who are into their hair, this sight could mean the “beginning of the end”. Thankfully, it’s not. It’s normal to have a little bit of hair in your brush. But much like the shower, if you’re noticing massive clumps coming out with every stroke, there’s a good chance you’re going bald. This is yet another symptom of telogen effluvium. Your stressful lifestyle is loosening your follicles. What’s freaky about stress-induced hair loss is that it happens a while after the traumatic event has occurred. This can be anywhere between 3 to 6 months. As a result, it’s hard to determine whether or not it's stress causing you to lose hair. With telogen effluvium, it’s normal for your hair to grow back, but that won’t happen for a few months. The next time you run your comb through your scalp and find a thick ball of hair, try and assess your lifestyle. This will help you figure out if it’s stress behind the hair loss, or male-pattern balding. (Pause) Your hairline is receding. For men, a receding hairline is one of our worst fears. It’s one of the first real signs of getting older. A receding hairline will happen when you’re experiencing male-pattern balding.

 The hair at the front of your scalp will get thinner, to the point where the scalp is visible. Overtime, your hairline will gradually move back. It will often make your forehead look much bigger. At the same time, it’s pretty normal to see your hair thinning in the back as well. Eventually, the hairline will form a ring shape at the top of your scalp. For a lot of guys, their hairline can start receding as soon as puberty ends. If you haven’t started going by then, you’re likely going to be missing some hair by the time you’re 30. If you do notice a little bit of hair going, try fixing up your diet first. You can also try a few products from your local drugstore. Just be sure to talk to a doctor about it first. Most of them only work if you have a history of male-pattern baldness in your family. (Pause) Losing your hair is obviously pretty scary. Luckily for you, there are so many ways to prevent it, or at least try to. Care to learn more? Let’s keep the conversation going with a couple more hair-related videos, shall we? Here’s what you need to know… Check out 13 Proven Ways To Get Thicker Hair In Just 30 Days. Or how about 14 Essential Nutrients You Need For Hair Growth? 


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