Wednesday 2 November 2022

How to Grow Your Hair with Rice Water | Grow Hair with Rice Water Naturally at Home & See the Result

 the starch water after cooking rice is usually left over and it is thrown away by people but do you know that starch water when used in the right way can make your hair smoother stronger and shiny yes today i'll tell you how to use starch water the right way for your hair you can make starch water in three different ways first soak the uncooked rice in water for 30 minutes 

and then drain the rice and collect that water in a mug this is one way second you can also boil the rice and then collect the starch water third ferment the cooked rice by soaking it in the water that also for two days and then drain the rice these are three ways to use starch water and you can use any of these ways for your hair care now next step is how to use this water first wash your hair with gentle shampoo and rinse it thoroughly second apply this rice water on your hair from root till the end third massage the hair properly fourth leave it for 20 minutes and rinse this with water and i am sure you will notice considerable improvement on the quality of your hair now let's understand how this simple starch water works on our hair number 

one rice water has amino acid which helps regenerating hair it has vitamin b c and e which helps in hair growth second moisture can be beneficial for air but too much moisture can be harmful thus protein in rice water balances the moisture in the hair third rice water reduces the surface friction of the hair and increases air elasticity the inositol in the rice water increases the strength of air the starchy element of rice water brings luster to your hair the logs become soft which promotes detangling of the hair starch water looks simple but it holds essential elements which can really enhance your hair quality but there is one question hairs with low porosity

 should limit their use of rice water because the protein gets attached to the hair instead of getting absorbed and this makes it unmanageable so now i am sure you have understood that instead of throwing rice water away use it and get a healthy silky lustrous hair so take charge do the needful and you will have a lovely hair so have a good hair day 


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