Friday 4 November 2022

Why You Should Never Sit Or Sleep Under A Fan | Body Health Tips | Sleep Better


sleeping or sitting right under the fan circulating at high speed is not at all good for your health most of us sit or sleep under a fan which is at a high speed such practice can cause a lot of problem always try to sit or sleep not directly under the fan but try and keep yourself little away from fat and that too low or medium speed today let us see four reasons why we should not sit or sleep right under the fan and that to running to its full speed first fans cause sore throat if you sleep with a fan blowing on your face all night your sinuses may get Disturbed for people who keep their mouth open during sleep their throat becomes dry when the air goes on such dry membrane of the throat they are irritated and this results in a sore throat this can also cause inflammation and enlargement of uvula which is at the back of the mouth patients have reported that their coughing goes worst any air flows on their face at night so it is best to avoid sleeping under a running fan if you have an existing cough the second reason is fans cause overproduction of mucus your skin mouth and the nasal passages become dry if you sleep under the circulating air of the fat if the nasal passage becomes too dry the body produces more mucus and you may wake up with a stuffy nose and a headache in the body the third reason is fans cause muscle cramping when you sleep under a fan the concentrated flow of air leads to stiff muscles the muscles 

become sore too stiff necks are very common among the people who sleep under the fan where the air is blowing directly on the face those who have an existing muscular pain will find that it becomes worse with the constant flow of air that it's their body fourth reason is fans aggravate allergies if you suffer from any dust allergy your condition may become worse because fat blades accumulate dust and these particles fly around the room when you turn it on and it dust particle in the room also circulates along with the fan and inhaling this Dusty air can cause sneezing itchy throat water the eyes breathing difficulties and headaches now we all know that many people use fan to stay cool and that too in hot weather condition to get rid of mosquitoes or to sleep peacefully

 with the comforting white noise in the background this white noise is a constant sound and the fan makes that dulls all other distracting noises like traffic or slamming doors it is generally believed that ceiling fans are cooling devices but in fact they actually warm up the room by increasing Heat this is so because turning on the fan cut words electrical energy into a mechanical energy which is mostly heat that moves in the cooler part of the room you must have noticed that fans cool your body only when they directly move air over your skin so if the moving air is not touching person's skin then the running fan is just making the space warmer there are other ways to make you feel comfortable without using fan for example maintain a good bedtime routine where soft comfortable pure cotton clothes scrip your beds and windows with mosquito Nets and sleep in natural fresh air blowing through the window take a refreshing shower and apply a sandalwood paste to cool down your body allow sweat to cool down your body a and don't wipe it away spray rose water in the room and keep bowls of water 

around the house avoid spicy and pungent food drink plenty of water and drink some refreshing cooling drinks learn and practice schooling pranayama like Chandra bhedan sheetali and sitkari stay connected with nature by walking barefoot for at least 15 minutes in a day keep some indoor plants in the house leave the windows and door open during the day to allow the air circulate freely if the house is Roofing and flooring is made from natural materials the interior would be comfortably cool even in summer practicing yoga daily provides you with the strength to overcome physical discomforts such as heat and cold there are excellent meditation and pranayam techniques that would give you good amount of relief but remember keep the fan off when you are practicing your awesome and pranayama 


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